I need everyone's opinion... Please!



  • JenMarie826
    What type of activity level are you at currently?
    Do you walk a couple of miles a day? Ride a bike?

    If not, you should start immediately. Even though it is just a couple of miles, it would be awesome to have some training underway before the BIG race on Thanksgiving. Not only will your body appreciate the prep, but your mind will also. The more you prepare, the more confident you will feel about that day!
    Good luck and have Fun!!!

    I'm not the most active person but I do have an active job. I work at a daycare with toddlers and preschoolers so with the kids I'm always up and moving and on my feet all day. And I walk home from work everyday because my work is about 15 minutes away from my house!
  • collinsellyson
    DO IT! I was the exact same way growing up. I was always one of the last ones when I was a kid. It sucked! I just did a 5k myself. And I gotta tel you... I cried when I finished! I could not believe I finished it! When I first started the race I was so discouraged and gettig depressed. But I talked myself into realizing I'm doing this for myself and hiting the finish line is the major goal. NOT how fast or slow I can go compared to others. If they want to go with you, tell them to go infront of you. I'm sure they are also aware of the fact that they can go faster than you so YOU be the one to let them know it's ok. Make sure you have some music with you. It helps alot! Also- run/jog when you can. I found that the easiest part to do that is flat areas. Also- the last mile you will get such a huge spurt of energy because you're realizing that you've almost finished- when you get that, run!!! I wish you all th luck and blessing. Deciding to do one and ACTUALLY doing it is a HUGE step! Everyone will be proud because not many will think you'll follow through with it! DO IT DO IT DOOOOOOO ITTTT!
    P.S. I'm gonna add you as a friend- I wanna see you through this!!!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Here's another thought ... if you allow your perceived thoughts and comments of others from preventing you to become the best you can be, then you'll never conquer the big issues. We're not in junior high anymore. Most people grow up and are more encouraging than they were in junior high - especially runners.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 413 Member
    use the Couch to 5K training program ~ you won't finish it by Turkey Day, but you will be well enough on your way to where you won't finish last. There are always lots of people who walk just to walk it! Here is the link to the info I am currently using:


    Good Luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    This is about your personal best not beating others in the race. but have you done c25k ? its good for those who arent ruuners to get started make the training fun and work together to be the best you can be and if you do beat them in the race thats just icing on the cake
  • JenMarie826
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I have made up my mind. I am doing it. I'm going to train for this just so my confidence can build up a bit. But no matter the outcome, at least I won't be sitting on my bum that morning saying that I wish I would have done that race... It means a lot to me all this feedback, everyone on here is so amazing!
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Okay so back in 7th and 8th grade my school had required us for gym class to run a 5k to pass gym class... I remember doing it but of course I was the fat kid... I hated it! I remember my face was soooo red afterwards and I felt so uncomfortable having everyone watching me doing it... My brothers girlfiriend just brought up a topic to me recently. She and my brother are running a 5k thanksgiving morning. I think it would be awesome to do so I can accomplish it but I'm just afraid they will finish the race way before me (which I know they will) but I just have the worries about it. I don't want to be the last one who finishes the race... I'm having 50/50 thoughts about doing it. I need opinions please!!

    Really I think you should give it a shot. Start training now, if you can't run the full amount of time right now then run what you can, then walk, then run. Go back and forth giving your self some walking time if running is too difficult. Don't look at this 5K as an awful reminder of the past, look at it as a chance to challenge yourself. You'll find a lot of people running a 5K are most often beginners and they aren't looking to see who can run the fastest. It's not a competition, most of the time it's just a way to raise money for charity organizations or what not and have fun!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I have made up my mind. I am doing it. I'm going to train for this just so my confidence can build up a bit. But no matter the outcome, at least I won't be sitting on my bum that morning saying that I wish I would have done that race... It means a lot to me all this feedback, everyone on here is so amazing!

    Ahhhh....the light bulb went on. Good decision. Best of luck.
  • JenMarie826
    This feedback from everyone is amazing. You all are so inspiring! And this run is a c25k event! Thank you for the link for the training! I'm going to start training for this, I'm ready! So excited!! And again everyone thank you for your comments!!
  • LosingIt2WIN
    LosingIt2WIN Posts: 63 Member
    I agree with everyone here. JUST DO IT!!! I, too, am trying a 5K on November 5. I just started the Couch to 5K program and am having a hard time because of an old knee injury. I know that I will not be able to run the whole way but I CAN finish! I am doing it with my kids who are 24 and 26. They will have no problem running the whole way and will be there to cheer me on when I get to the finish line. I don't care what anyone else's times are going to be. I just care about finishing it for MYSELF. We are also planning on doing another one together in March. Hopefully by that time I will be able to run a lot more of the race.

    :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • newvictoria
    I say......
    JUST DO IT!!!
