What are men's thoughts on stretchmarks?



  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Just because one person doesn't like them doesn't mean everyone will care about them. Different men have different preferences. They are just like people.

    To quote Katt Williams, "Stretch marks mean one of two things: either you were big and got small, or you were small and got big. Either way, we're f*ckin'!"

  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    I have a ton of stretch marks on my stomach and thighs from my pregnancy (19 years ago). Not a single man has ever had a problem with them. Mine have faded now and are silvery. One guy many years ago actually told me they looked cool because in the right light they looked like I was metal underneath. I'm a total Sci-fi nerd, so I felt like I was part machine. I loved it and never looked at them the same way again.

    That guy is superficial. He's going to be sadly disappointed when he ends up alone because the % of girls that fit into his cookie cutter mold is so low that his chances are slim. And he will be missing out on some amazing women in the meantime. Tell your friend not to be discourage and forget that loser there are plenty of deserving men out there.

    I've not heard them described as looking metallic before interesting :happy:

    I'm glad to hear that he seems to be in the minority on this one...
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    ***finger crossed*** most men don't care otherwise ....convent here I come! But man oh man do I hate them on myself.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    And what happens when he finds his "un-stretchmarked" woman, they fall in love and have children? Chances are very high that she'll have some after that!

    My 16yr old daughter is so tiny she wears a size 00, is below the lowest percentile in growth and has always been very, very small. And yet, she has stretch marks on her inner thighs and love handle area. It's from normal growth spurts.

    Anybody who is that superficial is not worth a moment's time.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Sad thing is I, maybe wrongly, assume ALL women will see my stretchmarks and that'll be it...phone calls stop, etc.

    Nice to see people say they don't care about them. But the thing is, most of us here some, or at least have some experience of them. People who have been slim all their lives probably wont, and will think the worst...
  • Tell "junior" there to stop getting his image of women from the pr0n sites, where they're all airbrushed and have make-up put on with a trowel. Real women have stretch marks, cellulite, curves, moles, etc. If he wants a trophy without blemishes, I hear they can be found if you're willing to inflate them yourself. What a jack hole. :laugh:
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Definitely did her a favour. What I think is, if they can't cope with a couple of stretch marks imagine what they'd be like if you ever got seriously ill or where in an accident - you wouldn't see them for dust. So, let's turn this around and say men (and women) like this are ok for a one night stand, but let's not show them any kind of commitment, it'd be wasted ;-)
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Sad thing is I, maybe wrongly, assume ALL women will see my stretchmarks and that'll be it...phone calls stop, etc.

    Nice to see people say they don't care about them. But the thing is, most of us here some, or at least have some experience of them. People who have been slim all their lives probably wont, and will think the worst...

    My partner's got some, so have I. To me, he's perfect :-)
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Judging all men on the thoughts of one is ridiculous.

    Dude was obviously a shallow tool, tell your friend to brush it off and move on. chances are dude will die alone.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Tell "junior" there to stop getting his image of women from the pr0n sites, where they're all airbrushed and have make-up put on with a trowel. Real women have stretch marks, cellulite, curves, moles, etc. If he wants a trophy without blemishes, I hear they can be found if you're willing to inflate them yourself. What a jack hole. :laugh:

    Well said.
  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    I would have told him that anyone who had the audacity to think they're ever going to have to worry about seeing them wasn't anyone I was interested in seeing anyway. None of his d#@n business whether someone he's never met has stretchmarks. Did manners go out with the internet?
  • Tell "junior" there to stop getting his image of women from the pr0n sites, where they're all airbrushed and have make-up put on with a trowel. Real women have stretch marks, cellulite, curves, moles, etc. If he wants a trophy without blemishes, I hear they can be found if you're willing to inflate them yourself. What a jack hole. :laugh:

    Well said.

    I second that!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I was talking to hot guy with body to die for I was insecure about my stretchmarks So told him about them and he said he said i have those too who cares After that I never worried about them again and most guys are to busy looking at other things on womens body to notice stretch marks any way
  • I would have replied asking him to state the size of his **** and see how he feels. :tongue:
  • FYI: Not that I am shallow enough to be bothered about that. Before anyone rips me to shreds!!
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    Stretch marks = scars

    scars = memories, stories, reminders, and lessons learned.

    As a man, no they don't bother me in the least!

    Personally I'm Proud to have my stretch marks. There proof to myself of what I let my self become and the physical toll it had on my body. I will always have them. It only emphasizes the transformation I've been busting my *kitten* for. (think of them as tiger stripes or something)

    Almost everyone man or woman has stretch marks of some form on their body.

    Also the guy just sounds like he was settling for nothing less than his interpretation of perfection. (that woman likely exists... however on the other hand, hes very likely to fall very short of her standards and expectations in a man)
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Tell "junior" there to stop getting his image of women from the pr0n sites, where they're all airbrushed and have make-up put on with a trowel. Real women have stretch marks, cellulite, curves, moles, etc. If he wants a trophy without blemishes, I hear they can be found if you're willing to inflate them yourself. What a jack hole. :laugh:

    Well said.
    I think inflatable is his answer.
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    I would have told him that anyone who had the audacity to think they're ever going to have to worry about seeing them wasn't anyone I was interested in seeing anyway. None of his d#@n business whether someone he's never met has stretchmarks. Did manners go out with the internet?

    I think so based on the experiences I've had with Internet dating. Not going there again!
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Definitely did her a favour. What I think is, if they can't cope with a couple of stretch marks imagine what they'd be like if you ever got seriously ill or where in an accident - you wouldn't see them for dust. So, let's turn this around and say men (and women) like this are ok for a one night stand, but let's not show them any kind of commitment, it'd be wasted ;-)

    I wonder if people act like ****s for this reason?! ^
    No commitment cuz I'm a ****!! Is it their plan all along!!
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Sad thing is I, maybe wrongly, assume ALL women will see my stretchmarks and that'll be it...phone calls stop, etc.

    Nice to see people say they don't care about them. But the thing is, most of us here some, or at least have some experience of them. People who have been slim all their lives probably wont, and will think the worst...

    I would hope that women would be sympathetic as we are so prone to them. But you just never know with people :/