Those who have lost weight, how do you set goals?

I have decided many times that I was going to lose weight, but then it never happens. I see a pattern with those who are successful that they set goals and stick to it. They set short term and long term goals.

Those of you who have done this, please coach me. How do I set a goal to lose weight and how do I *remember* to follow through with it? Do you write it somewhere? How do you stay motivated to attend to it day in and day out? How do you break it down so that it really works?



  • jlowensby
    jlowensby Posts: 142
    I set a Final Goal Weight...then for the in-betweens I give myself lil rewards. For my first 10 lbs lost I allowed myself to buy some workout clothes from my favorite sportwear mag...then for the 15 lingerie..and so forth, just getting to these goals and allowing myself something I would never do keeps me motivated. Do I slip? Yes..just makes me work harder! You can do it, just realize it will take time, it will not be overnight...and probably not even a month! I do not reward myself with food though..Makes no sense to me to do that.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I set mini goals for myself, on here, I've set my goal weight at 10% less than my start weight, then once I hit that goal, I'll change it to the next 10%. For me it seems more obtainable to say i want to lose 28 pounds than to say I want to lose 143 pounds (what it would take to get me to a 24 (normal) bmi).
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I just reevaluated my weight goals yesterday. I'm a short term gal, so I went holidays to holidays since there is about one a month. I'm going now until Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then MLK, Jr., then Presidents' Day ... you get the picture.

    I'm restricted from exercising for a few weeks, but once the doc clears me I'll focus on the next half marathon to keep me motivated. I told him at today's therapy session I'm going to pay for FL and LA and do both halves over MLK, Jr. weekend, so he better hurry up and fix what's wrong! :wink:
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    Just think about the reasons why you want to lose weight. For me being healthy and fit were top of the list...

    I try to set constant fitness goals ie: Conquering the elliptical for an entire 20minutes. Being able to run for 5 minutes straight on the treadmill.

    Increasing time and intensity of workouts. ie: Today I work out for 20 minutes tomorrow it'll be 22 minutes.

    Create exercise challenges. ie: Completing a work out tape like 30 day shred.

    DON'T REWARD YOURSELF WITH CHEAT DAYS OR FOOD when you reach your goals :blushing:

    Good luck to you :heart:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've lost nearly 50 pounds over the last 8 months. I didn't set mini goals and in the beginning, I didn't even set an end goal. My "secret" is that I decided to diary every piece of food that I put in my mouth - and I mean everything even if I overate by 1000 calories. I decided that I was only hurting myself if I "hid" what I had eaten by not logging it.

    I learned portion control and I eliminated (for the most part) the chips, candies and other high-fat foods. I went on the internet and looked up healthy recipes and stopped eating out as much. For me, it was the change in my eating habits that did the trick.

    Good luck to you!!
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    Personally, I set myself a final goal, then I set small ones. I had to because I had so much to lose that looking at the big picture was overwhelming, so I set 25 lb goals. I reward myself with things like facials, pedicures, clothes... Never Food! I have a lot of people watching me which motivates me to keep going. But honestly, I just want it so bad this time I would never think to stop. I've learn great life lessons along the way like you can mess up one day and get back to it the next. I have can't even imagine eating like I used to.. Have to really push yourself at first till you create a new habit. Also VERY important... Change your self talk to be positive!!!! Tell yourself you can... NEVER you can't!!! I hope this helps!
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    I have pictures of my bridesmaids dress posted in my room and bathroom (even on my scale!) and as my phone's background. I see it every morning when I wake up, when I go to sleep, and every time I open my phone. It helps me remember my long-term goal.

    As for short term, I set the date in my phone, and every 5 or 10 days I'll create an event as a reminder of how many days I have left or how long I've been at it. My recent goal is to avoid eating chocolate, candy and drinking soda. My phone told me yesterday that I've been at it for 15 days! I also set goals to weigh so much by a certain date. Like mine is 200 lbs by Halloween, and I'm 8.8 from it! Even if I don't hit 200 by then, I'll still be happy with my progress and how close I am.

    It's as much mental as it is physical. You have to want to obtain these goals and keep a positive attitude. If you're thinking, "I'm not going to loose any weight this week, I'm going to see a gain on my weigh-in", chances are you will. This site definitely has some amazing and motivational people that will cheer you on every step of the way! :happy:
    Good luck with your goals!! :flowerforyou:
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I have an ultimate reward of a new wardrobe - I have lots of mini goals on the way there and rewards for each one. I give myself some money each time I resist a temptation and I save that up to spend on my rewards. I also have a half way goal too. My ticker is set to my halfway goal at the moment.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    My first goal was to not gain anymore weight/go up another pant size. Then I wanted to see how difficult it would be to lose just 5 lbs, turns out 5lbs isn't that hard to lose! It took me about two months to really lose that 5lbs with minimal effort -mostly by not eating candy/ice cream and by not drinking soda.

