Helloo Everyone! Newbie from Australia. Anyone else have a w


I'm a 24yo from Australia. Looking to chat with other members who have similar weight loss goals as me!
That being 50kg/110lbs or more! More than happy to talk to anyone else as well though! :heart:

Hit me up! =)


  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi morgieohl, welcome to MFP from a fellow Aussie, you will love this site and it is terrific and the people are lovely
  • kirakaydawn
    Hey fellow aussie!!
    rAdelaidian here.. :P
  • tlhpruitt
    tlhpruitt Posts: 18 Member
    I'm new to MFP also. I have lost over 100 pounds so far and I'm down to the lat 16. I was looking for a site that I could track my daily food as I transition and maintain my weight loss. This looks like a great site with much support. Glad to be here.
  • Lozzy_86
    Fellow Aussie from Newcastle :)
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Also an Aussie :) Add me if you like!
  • Joj43
    Joj43 Posts: 54
    Hi! Fellow Aussie from Bendigo Victoria. Happy for you to add me. BTW you do not look like you need to loose 50kgs :noway:
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    welcome to MFP, I'm on a 100lb loss journey myself. Is that like 50 kilo more or less?
    Regardless, the site and the people are great.
  • odettedancing
    odettedancing Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not so new at this but i also don't have any friends on MFP , would love to have some support on here....I was on holidays for one week last month and totally blew my calorie intake and struggling to get back to 1200 calories, im finding that im tired and grumpy this week. Im 158cm tall @ 67kg would like to loose 10kg. Please be my friends would love a little support group.