so far to go

i have been working at this for several months now and have made a lot of progress but i still have a lot more to go. Even though i feel better and look better i woke up this morning with a huge case of the why bothers. If I can still somehow maintain the same rate of loss as i have been, about 4 lbs per week, which i hear is pretty much impossible, its still going to take me about 8 more months to get to my goal weight. I knew when i started out that it would take a long time to get where i wanted to be but every once in a while i just wonder if i'm going to be able to keep it up. And even if I get there will i be able to keep it off. I'm trying to do the loss at a reasonable pace which is just making to time seem even longer. When ive lost weight before ive always had the first month or two where I dropped 60+ lbs and that is a huge start, now im doing it a little at a time and I wonder if i'll have the patience to make it. Also, I really want those extra 60 lbs gone. Finally, will I be happy when the weight is gone? Probably not. Maybe less unhappy. I guess thats something, but is that enough to keep me going.


  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    If you are wondering why bother, maybe there is some merit to reducing your week by week deficit. (4 pounds a week is amazing by the way). Easing the pressure on yourself to exist in a state of deprivation (which is what calorie deficit is) is very likely to increase your ability to sustain your current behaviour....or at least, this did work incredibly well for me (I changed my settings from lose 1 pound per week to half a pound and, with the addition of a whole bunch of exercise, no longer feel the squeeze of being on a diet).

    Sure, you may not lose weight as quickly, but the losses will still happen and the chances of you giving up (and possibly reverting to old habits and gaining weight back) are greatly diminished.

    Hang in there, think about how your body is getting healthier (with good food choices and exercise), the appearance will follow :-)