What to do?

Well i guess now i need to admit that i have hit a plateau, considering i have been the same weight or flucuating a couple of pounds for about 2 or 3 months now an lately have been dragging *kitten* with my workouts and not eating the best but luckily have not gained. Anyways what have you done to get over your plateau or motivation to get out of a slum? Because i need to do something now.


  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Trying new workouts, adding in different food variations to meet your daily caloric needs. Anything that will add in some variety and spice it up. However it really comes down to your own personal motivation you have to want it that bad if you're truly going to succeed. Same goes for anything thought, I suppose.
  • azrak
    azrak Posts: 17 Member
    I usually change what i am eating. I dont cut down on calories much but sometimes changing seems to help. For instance i will have oats for breafkast instead of fruit and yoghurt. Its also good to re check your portion sizes and water intake. Maybe try a different exercise too.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Agreed, something needs to change. Try eating more calories one day and less the next. Switch up your workouts. Your body is an incredible machine, and is highly adaptable. It wants to maintain, so give it the chance to adapt to an exercise or calorie intake and it will do so quite efficiently. By changing things up you reduce the chance your body has to adapt, thus increasing your chances of losing rather than maintaining. Best of luck! feel free to add me or message me with any questions.