The typical searching for...

I am trying to find some new friends who are really good at offering encouragement and support. I have a bunch of friends but only about 3 or 4 of them are encouraging. I like when my friends are as active with me as I am with them and it always makes me want to do more and do better when I have people who are encouraging.

I have lost 58 pounds so far and trying to lose either 20 something more or at least get into a size 10 pair of pants (I'm currently in 12/14's right now) I have a busy life with keeping up with my two kids, one who is in school and the other just 2, a husband who is on the railroad and gone a lot, and three different jobs all throughout the week plus in the middle of starting up my own daycare. I use the gym every weekday for two hours in the morning, love bicycling and weight lifting/toning, and treadmill and dislike the elliptical but still do it. And I love Italian Sodas, lol. I'm also hypoglycemic so I stay away from most diets.

So this is my search for new friends. If you are supporting, encouraging, and are of course on the mission of losing weight and becoming healthy, add me :):bigsmile:
