Gone off the rails today

Cant believe how many calories ive had today. Ive done really well for me all week until today. I have come down with a dreadful cold and all ive done is eat comfort food.

Im dosing myself up with lemsip so hopefully tomorrow I will feel bit better and be back on track.

Early night I think for me tonight.


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Take good care of yourself. Get back on track when you are feeling better.
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    We all have those days. And I don't think it's a bad thing... as long as they aren't too often. Just focus on getting better and try to make it the healthy kind of comfort food. You'll be feeling better and back on track on no time!
  • fixeruppper
    fixeruppper Posts: 105 Member
    Just tell yourself that it's o.k. to go off the rails but that doesn't mean that you're giving up. We get scared, panicky and start beating ourselves up when we go off the tracks which doesn't work. Then we have an excuse to start eating everything in site. It's impossible (for most of us) to not have bad days now and again. Realize this is the case and DO NOT beat yourself up. Stay positive and keep recording everything you eat. Good luck.
  • surveying
    surveying Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for your replies.

    Im determined this set back will not hold me back. Tomorrow is another day and I am planning to have lots of veg with my lunch. Im keeping fingers cross for a loss tomorrow.
  • johnallen12
    johnallen12 Posts: 46 Member
    This is a journey for the long haul. And in every journey, it's ok to take a rest as long as you get back on the road. The main thing is to make good habits more the rule, and the times we go back into bad habits a rarity.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Just tell yourself that it's o.k. to go off the rails but that doesn't mean that you're giving up. We get scared, panicky and start beating ourselves up when we go off the tracks which doesn't work. Then we have an excuse to start eating everything in site. It's impossible (for most of us) to not have bad days now and again. Realize this is the case and DO NOT beat yourself up. Stay positive and keep recording everything you eat. Good luck.
    ^^^ this ^^^

    Tomorrow is a new start. I determined a long time ago I will not wait til 1 Jan to make resolutions, but to do it daily !