Brand New Me...

Today I'm officially amping up my efforts to lose that last ten pounds and improve my athletic performance (running harder, running longer). SO, WW meeting this morning, making healthy food choices, NO alcohol for 30 days, increase activity....and multivitamins.
I will be taking pics this weekend, so I can post my before/after....
I'm so excited!


  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Go for it. I wish I had your zest... send some my way lol x
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    good on you!!! :) yeah any spare zest!! i'll have some too!!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    You can do it Mary!!
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    Hey Mary, I think it's important to focus on nutrient per calorie. Our bodies can be starving for nutrients, thus making us hungry and eating more calorie. But if we don't get those nutrients by eating junky foods, our bodies will continue to starve for nutrients and we will continue to be hungry. I think that if you focus on fresh vegatables and fruit, maintaining a healthy calorie deficit, while feeding your body the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it needs, you will find the success you are searching for in losing those last pounds. I like to recommend a website called, its excellent at giving examples of why we need good food. By the way thanks for the support. :)