Any Equestrians out there?

Hi folks! I'm not entirely new to MFP as I joined back in April of this year but honestly never really put any effort into it. Today I have learned from reading many success stories that this site and community WORKS if you stick with it and network with friends to help and support you so that is why I am here!

I live just outside of Ft.Worth Texas, am 41 and married with two stepchildren. Other than my family my passion is my arabian horse Amira who you will see in my profile photo. I do competitive trail riding with her as well as just recreational trail riding and even some showing. I consider the barn to be my gym as you burn alot of calories shoveling horse poop, unloading 50 lb feed bags and hauling and stacking hay! Of course I do need to step it up a bit to really start losing weight.

I want to lose to feel better, look better on my horse and be healther as diabetes runs in my family and I DO NOT want to struggle with it like my mom, aunt and grandmother have had to. Like so many other folks my weaknesses are fast food and sodas.

4 years ago I joined weight watchers and lost 45 pounds...but I am now within 8 pounds of having gained that all back. I KNOW what I need to do in order to lose weight and I know HOW to do it...what I lack is the motivation and discipline to get it done so looking for like minded folks to help out!

So, feel free to add me, especially if you are a fellow horseperson (regardless of if you ride western or english....I do both) !

Happy Sunday everyone!
