Time for me to wake up!

Hi! I've been using MFP for just about 2 weeks. I found the forums a few days ago.

I'm a 43 yo single mom of 3 girls. On 10/11/11, I went to the doctor for the first time in a couple of years. I'd pretty much stayed the same during that time but knew I should do something about getting to a healthier weight. My mom has Type 2 diabetes. My grandmother had the same but didn't find out until she was in her late 80s a few years before she died. I know I am headed there, too, if I don't change! So, when the doctor, sweet little resident, said to chart my food for 2 weeks... well that was it! I am not into pen and paper charting so I looked for something online. I came across MFP and here I am!

I'm happy to be here and happier to be on the road to a healthier me!


  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    add me !! welcome !! you can do this !!!
  • flamegirl72
    flamegirl72 Posts: 143 Member
    Add me too if you like! The support on here is great! Welcome :)
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Good for you for having your waking up moment before something dire happened. Me? I'm such a numbskull I had to end up in the ER for me to realize I had to change. You can do this. You can turn most of everything around in your favor. Get a network of good people to support you and hold you up. Particularly in the beginning until this life style change becomes a genuine habit. Best of luck to you.
  • mjsohm
    mjsohm Posts: 40
    We have Type 2 in our family. We've been able to control it primarily through diet and excercise, so you can do it too! Add if you like.
  • MitchFletcher
    This is a wonderful site. If you just be sure to record each meal and stay within your limits. Exercise as much as possible and record your progress. You will get all of the support you need right here. add me as a friend and I will be in your corner. good luck.
    By the way, I hope to live as long as your grand, late 80s is amazing nowadays.
  • ivonna1
    ivonna1 Posts: 14
    i think your taking a wonderful step. Good luck to you and I pray that you will lose this weight so that you can become healthy and happy