mooore than 100 lbs to lose. HELLA embarrassing but gotta st

Hello everyone!

So I found this website from someone I just recently subscribed to on YouTUBE and I love it already. Don't know if I can say her name on here, but anyways... I have to lose waaaay more than 100 pounds. It's hella embarrassing, but I'm sure I can't be the only one that feels this way. Please tell me I'm not the only one... lol.

Right now, I'm tryin to get familiar with all of this and just want to THANK YOU people for giving us FREE tools to use to help me and everyone else on here lose this weight.

Good luck to me and all of ya'll!



  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Welcome! A lot of people are trying to lose over 100 pounds, you are not alone.
  • Karen_145
    You're not the first person to want to lose over 100 lbs. I'd recommend going to the success stories part of the forums. There are lots of people who have lost way more than 100!
  • katyclev
    katyclev Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome!! This is a great site to help in our goals. There is lots of supportive people also!!

    Good Luck with your journey!!
  • lhinds85
    lhinds85 Posts: 66 Member
    Don't be embarrased. We are all here to lose weight. Some maybe 10 pounds and others maybe 100 and more. You are doing great by getting on the site and starting to get your weight under control. If you need support please feel free to add me. I'm trying to lose up to 90lbs so i'm in the same boat with you. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hey! Welcome to MFP! I have lost 52 pounds and still have at LEAST 48 more to go, so I know how you feel! There are lots of us around. No need to be embarrassed around here - we're all here for the same reason, even though some have more to lose than others.

    Good luck to you!!
  • tzuris
    tzuris Posts: 30
    I need to lose about 100lbs! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want extra support. This site is awesome for motivation and helping keep you on track!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site and if you stick with it you will lose the weight. There is fantastic support here, so browse the forums, find people who inspire you and start building a friends list for support. Just click on the person's name and then the button 'Add as a friend'. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome! There are many people here with substantial weight loss goals. The success stories are great encouragement and really help show that there is no one road to successful weight loss. Some people lose it quickly, others much more slowly, some fall off the wagon and get back on, etc. I am one of those slow losers and the site really helps keep me going even when I feel as if there has been no progress.

    It is great encouragement to see people who have lost 100, 150, 200 pounds and how dramatically their lives have changed.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    you are definately not the only that felt that way when they started but my wife and I did too. However 10 months later and we are near where we want to be. You can do it, just stay determined and motivated.
  • nitarongish
    nitarongish Posts: 114 Member
    WELCOME!!! Definitely you are not alone! Don't be afraid of just jumping in here and requesting to be friends. That will be your success. The more friends you have, the greater your success, because this site is packed full of non-judgmental pals who will motivate, encourage and pump you so full of energy! Best of luck to you and don't hesitate friending me.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    There are lots of us here with more than 100 lbs to lose. When I joined, I needed to lose 135. Now I'm down 57 lbs and feeling so much better. Take it one day at a time.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Welllllllcome to MFP.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Welcome! I have around 100-130 to lose (aiming for 100 first then I'll decide if I want to lose more once I get there) I knew I needed to lose weight, after I had already been on here about a month or two, the girlie doc looked me in the eyes and said "You need to lose around 100lbs".........while I was still half naked on the table right after he violated me! Now THAT'S embarassing. You are definitely not the only one. You can do this!
  • rice161
    rice161 Posts: 59
    Good for you for taking a huge first step. I joined MFP in March but was already committed to exercise and needed guidance on food. This site has been amazing, especially the support system, so it can help you too! I've lost just over 60 lbs this year, and in reality, to be considered a healthy weight for my height, I should lose another 75 lbs, so I understand what you're facing! In reality, I'd be comfortable with 50 more, so around 110 total.

    Feel free to add me and BEST OF LUCK (it's not really luck but perserverence :bigsmile: !)
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I agree, it's fun to go to the success stories section. So much dedication there! More than 100 isn't uncommon, just another number. Good luck to you! :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hello Elisapesi, I want to first say welcome. Never been embarrassed about how much you want to lose. You are not your body or weight. You are human. Love your body.

    I love motivating and encourage people. If you want me as your cheerleader, I'm here.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    I have a lot to loose her which is a good thing! I am looking for weight loss buddies...Add me please..I need encouragement...Wish me good luck...
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    I had over 100 to lose and now happy to say I have less then a 100 to lose. DON'T be embarrassed, you can be embarrassed for all those who are not trying or quit trying to lose the weight. Nothing wrong with getting started then you will be like me and be proud that you have a little less then 100 to lose. Get ready Get Set and Be excited because when you lose your first 20 pounds you will feel great, then 50 will come and you will feel fantastic. At 50 pounds I am going to go to the gym and carry around 2 25 pound weights with me and work out with them, walking on the treadmill and see how bad I used to feel. I can't wait should happen next week.

    Best of luck,


    You can do it just knock it into smaller chunks of weight and it won't be so over whelming enjoy your journey.
  • aliatris2u
    Hello Pesi, i'm in the same boat as you! Started 3 weeks this site/phone app. So easy to use. Good luck and
    remember...excercise, exercise, exercise! Even little walks...will help tremendously!
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    There are lots of folks here in the same situation. Just work on it a little at a time. I have been using the site for 6 weeks and have lost 17 pounds so far. I think the most important things are tracking your food, and I do mean everything, and I also think being involved in the community boards and the support you can get and give there helps too. Set your first goal... make it something not too far... maybe 10 or 20 pounds... then when you reach that set another. You can do this... one step at a time! If you need a friend, feel free to add me.