tips for first 5k run

I am running/jogging my first 5k this saturday. i have never run one. i need some tips..should i eat anything before, and if so how close to the run. you bring your ipods? any foods or supplements that'll give me more endurance? etc etc.

i dont ever do cardio..i havent in probably 7 or so months, but i ran 1.6 miles no prob the other very cold morning. the only thing that bothered me was my legs/shins got sore/tired. so any tips or tricks would be appreciated.


  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    since it is your first, dont set time goals, just aim to finish =) Then on the next one you can worry about beating your first time.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Wear running shoes or cross trainers to help with the leg/shin pain.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    my friend that does a lot of races says she has whole grain cheerios before she runs and it helps with her energy level.

    When the gun goes off to start the race, don't let the adrenelin take over! If you start out too fast you won't have anything in the tank for the end!

    I saw a lot of runners with ipods but check race rules! A lot of races don't allow them.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    You're supposed to run on adrenaline the first 20 seconds. =]
    Then go into your regular pace.
    Small fast strides up hills, long relaxed strides down hills.
    Breathe in two steps out one.
    Don't forget to breathe (I hold my breathe xp)
    Set mini goals, run fast until the next tree sort of things.
    Something that took me a long time to remember is running a race isn't to "feel good" push yourself, see what you've got!
    *that's if you've been running a while and such, if it's your very first just make it a goal to do the whole thing running*

    Drink plenty of water the day before it will cut down on the cramp pains in your legs.

    =] good luck and enjoy it!!!
  • lissalee713
    Good Luck, I will also be running in my first 5k this coming Saturday!
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I just ran my first one last Saturday--I at a whole grain bagel thin with a little bit of natural peanut butter and some honey. It held over pretty well, but I think I ate it too early (about an hour and half before--will probably bump to an hour to 45 minutes before). Don't set a time goal; just aim to finish! And good luck!
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    I did intervals for my first 5k....I was capable of running for 8 minutes straight, but I didn't do that. I cut the time in half and did intervals where I ran 4 minutes and walked kept me moving strong throughout the full race and I didn't get too tired near the end, but was still pushing myself! I did all this on the advice of a marathoner who knew this was my first race and she wanted me to finish strong!

    So...since you can go almost a mile and a half, maybe you should choose intervals of 3/4 mile, taking a short walking break between! Good Luck!
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Great thread - I am also doing my first 5k this Saturday (hopefully - the ortho will have to give me the all clear on Tuesday). Will likely walk it due to recent knee problems, but I love that you're putting this out there. Have a great run and thanks for the thread.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    I am also running my first 5K this Sat. I have been doing C25K since June, and am running 5K now 3x/week for training. 1st, for shin pain, I wear the superfeet green insoles. Stopped my shin splints right off the bat. For days I run, I eat a breakfast high in protein, and eat a high protein snack 90 minutes before I run. This Sat, I will probably jut eat a good breakfast like eggs, and toast with peanut butter about 90-120 mins prior to the race since I won't be up as early as I am on weekdays. I also try to get very hydrated before running. I typically drink 24-48 oz of water throughout the morning prior to running. I also try to eat well the day before I run, getting my calories from good sources, no or low (<100) empty calories.

    My plan for this Sat:
    Run hard today (Mon), run lighter W, take a 3mph walk F or rest
    Eat well Friday
    Be hydrated
    Eat a good breakfast
    Start toward the back of the pack

    Good luck!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You should eat something before you run. How long and what depends on you. I cannot eat 2 hours prior to a run, so I make sure to eat that long before a race. I pretty much stick to Cliff bars, but you could try a bagel, or cereal (iffy about the milk for me though). Is it possible to try it out sometime this week?
    I do not bring my iPod. Check the rules, many races do not allow them. The race committee I volunteer for allows but discourages them. There are some safety issues involved with them. I like the atmosphere of the race, hearing the people cheering, words of encouragement from other runners. Wearing an iPod tunes them out. I feel like you lose part of the aspect of the race by wearing them.
    No food or any type of supplements. You definitely don't want to try one out before a race if you haven't before. Nothing will give you a drastic edge anyway, so I wouldn't consider anything that may be suggested.

    As for the race itself, I agree with the PP who said make your goal to finish. Dont worry about those around you.
    Also, try not to go too hard at the beginning. It is hard not to get swept up in the excitement and everyone running past you, but you don't want to burn yourself out. Run at your pace.
    If you can't run the whole thing, set goals, like walking pole lengths. Run until you can't, walk the distance between two poles, then run again, or you could set a time.

    Most of all, just have fun. Enjoy the race. If you get a chance, cheer for some people finishing after you.