Hitting somewhat of a Plateau...any advice?


I started MFP @ 203 lbs (I'm 6'1) back in August. I've had amazing success with it and I feel better than I have in years!

I've been using the goal of "lose 1.5 lb per week" and a Sedentary lifestyle. Up until 2 weeks ago that had my net calorie goal at 1640. To my surprise, for about a month or so, I was losing between 2-3 lbs per week on this track! I was loving it and unfortunately getting used to it.

After I dropped 10 lbs, MFP took off 70 calories from my net goal. That's what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks and I've only been losing 1 lb per week.

I know I shouldn't complain too much. I'm down to 184, the lowest weight I've been in my adult life!!!! However it does feel a bit like a plateau compared to what I was doing.

My workouts: 3-4 times a week. I alternate days of upper/lower body weights and follow each with 15 minute treadmill Intervals. Approx 60 minutes per workout. I really keep the intensity up and try to burn between 500-700 calories per session. I walk my dog for 30-40 minutes a day. And I always eat back most if not all of my workout calories.

I've opened up my diary and wondering if anyone might have some advice. Are my calories too low? I've heard about this Zig-Zag thing, but not sure if that would work for me. Should I just be thankful for the 1 lb per week progress and shut it....LOL.

Appreciate any advice you all might have! :smile:


  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    Try reducing you carb some for a while (like 30-50 g?). That will get your body to burn more fat instead of the carbs you are eating. Replace calories with veggies and lean meats.
  • Bluejay789
    I hit a plateau also in September. Try adding sodium to your food diary to see if you are going over the intake amount. Sodium can cause you to retain 2-3 pounds in water weight. There are a couple of posts on sodium retention and weight gain on MFP if you want to view them. That's where I found that I was way over my sodium intake and I stopped using my Sea Salt shaker at lunch and dinner.

    Also with all your working out have you measured yourself?

    You might be in a stage where you are building muscle.

    When I hit my plateau in September, I measured myself and during the three week plateau, I was not dropping the normal 1-2 pounds but I was losing inches.... after three weeks the weight starting dropping again but only one pound.

    Keep doing what you are doing as this is only a plateau. Congratulations on your weight loss success!
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    Try cutting out the processed foods which are high in carbs and sodium. Eat "cleaner" foods and check out Mark Sisson's website, Mark's Daily Apple.

  • deedub113
    deedub113 Posts: 9 Member
    Try reducing you carb some for a while (like 30-50 g?). That will get your body to burn more fat instead of the carbs you are eating. Replace calories with veggies and lean meats.

    Thank you for the tip. I do love my carbs....going to be tough, but I'll try and reduce :smile:
  • deedub113
    deedub113 Posts: 9 Member
    I hit a plateau also in September. Try adding sodium to your food diary to see if you are going over the intake amount. Sodium can cause you to retain 2-3 pounds in water weight. There are a couple of posts on sodium retention and weight gain on MFP if you want to view them. That's where I found that I was way over my sodium intake and I stopped using my Sea Salt shaker at lunch and dinner.

    Also with all your working out have you measured yourself?

    You might be in a stage where you are building muscle.

    When I hit my plateau in September, I measured myself and during the three week plateau, I was not dropping the normal 1-2 pounds but I was losing inches.... after three weeks the weight starting dropping again but only one pound.

    Keep doing what you are doing as this is only a plateau. Congratulations on your weight loss success!

    Thanks for the support!

    Re: Sodium, I added Sodium intake and it seems to be in line. I have my days where I go over, but not too much.

    Re: Measuring, I haven't really done it although I know I have lost inches. I feel like I might not do it right. My clothes are loose. 2 suits I bought in March feel like tents, I'm on the last notch on my belts and my watch just started sliding up and down my wrist!

    I'm going to keep plugging away, adjust my carb level most likely and hope for the best. I hate to complain about 1lb per week, but when you're keeping the intensity the same on the workouts and seeing a 50% drop in the loss amounts, it's tough!!
  • deedub113
    deedub113 Posts: 9 Member
    Try cutting out the processed foods which are high in carbs and sodium. Eat "cleaner" foods and check out Mark Sisson's website, Mark's Daily Apple.


    Thanks for the site link! I'll check it out!
  • bell33usx2
    bell33usx2 Posts: 77 Member
    I've been struggling with my plateau the last 3 weeks. The scale had not moved until this morning. I do know that I lost an inch total through that plateau. I've been changing different things to see what may/may not make a difference and to be honest, the only thing that I really know is that I ate McDonald's a couple days ago and all of a sudden I'm down 2 pounds. :-/ I'm thinking I need to relook my carbs and calories!