Heartbreak as motivation?



  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Yes i would say i have used it as motivation up to a point....as in I'll soon show him what he's missing. Or purely to take my mind of it. Or just think things over and work through the heartbreak while I'm working out. It's not why I do it....but it sure helps to fuel some workouts
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    It may be a spark that gets things started initially but it's not a sustainable or mentally healthy mode of operation for the long term. Give yourself the time to grieve and heal of course but in my mind the best thing to do is look forward, not back.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    It will work for a very short period of time, but unless you are doing this for YOU, then you are setting yourself up for failure.
  • Dferrynhc
    Dferrynhc Posts: 13 Member
    For me, I let myself grieve for a few days and then I get angry! That is my fuel to go further. I run harder, work out harder. The heartbreak is ok for a while and then the anger that takes over motivates me.

    So, go through the process. It's ok. And yes! Let it motivate you!
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Oh it definitely was what kicked me off with fitness and nutrition! I found myself running for the first time ever as an excuse to get out and forget about him for awhile. After I got over him, I continued to run as a general stress reliever and gradually incorporated weight training. I found exercise a far better way to manage a breakup than diving into ice cream or rebound boys. Added bonus too is as I got into better shape, I found I was dating better looking fellas:) best of luck OP!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    I tried many diets, many ways of losing weight, never lost more than 8 lbs, always failed after a month and gained back.
    Three month ago i broke up with my boyfriend and since then i've lost 16 lbs :)
    i gained a lot of weight while we were together... And now i just think that no one will be with me when i look like a whale lol
    it motivates me a lot. And i have more time for myself, for gym and cooking healthy meals
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Hell yes! Think of it like this: You are a smart attractive lady and he is an idiot for leaving. Now you are going to be a confident fit super sexy attractive lady that can have someone a million times better than him.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Also who can think of a broken heart when all you are thinking of is how much your abs, arms and legs burn?
  • Rocky_ZG
    Rocky_ZG Posts: 70 Member
    Once upon a time I have channeled bad breakup energy into studying for college, hoping to avoid thinking about her.
    It worked brilliantly and with studying all day long I resolved 5-6 exams in 1 month :D

    If it happens again, I am sure that I could use the breakup as help to focus upon improving myself physically.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I have; it worked wonders for me! :D
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Yes! Heartbreak provided me with enough rage to lose 2 inches off of my waist and one off of each thigh. The anger phase gives me the most motivation.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Has anyone used heartbreak as motivation to change your life and feel better about yourself?
    I've already started changing my life, but now that my heart just got broken I just don't feel like doing anything...
    I've heard of people who have used break ups as a way to motivate themselves to change, and was wondering if anyone else did that?

    Definitely! That's what I am doing right now, I am using the anger and heartache I have to push myself harder than ever before so that when I move on and leave him behind, I know hell be the one crying!
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    It's strange....several years ago heartbreak led me to lose 70 lbs. Fast forward to my current relationship with my awesome, loving husband..........I am again overweight, however I can't get my *kitten* in gear to lose the weight for him or myself. He loves me and doesn't care (except for my health), but I'd love to be his arm candy. I'd love to feel better than I do for myself.
    It bugs me I got in awesome shape after the creep, but I can't do it for my health or relationship now.