Lost Motivation-Looking for help



  • Kebatyza
    I have been where you are. I made the decision one day that I needed help. I called the local Y and told them I was over 50 needed to lose 100 pounds and had spinal fusion. They hooked me up with an awesome trainer that filled my head with postive thoughts and pushed me to work harder each time we met. We only met twice a month, so the cost was ok. Good luck
  • jezmarie89
    you can lose weight without exercise just make sure you eat right high in protein and fiber.. try working out 3 times a week when you get home. Try like a 20 minute circuit they have free vids on tv.. working out gives you energy..one you start those "feel good chemicals" release. You have a goal you CAN reach! I prepare my meals before i go to bed so when i wake up everything is ready
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    I want to thank everyone with all your Ideas and input you have made me re think,redo and re evalate. Yes I am more motivated. :)
  • dablaksista
    dablaksista Posts: 48 Member
    great stuff!! Don't forget to add peeps who have already completed their weightloss cuz they know exactly what we are going thru
  • Myzstarr
    Myzstarr Posts: 32 Member
    take baby steps first then things will start coming together for u to take larger steps but stay motivated with all u do
  • danstewart1978
    danstewart1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Bobbi,

    I understand how dificult it can be. It's worth it in the end though.

    In honesty - you only need to force yourself to exercise and eat healthily in the short term. You need to mix both exercise and healthy eating despite your lack of free time. If you can persevere just long enough to feel and see a difference it'll become much easier.

    It's a vicious circle as if you're overweight, that extra weight tires you out.

    My gran was a nurse years ago and did the old trick you've maybe heard before - she got me to fill plastic bags with unopened bags of sugar (in kilo bags) equal to my extra weight and told me to lift it....find something that weighs the same as your extra weight and lift it - then imagine carrying that with you every day - it's what makes you tired, drains your confidence and generally gets you down.

    The thing that you HAVE to do is to FORM HABITS...

    Decide that you're going to the gym or a class regularly and stick to it....even when I was sore or didn't feel like going to the gym I would force myself to turn up....even if you barely do a workout that day...you're still in the habit of going so it's easy to go next time when you're more "up for it"...

    If you start missing your exercise, you slide out of the habit.

    If you do manage to get some regular exercise - initally you'll be even more tired but before long - you'll sleep better at night and wake up feeling like SUPERWOMAN!!!

    Good luck!