New here and unsure if I am posting correctly

I am a 56year old Quadraplegic-female (so exercise is not in the cards for me-doc orders)-I have alot of weight to loose and have yo-yoed all my life. I was using a different app with no help when I got involved with a Lipidologist who told me of this site and the app. Based on the blood work and heart problems she told me I had from my labs and medical test...if this doens't work, my life is at stake. I ate incorrectly for years and I am learning alot.
I am frustrated that I didn't know alot of stuff I needed long ago when I was younger, and frustrating that it is such a slow process. I feel like I am going no where.

My husband , who has the same doctor and different but still bad diet issues is loosing weight so fast-and we eat together or at least the same food.....frustration!


  • Welcome to MFP :) Men always lose weight faster than we girls do,,Hang in there
  • Your post looks good to me. Keep on logging your food intake. It can be a slow process, but my Doctor says that losing the weight slow and steady is the way to keep it off. I have just started myself. Add me as a friend if you like. We can motivate and support each other.
  • rlw77
    rlw77 Posts: 61
    Welcome! This is a great site with lots of great supportive people. Good luck to you.