**CLOSED** New Year, New You Week 3 Mini-Challenge



  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    double post! sorry!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I have gotten quite a few great ideas for mini-challenges...please keep them coming!

    This week the request was for us to get a little mental. So, there are a couple of things we are going to reflect on this week.

    1) Most of us are horrible about being positive about ourselves and our appearance. So, part 1 is, positive affirmation time. What is one physical trait that you like about your body? Not your eyes, your smile...the body that we are trying to improve...what do you like about it now.

    2) What is something that you have noticed has changed about your mental state over the last week or two?

    For those who are brave...a positive affirmation a day would be great. I know it's hard to "like" ourselves or we wouldn't be here!!!

    1~ I like my Puerto Rican ghetto booty! lol And I like my upper abs (right around my rib cage). I'm still obese but this part is getting TONED!!!!

    2~ I'm working on being hard core on myself. My mantra when the workout starts getting me fatigued is "stop being a *****!" LOL. Taking some practice, but I'm working on it!
  • srandle175
    I think I have a pretty face. Mentally I believe I'm going to do it this time. I have "dieted" before but never really believe I would get to my goal. But with all the love and support this round I know i will make it to my goal.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i also like my hands, they are small and chubby like a baby ( my boyfriend even goes a far to tell me they are freakish small) but i love my little pudgy stubby baby fingers lol
  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 95 Member
    #1 - i love that my thighs are getting smaller. I'm not seeing a huge difference (yet) anywhere else but I am seeing it in my thighs. They aren't at goal size yet but they are getting smaller :smile:

    #2 - Mentally I have learned to be more accountable to myself. I have had so much encouragement from you guys since I started this journey. I know that I would have given up by now (like I always have) if not for you guys. I know that we are all doing this together and that makes a difference in my mindset.

    :heart: :heart:
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Hi all. I recently joined this group. I joined in the spring 2011 and was very motivated up until my vacation in July. Lost 35 pounds. Since then I have not been motivated and seeing myself slowly gaining again. When I saw this group I knew it was just the push I needed. So Hello! and thank you for allowing me to join in late :)

    One thing I like about my body is that thankfully I feel proportioned... overweight yes.. but not top heavy or bottom heavy (just big all over :)... I am thankful that under the extra pounds is a killer body ready to be revealed :)

    over the past couple of weeks, I have been searching deep for motivation and trying to remind myself why I started this journey. I am reminding myself that I want to get to my goal and even though I was starting to feel good with 30+ pounds gone... I am not even 1/2 way there. Most importantly... it's all about living a healthy lifestyle and feeling better. Backsliding makes me feel sluggish.

    So at this moment... what I am telling myself is: I can't sit around and "wait" for my mental state to change and the motivation to miraculously appear..... I just have to get up and move! Eat a healthy meal full of lean protein and veggies... drink some water... Take those first steps to FORCE my body to cooperate. THE motivation and energy will come only AFTER I put forth the effort.

    THank you soooo much for putting this group together! Today I am telling myself that I can get to goal and deserve to be healthy and lean :)