Baby weight...

lukasmama Posts: 5
edited October 4 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering if anyone knows the best exercise to help get rid of sagging skin in the stomach area??


  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I don't know what the ultimate answer is for this--but what is working for me is the combo of resistance training and cardio. Running really helped, too. Unfortunately, crunches and sit ups are not the answer, but as you lose weight the skin should tighten up, too. I had a C-section, which REALLY makes it a tough thing to do, and I have accepted that I may never have exactly what I had going on pre-baby. Hope this is helpful, and best of luck!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Try not to lose weight too quickly, as this can make loose skin more of a problem. If you drink lots of water, and get your anti-oxidants and nutrition, you skin will slowly heal and tighten itself - the faster the younger you are.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Crunches. Sit ups. Rinse and repeat. :) I'd suggest every day - but if that's too much - every other day. It really helped me with my tummy, it was really bad right after I had my son. Took me almost a year just to get the skin back to a normal elasticity again.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Saggy skin from being stretched out from a few years of obesity will shrink back in time, but only so much. The rest would have to be "knifed" away. Saggy skin from being pregnant often snaps back within the first year. Mine after number 2 came, stayed saggy. I got really huge with her. Now, number 3 is almost here and I'm a bit more optimistic that I'll snap back. I'm in alot better shape this time around. I'd say if you want to burn fat, there's no specific exercise that will spot reduce the fat. It's very difficult to do. Just keep to an exercise regimen that keeps your muscles confused. You don't want to get used to the same exercise or you'll stop seeing fat burning progress. Just work at it until you're pretty sure the fat's gone from your gut and if it really is just loose skin and you would really like it gone, wait a while and see if it shrinks a bit. If it doesn't and you're still unhappy, go under the knife.

    I also agree with a previous poster. Try not to lose weight super fast.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    It's going to be based on your genetics, age and elasticity of your skin. It may take up to a year for skin to retract tight enough again.
  • elsg
    elsg Posts: 21
    :drinker: I've been told that crunches; while they sculpt your abs, will not flatten your tummy. However working your transverse muscles will. To work them you lay on your back with your legs bent in the air, then slowly lower each leg, stretching it out long and pointing your toes, taking turns without going all the way to the ground. Does that make sense? Alternatively on your front hover like you are doing a push up without the up down motion, but on your elbows instead of your hands. Thats what I've been told to do as I too have a post baby belly that I would like to say goodbye to!! So I am keen to hear what others say on this thread too! Good luck.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    :drinker: I've been told that crunches; while they sculpt your abs, will not flatten your tummy. However working your transverse muscles will. To work them you lay on your back with your legs bent in the air, then slowly lower each leg, stretching it out long and pointing your toes, taking turns without going all the way to the ground. Does that make sense? Alternatively on your front hover like you are doing a push up without the up down motion, but on your elbows instead of your hands. Thats what I've been told to do as I too have a post baby belly that I would like to say goodbye to!! So I am keen to hear what others say on this thread too! Good luck.
    No exercise spot reduces an area. You can strengthen the muscle, but you can't burn more fat or tighten skin from doing it.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Hopefully with continued overall fat loss (no spot reduction) it'll get better. My abs look pretty nice even after 3 children. I have a bit of executive skin but not much. I don't spend very much time at all doing ab work, it was just fat loss and luck (genetics).
  • After I had my baby last thing I learned NOT to do was ab exercises. Wait until your stomach has "healed" and no, I didn't have C-section. Doing crunches if your muscles are still weak can make them worse. It will give the "pooch" look. Cardio and weights are the best. I can't stress strength training enough. I have lost about 100 lbs (regained 45 last year when I had my baby and have lost that too) and I have no saggy skin. Granted....I still have some to loose to get to my goal but weights and of course a good diet will help. I'm not sure how long ago you had your little one, but "they" (who ever they is anyways :)) say 9 months on and 9 months off. By the time 9 months post partum hit, I was back to pre pregnancy size. I say that not to scare you, but as a reminder not to be hard on yourself if it doesn't immediately come off. I know some who leave the hospital in their pre pregnancy jeans....I wish lol

    Here is a web site that may help with some ab exercises:

    I followed some of the exercises, but never bought anything from the site.

  • lukasmama
    lukasmama Posts: 5
    Thanks for everyone's replies!!
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    After 5 kids I certainly had my share of extra skin. I found that lots of cardio and resistance training worked best to build the muscle.. and lots and lots of water.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    No amounts of losing body fat and gaining abs will get rid of the excess skin. Once you've lost as much body fat as humanly possible, you'll just have to get a tummy tuck if the skin doesn't bounce back to your liking. I've been going strong for 6 months. See my profile pic. I'm getting close, but when I do pushups, the skin just hangs to the ground. I've gotten used to it.
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