


  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm going to become a zombie, and then rise in their ranks because of natural leadership abilities. Once I have organized my ranks, I will eat all your brains, because you have shared your plans with the future zombie leader.

    I think somebody's been playing too much plants vs zombies
  • dreamjo
    dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
    Love this topic!! Haha I was the same way. "OMG. Zombies! Must...Click..Now.."

    I was actually watching The Walking Dead last night and thought of this. I thought, I MUST get my butt in shape if I want to survive if this really happens. I was watching one of the characters that was heavier, run from them and they were so out of breath. As of right now, that would be me.

    Until I get in enough shape to run then, I would try to find a bow and arrow if this happened because that seems to be more useful than a gun :)
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Some of those people you are planning to run over will be families. With children. If you are thinking about this' realistically' then I doubt and hope that you are not that heartless.
    I think from your plan the biggest obstacle will be the owners of these places. Do you think they are just going to let you waltz in and hunker down? Or take their guns and ammo??

    Do what's necessary to ensure your survival and the survival of those you do care about. THAT should be rule #1.
    Just remember - the *kitten* in the movies that does stuff like this always dies in some horrible fashion. And the audience will be cheering. Seriously though if you are willing to run downliving non-zombie children in order to survive you dont really deserve to. And by you I dont mean any of YOU in particular. I would rather die than lose all of my humanity. Which really isnt that the underlying premise of the zombie theme?
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    still taking notes, all these brains will be mine.....mwhahahahahaha
  • Depends.

    Fast Zombies?
    If yes, cry a little bit that it's not fair, then:
    1) find guns, ammo, and a bow
    2) stock up on food and water and survival gear
    3) get fishing supplies,
    4) head for the ocean.
    5) Find a place to hole up (preferably a boat off shore) and stay put
    6) Become lonely and bored
    7) Still Bored
    8) Really bored!
    9) Come back on shore convinced that I should do something else because it's better than just waiting to die
    10) Get eaten, die thinking maybe staying on the boat was the better decision

    Slow Zombies?
    Jump for joy, then:
    1) Steps 1-4 from fast zombies
    2) Find a group of people to take shelter with
    3) Challenge their leader for control, win, and take over
    4) Become corrupt with power, start acting irrationally and not in the best interests of groups
    5) Do evil and unspeakable acts that result in the needless deaths of others in my search for more power
    6) Get betrayed by group due to my now evil nature
    7) Die getting eaten, thinking of the irony and how I probably shouldn't have been such a d*** to everyone
    I'm pretty sure zombies don't have to breathe, so water does not necessarily equal safe. But apparently you are prepared to die either way so I guess it doesn't really matter! Haha.
    But above and beyond ALL else:
  • I've definitely got my plan worked out with my husband. And again, can't share, because future Zombie-Leaders are reading!
    But, we are actually pretty serious about being prepared for this type of situation to arise. And I mean, seriously. I believe in zombies, I do! I do!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm pretty sure zombies don't have to breathe, so water does not necessarily equal safe. But apparently you are prepared to die either way so I guess it doesn't really matter! Haha.

    You are correct, however that wasn't my thinking at all. My thinking was that I grew up near the ocean, but now that I live in New York I can't afford to live near the beach anymore. If I'm going to go, I want to go with some ocean front real estate!

    Also although zombies don't have to breathe, I have yet to see a movie where they can swim (if Romero is reading this and his next flick has zombies doing butterfly I'm going to be pissed). I'm pretty decent at fishing, so between the escape vehicle, a big enough rain water collection system on said vehicle, and a potentially unlimited food supply, I like my chances at a survival attempt near the ocean over just about anywhere else.

    I'm also less likely to shoot Bill Murray if I'm not driving around Beverly Hills.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I'd probably end up taking the easy way out.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Go run this for training:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Go run this for training:

    oh, i've know about this. if i wasn't working this past weekend and if it wasn't in MD i would've done it. hopefully they do one in the tristate area next year.
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member
    Go run this for training:

    oh, i've know about this. if i wasn't working this past weekend and if it wasn't in MD i would've done it. hopefully they do one in the tristate area next year.

    It's going to be in Pittsburgh next year. I saw this a week or two ago and I really want to do this. I just have got to get my butt in gear and lose all my weight as well as in shape for this. Gotta be on my game when running from zombies during the 5k/obstacle course.

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    when i said tri-state, what i meant was new york-new jersey-conneticut. and then i only really meant new york. and by new york, i only really meant the city.
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member
    Haha! Well, thank you for being so clear the first time. :P
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member

    This is one of the ways of how I plan on survivin' the Zombie Apocalypse.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I'm pretty sure zombies don't have to breathe, so water does not necessarily equal safe. But apparently you are prepared to die either way so I guess it doesn't really matter! Haha.

    You are correct, however that wasn't my thinking at all. My thinking was that I grew up near the ocean, but now that I live in New York I can't afford to live near the beach anymore. If I'm going to go, I want to go with some ocean front real estate!

    Also although zombies don't have to breathe, I have yet to see a movie where they can swim (if Romero is reading this and his next flick has zombies doing butterfly I'm going to be pissed). I'm pretty decent at fishing, so between the escape vehicle, a big enough rain water collection system on said vehicle, and a potentially unlimited food supply, I like my chances at a survival attempt near the ocean over just about anywhere else.

    I'm also less likely to shoot Bill Murray if I'm not driving around Beverly Hills.

    Land of the dead has zombies walking underwater.

    Also since people have never encounter a zombie before. You don't really know what to expect. Who knows, maybe they could mutate, sprout wings, and fly. It could be a biological zombie or a supernatural zombie. And in those two categories there are very many different sub categories. I would think if we encounter biological zombies there would be a greater chance of survival since we might be able to figure out how to reverse it. Supernatural..ehh...I'm not so sure. I say we would be screwed
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Land of the dead has zombies walking underwater.

    Also since people have never encounter a zombie before. You don't really know what to expect. Who knows, maybe they could mutate, sprout wings, and fly. It could be a biological zombie or a supernatural zombie. And in those two categories there are very many different sub categories. I would think if we encounter biological zombies there would be a greater chance of survival since we might be able to figure out how to reverse it. Supernatural..ehh...I'm not so sure. I say we would be screwed

    To clarify, my reasons for being near water with a boat would be to take the boat out deep, there could be a billion zombies in the ocean, if they're all 300 ft beneath me and can't swim up to the boat I don't care.\

    Flying zombies...that would suck...
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Maybe they could catch a ride on a dolphin. :)
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Land of the dead has zombies walking underwater.

    Also since people have never encounter a zombie before. You don't really know what to expect. Who knows, maybe they could mutate, sprout wings, and fly. It could be a biological zombie or a supernatural zombie. And in those two categories there are very many different sub categories. I would think if we encounter biological zombies there would be a greater chance of survival since we might be able to figure out how to reverse it. Supernatural..ehh...I'm not so sure. I say we would be screwed

    To clarify, my reasons for being near water with a boat would be to take the boat out deep, there could be a billion zombies in the ocean, if they're all 300 ft beneath me and can't swim up to the boat I don't care.\

    Flying zombies...that would suck...

  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    That made my day lmao