Watching diet whilst on duromine

thross Posts: 1
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself

I am currently using my fitness pal to record what I am eating. I am also taking duromine 15mg. Anyone else taking duromine to help with weight loss?


  • I just started Duromine 30mg, this is my 3rd day. I didn't notice much the first day although I didn't eat as much for dinner as I would usually but yesterday which was my day off work I felt so drugged up. I barely had energy just felt really weird, today I was a little worried to go to work considering how bad I felt yesterday but luckily I felt fine, definitely alot more energy, haven't had any sweet cravings but still get hungry although definitely eating less. Now I'll just wait to see if I do shred any kilo's. What about yourself ??
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