Can it be that I really have goosed my metabolism?

RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
edited October 4 in Success Stories
Today's weigh-in: "RagtimeLady lost 4.2 pounds since her last weigh-in! She's lost 17.6 pounds so far."

That's IMPOSSIBLE! That's in one week! I checked and double-checked and yes, that's what the scale says... I'm over 50, menopausal, and have (or at least *had*) the metabolism of a slug. I started doing 5000 calories per week workouts about 2 months ago. I do eat back most of my exercise calories and I've set my baseline at a 500-calorie deficit for a 1-pound weight loss per week.

I've heard of people who have taken up bicycling or running and have had their metabolism rev up to the point where it's hard for them to eat enough calories, and I have been trying to achieve that since I joined here in mid-July. I didn't think it was possible for me to lose that much weight in a week - I haven't even been a very good girl this week, either - several dinners out, missed exercising a couple of days. Boy, was I shocked when I stepped on the scale today!

Can this really happen to a 52-year-old broad in menopause?


  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    That doesnt sound quite right, cant say whether or not its possible. It may have something to do with the fact that you gave your body a break and were a little bad this week, our bodies do need rest and sometimes being a little bad is something that can help your body let go of some water weight when you go from being good to bad then back to good again. So you may have lost 4lbs, but how much of that was actually fat and how much was just your body dropping some water weight its been hoarding, we dont know.

    But, something else to check is the scale itself, I live in a very dry/dusty area and this happens to my scale on occasion. Lift the scale up and check the pads on the bottom for any grains of sand/little particles that may have somehow found their way to the pads and could be messing up your weigh in. Use a damp cloth to wipe the pads and set it back down. I can easily loose anything from 5-10lbs just by having stuff get stuck to the bottom of my scale.
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Well, since 10/8, my body fat % has gone from 33.6 to 33...

    It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks. Hope the weather holds out - my favorite big-burn activity is bike riding.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Today's weigh-in: "RagtimeLady lost 4.2 pounds since her last weigh-in! She's lost 17.6 pounds so far."

    That's IMPOSSIBLE! That's in one week! I checked and double-checked and yes, that's what the scale says... I'm over 50, menopausal, and have (or at least *had*) the metabolism of a slug. I started doing 5000 calories per week workouts about 2 months ago. I do eat back most of my exercise calories and I've set my baseline at a 500-calorie deficit for a 1-pound weight loss per week.

    I've heard of people who have taken up bicycling or running and have had their metabolism rev up to the point where it's hard for them to eat enough calories, and I have been trying to achieve that since I joined here in mid-July. I didn't think it was possible for me to lose that much weight in a week - I haven't even been a very good girl this week, either - several dinners out, missed exercising a couple of days. Boy, was I shocked when I stepped on the scale today!

    Can this really happen to a 52-year-old broad in menopause?
    There will be weeks when tremendous weight loss happens for odd reasons. But lean muscle weighs much more than fat for the same volume, so if you lost muscle that's not so good. Only way to see is check it out on your next weigh in and see if you stay the same weight or lose again.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Today's weigh-in: "RagtimeLady lost 4.2 pounds since her last weigh-in! She's lost 17.6 pounds so far."

    That's IMPOSSIBLE! That's in one week! I checked and double-checked and yes, that's what the scale says... I'm over 50, menopausal, and have (or at least *had*) the metabolism of a slug. I started doing 5000 calories per week workouts about 2 months ago. I do eat back most of my exercise calories and I've set my baseline at a 500-calorie deficit for a 1-pound weight loss per week.

    I've heard of people who have taken up bicycling or running and have had their metabolism rev up to the point where it's hard for them to eat enough calories, and I have been trying to achieve that since I joined here in mid-July. I didn't think it was possible for me to lose that much weight in a week - I haven't even been a very good girl this week, either - several dinners out, missed exercising a couple of days. Boy, was I shocked when I stepped on the scale today!

    Can this really happen to a 52-year-old broad in menopause?
    There will be weeks when tremendous weight loss happens for odd reasons. But lean muscle weighs much more than fat for the same volume, so if you lost muscle that's not so good. Only way to see is check it out on your next weigh in and see if you stay the same weight or lose again.

    Not that unusual .. especially if you have lost some 'water' weight. If you are taking in more water than usual, the mechanism in the brain will be triggered to stop retaining water.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    It just happened to me that I gained 2lb (water, not fat), stayed on track but wobbled +/- 2lb for an entire month. Finally I weighed in on Thurs and had lost those 2 + another 1, and another 0.5lb as of today. At least for me, weight loss isn't linear. I had this same cycle 10lb ago. Maybe it's the same for you.

    It could also be that you are more dehydrated than normal, so you've lost water weight that you'll gain back as you rehydrate. So don't freak if you are up a couple pounds in the next few days.
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    TOTALLY POSSIBLE! One pound of muscle needs to burn energy(calories) to function, while one pound of fat is just sitting there STORING energy(calories)! Your efforts to use up those reserves are paying off!

    I'm doing the same thing -- 500 cal/day deficit for -1 lb a week; eat back exercise calories. Keep on keepin' on! :happy: CONGRATS!

  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for the opinions, you guys! It will be interesting to see what the next few weeks brings, especially if I can keep up on my cardio schedule. Weather is supposed to get chilly later - not looking forward to that! One of my MFP buddies who is an avid cyclist said this could indeed be true. Keeping my fingers crossed. Did a 2-hour ride yesterday and one today - hoping to get in more tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I've had a 3 plus pound loss in a matter of 4 days after beginning a cycling program, and thought it was likely water, but it stayed off, so here's hoping your 4 are gone!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    good for you!

    sometimes when people notice a loss after eating "extra" calories during the week, that's an indicator that your metabolism is looking for more fuel -- you gave it the fuel, and it rewarded you by working faster and burning up the pounds.

    Keep it up and keep eating those exercise calories!

  • same here in my area with bike riding and it getting chilly, Hope to still get some rides in. thinking about starting jogging again, or looking into a cheap indoor biking option.
  • I had been excercising 4 or 5 times a week for 6 weeks and didnt lose anything. This last week i dropped 6lbs. It started dropping as soon as I started this site. I guess it comes in spurts with me. I was getting very frustrated but the hard work paid off. Now Im on the road to my goal and I wont stop until I get there.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Im a runner...and I lost 4 lbs this week. I really think its based on metabolism. I rarely eat half of my exercise calories. your body a break helps too :)
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Well, time will tell! I'll check in on this thread in another week. We only have a few more days of good weather, then it will get colder. Guess I'll have to wear a heavier jacket ... :D
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