To all the women- when did you "fill out"?



  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    7th grade .....I went from nothing to Bcup

    funny thing was after I lost weight I went up to a C cup
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    My chest filled out around grade 7 or 8 but I never had curves. I was always just straight ( no hips). I have noticed lately that I have more curves than I did before. Everyone is different!
  • megacy
    megacy Posts: 80 Member
    I put this in the support category because it's really stressing me out :(

    I'm wondering if the "weight" I think I've gained is just my child body turning into an adult one? I am 18 years old, and all my life I've had a pretty straight up and down body shape... but lately it seems that hips and a butt have just popped out of no where!

    I thought that I had gained fat, but today I was looking at myself and it literally looks like my hips have just widened... my mother says that every girl fills out at some point, but I thought that was during puberty, not 6 years later! hahah

    When did you guys get curves?

    Personally, I like that you're aware that "filling out" means a bit of additional weight. It's healthy! Like everyone is saying, we're all different. I started filling out in junior/high school, and didn't stop until I was 23. In all ways, chest, hips, butt, weight and height. I was very athletic too. I didn't start getting unhealthily (is that a word?) big until I stopped being active and not eating healthy.
    Just remember that when paying attention to sizes of clothes, women need to shop for even numbered sizes, not odd. Odd numbers are from the girls (and juniors, if I remember right?) section, and don't account for the hips, butt and chest of a woman.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Lol OMG i just noticed this recently! I found a pair of pants just didn't fit anymore. Not cuz of weight. Damn hips. And i am 18 too so dont feel alone lol!