    After that I was hooked on losing and found it easier to make the diet changes I needed to lose more weight. I still focus on 5lbs at a time, and reward myself when I do that - usually with new clothes or a new kitchen item, my last reward was a salad spinner and the one before that was new pants (in a new, smaller size!). My next reward will be a new cocktail dress. My reward for getting down to my long-term goal weight will be a new tattoo, something that might not work for everyone but is really motivating for me.

    My boyfriend recently promised to take me to the bath house every time I lose 5lbs, so that's a real motivator as well!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I try to make my goals associated with times in my life that I was happiest at certain weights, so that I'm revisiting something "good" on my way down the scale. My first goal is the weight I was when I finally got pregnant after two years of fertility treatments. My second goal is the weight I was in 2006 when I was learning to run and do weights. The next goal is the weight I was when I started my PhD program. And so on. Ultimately it's not about the number, but feeling fitter, stronger, and more comfortable in my own body.

    And I completely agree with what Sue said about logging EVERYTHING. If I feel shame or that I'm hiding what I eat, then I get in trouble. Honesty keeps me accountable!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409

    My "secret" is that I decided to diary every piece of food that I put in my mouth - and I mean everything even if I overate by 1000 calories. I decided that I was only hurting myself if I "hid" what I had eaten by not logging it.

    ... well said.
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    I've lost nearly 50 pounds over the last 8 months. I didn't set mini goals and in the beginning, I didn't even set an end goal. My "secret" is that I decided to diary every piece of food that I put in my mouth - and I mean everything even if I overate by 1000 calories. I decided that I was only hurting myself if I "hid" what I had eaten by not logging it.

    I learned portion control and I eliminated (for the most part) the chips, candies and other high-fat foods. I went on the internet and looked up healthy recipes and stopped eating out as much. For me, it was the change in my eating habits that did the trick.

    Good luck to you!!

    Accountability!!! Make it so you can't lie to yourself or live in denial.

    I keep a list of reasons I want to quit smoking on the fridge, in my car, my purse, ect. Anywhere where i would want to smoke. You could do the same, only reasons you want to lose weight.

    Visualization- work out, eat healthy and visualize yourself being healthy and fit!

    Get help!!! Talk to some professionals, a trainer, a nutritionist, your doctor, get lots of help.

    Oh ya, be accountable. And if you screw up, just keep swimming.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I agree with all the advice you have received. I've lost 92 pounds over 22 months and I set mini goals along the way. Then I set smaller goals to help me meet those goals like workout 5 days a week, or walk 30 minutes a day, or drink at least 8 glasses of water, get 7 hours of sleep, etc. Although they are smaller goals, the payoff is big because you feel good when you accomplish them and they get you closer to the BIG GOAL!
  • amberdaniels
    I usually do size at the same time as weight. I will set a goal of 5 lbs...once I reach that I set another. I also put something up that I really want to wear, as a visual reminder, and loose till I get to fit into it. Right now I am working on a size 12. I have a cute skirt that I really want to wear before thanksgiving, so it is hanging up on the door to the bathroom. I look at it daily as a reminder that I really want this. It has work awesome for me. I do have a long term goal. I want to be between 145 to 155 lbs...we will see what it is that I am more comfortable with once I get there. :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My initial goal had nothing at all to do with weight. I was more or less ok with how I looked and knew my husband found me attractive, but I knew I wasn't very fit. I failed at so many weight loss attempts, I didn't think I could lose weight and just decided, "This must be my body's happy weight."

    But I wanted to be fit enough to run a 5k. I thought, "I don't care what the BMI chart says. If I can run 3.1 miles, I'm healthy and that's all that counts." So I started training with the Couch to 5K running plan. And while I started training, the weight started dropping. I realized that regular exercise was my missing link. I wasn't eating all that badly, just not moving enough. And the time I did try dieting, I cut my calories TOO much. So eating well and moving a lot worked for me.

    Plus, with the ultimate goal of being able to run, even during weeks the scale didn't budge, I didn't care. I was getting faster, stronger and able to run further. By the time I could run a 5k, I loved the way running felt and was addicted to the rush of running races. I started training for a 10k, and after it was postponed a few times, finally ran it a few weeks ago.

    Now, I've reached my weight loss goals and then some. I never, ever thought I'd be this slim again. I can even get into clothes I wore in high school! That's motivation in itself, but now that I've caught the running bug, my goal is to keep getting faster. I've won a few awards, but I want a trophy. I've already shaved four and a half minutes off my 5k running time since March. If I can shave a few more off, I might be able to win a race! And even if I don't win anything, I'm still competing against myself and constantly bettering myself.

