Anyone want to do an extended C25K with me?

Hey, everyone!

I'm incorporating running back into my life after a looooong period of couch sitting, and I'm really interested in running a 5K in the spring. My one concern is diving back into C25k and bombing out in week 5 because my body's just not ready to make the huge leap from lots of walking to substantially more running

What I'd like to do is follow C25K, but maybe do each week 2-3 times before moving on. Ideally, we could all finish within the same window, or at least end up within 4 weeks of each other. I did Week 1, Day 1 on Friday and plan to do Day 2 today. I felt awesome mentally after I was done, but it was pretty hard to finish.

Any thoughts? If there's already a slow C25K group out there, I'd love to join. I didn't see one after doing a search of the message boards on my phone, so I'm happy to get one started if there's interest.


  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    I've heard of this, but not sure what it is...can you explain?
  • midonhau
    midonhau Posts: 108 Member
    I just restarted C25K as well!

    Did the whole program, participated in a couple races earlier this year and decided I wanted to do the program again to really focus on my running form and time. I did W2D1 this morning.
  • themehgetarian
    themehgetarian Posts: 26 Member
    Laurelje, C25K stands for "couch to 5k", which is a running/walking routine designed to get people from a no-running lifestyle to running a 5k in about 10 weeks. For me, the 10 week timeframe is a little intense, because I'm pretty out of shape, so I was thinking of following the workouts, but doing each week twice or three times over (depending on how I feel) so I can build up the endurance I need to not give up on it like I have in the past.

    Midonhau, that's fantastic! I need some inspiration like that, especially as I wheeze through these first few weeks. :)