Hi Every1

Hi every! jst wanted to leave a little note here to introduce myslf...I new to the site so may need a little help at times so dont be afraid to assist me LOL!


  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Welcome to MFP! It is a wonderful place to be. I have officially lost 12 pounds since the middle of September. I haven't been hungry very often. Usually right before I am supposed to eat anyway! My tip to newbies is to check the calorie content of everything (especially junk food) before eating it. Most of the time it will tell you that you really don't need it. Remember we all have off days. Also don't deny yourself something you really want just limit how much you have. Make sure it is only 1 serving (sometimes I have a 1/2 serving just to save calories) This is not a diet site it is a guide for a lifestyle change. We are all here to encourage you. Good luck on the beginning of your new journey!