    So that's what I'd suggest. Find something that has nothing to do with the scale or your clothing size, and have that be your goal. Doesn't matter if it's "I'm going to run a race," or "I'm going to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred for 30 days straight," or "I'm going to get to the gym at least 4 days every week." Challenge yourself and stick with it. If you stick with the fitness goals, the weight loss goals will fall into place.
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    It really depends on how much you have to lose.
    Also, if you're really unmotivated (and thats not a bad thing), giving yourself a reward for each time you hit whatever mini goal you pick is REALLY motivating. Like, for example, once you lose a certain amount of inches, you're going to get a pedicure. Or a cute new hair cut. Or you're going to spend 50 dollars on new clothes. Or even that you get to indulge in your favorite dessert.
    Mini goals are all SO different depending on the person.

    I have to make mine 5 pounds because I'm so unmotivated and I get overwhelmed. I also make inches goals "to be under such and such a waist measurement" etc in between my various mini goals. And I give myself rewards for every few mini goals.

    Mini goal ideas:
    -small amounts of pounds on your way to the main loss number
    -inches (inches lost, inches measurements, etc.)
    -important weights for your body (for example, a common mini goal is to finally be back in a healthy weight range, or an overweight range as opposed to obese.)
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I make sure to log in every day--as much as I can. When I feel myself start to veer off course, jumping onto MFP really helps. Lots of support here. Also, logging everything I eat--even the binges--and using the notes section in my diary. I think it helps me to analyze why I eat, and how I feel after I eat.

    I try to have a regular routine--for breakfast and then a workout at least--I'm working on lunch. I have pretty much the same thing in the morning so I go on auto-pilot and don't leave room for imagination. That helps me not to start out eating the wrong thing, and derailing my day.

    I make sure to exercise at least 5 days a week--even if it's only going for a walk. I log it in and it helps offset any time I go over my intake.

    I allow a couple days to go over--partly so I don't feel deprived, and partly so my metabolism doesn't get stuck. (Check out Zig-Zag dieting--I don't exactly do this, but eating more--within reason--on the weekends is what I do. So far it's working.)

    Water--lots of it! I never knew how much it mattered, but it really helps the weight come off. Plus it lubricates your joints, flushes toxins, and makes exercise easier.

    ONE DAY AT A TIME. I have to go day by day or I get overwhelmed. I know I'm setting myself up for failure if I try to plan out each day before it happens, so I log in as I eat, as I exercise, as I have temptations, etc. I've never had the self control to monitor myself constantly--so I let MFP do it for me.

    I also have an indoor option for exercising if the weather is too bad to get outside. This has helped a bunch. I get Netflix instant watch and figure if I can spend time watching, I can spend time exercising.

    Additionally, use a measuring tape! When the scale doesn't show progress, the tape measure will.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Personally for me I have only set one goal...and thats what I am doing now, I have made a lifestyle change. I will always strive to eat healthy and get exercise on a regular basis. This is now my life :smile:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I set my first mini goal and and ultimate goal and then broke down the mini goal,into smallet goals so I could see some progress. I akso entered into some challenges to see if I could actually succeed. I try to challenge myself and try to win.

    As for the secret to success.....being honest with myself and tracking everything that goes in my mouth. This is the first time I'm being intentional about taking control of my life and being healthy. I consistently log in here daily, plan my meals for the whole day at the beginning so I know how to space out my food with exercise calories, and try not to get discouraged.when I gain some weight from TOM or starting to exercise.

    The support on here is amazing as well!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    My goal is simple... get fit by 50 :happy:

    When I started on MFP my goal was to loose 14-20lbs before my friends' wedding so that I would fit comfortably into my kilt. I wasn't really thinking long-term goals back then... he laughs as it was only 11 weeks ago!

    Since then, once I'd seen what I could achieve by following a very simple plan... eat less, move more! ...I have reassessed my goals.

    By the end of this year I want to be 95kg (209lbs). I will hopefully be well on my way to a 40" waist jeans and between XL and XXL in shirts.

    Then in January 2012, I'm going to slow things down a tad by moving on to maintenance Calories for my ultimate goal weight of 65kg (143kg). That should give me around 1850kc a day or 12,950kc a week to play with. By doing this I should then be on track for my Fit for 50 plan at the end of 2014.

    Ideally I don't want to lose more than 1lb a week through out the next year and half as I need to make sure my body shrinks with me and doesn't leave me with too much saggy skin. I think that would be worse than being fat. :sad:

    I should hopefully achieve my ultimate goal at least a year earlier than my 50th birthday, but have also factored some maintenance periods into the schedule to ensure I can live with the life long-programme. But I have also factored some realistic lifestyle goals into the program.

    If I can maintain at 75kg (165lbs) and can fit comfortably into 34" waist and size L shirt, then I shall be very happy. But if I can do better, then that will be a bonus.

    My motivation if any is really being able to look better in smaller clothes sizes and to feel fitter and flatter on the tummy :happy:

    But yes, 95kg and a 40" waist by Xmas would be lovely