Is it impossible to lead a fulfilling life when you're fat?



  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    I also can't handle greasy foods like I used to. My stomach changed along with my habits.

    Yep, if you manage to stay strong at it for a while, your body will change - it will tell you when it's full, it will tell you "yeaky, this is fatty and disgusting", it will tell you "yesterday you binged, I am sure you don't wanna do it again today" (tummy hurts), it will tell you "by the time you come to desert, you'll be full, so you might wanna have that later; not just now".

    I DO understand so well how it's like to think about food all the time. I noticed that when I'm careful with what I eat, I think more about it. Plan it more. I would say that if you invest real energy in it, you gain from it. Example: spend a bit more time shopping: instead of just rushing for chips, because you feel the urge, just think a bit longer about the best (healthy+tasty) way to cook that broccoli. Go get all the ingredients. It's good to spend that much time: you're getting something healthy to fuel your body. And then, when you come home, resist the urge to throw yourself on the couch and munch on the chips, but start by cooking that broccoli. This is my own experience - I tend to still do the first more often, and regret it, but learn to go for the second instead, for the afterwards feeling - not only full and satisfied, but also happy with myself. Proud that I did something good to myself. Something healthy.

    So yeah, as contradictory as it may be, it's maybe just part of the game. You will find your way, because you want it! Being low is part of the struggle. Yet, it's best to question it all the way, and hate it at times, then to regret it afterwards, when you can't change it. Plus, you've come all this way, it's worth pushing it a bit longer. You don't know how long. But try just a bit longer.

    We don't have yesterday (it's gone), you don't have tomorrow (not there yet, and not predictable), but we have TODAY (by which we make it up for yesterday and we influence the tomorrow).

  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    It depends upon your definition of "fulfilling."

    For me, I'd rather have my health than food that tastes good for a few minutes and then leaves me feeling horrible emotionally and physically afterward. I've found that the best antidepressant is eating whole, healthy foods. I refuse to give my health away anymore to "foods" that aren't really nourishing me.
  • What stuck out most to about your post is how food seems to equal happiness. I have been there and still am to a certain extent. I still overeat, I guess the difference now is that I'm overeating on healthier food when I do. Still not good behavior but it does keep me thinner than I would be eating McDonalds.

    I know ads on TV don't help. They have you believe a cheeseburger, coke, and fries will make your day, if not improve your life.

    I think the only time I've really modified my diet is after reading books on the subject.

    The one that woke me up is Fast Food Nation. It is very well written and goes into how food marketing is killing us, literally. I've bid farewell to liquid sugar (coca cola) and fast food and don't even miss it that much.

    I agree with the previous post that the focus must be on today, pat yourself on the back each step of the way when you make your goal. You can do it!
  • What stuck out most to about your post is how food seems to equal happiness. I have been there and still am to a certain extent. I still overeat, I guess the difference now is that I'm overeating on healthier food when I do. Still not good behavior but it does keep me thinner than I would be eating McDonalds.

    I know ads on TV don't help. They have you believe a cheeseburger, coke, and fries will make your day, if not improve your life.

    I think the only time I've really modified my diet is after reading books on the subject.

    The one that woke me up is Fast Food Nation. It is very well written and goes into how food marketing is killing us, literally. I've bid farewell to liquid sugar (coca cola) and fast food and don't even miss it that much.

    I agree with the previous post that the focus must be on today, pat yourself on the back each step of the way when you make your goal. You can do it!

    OMG, yes "Fast Food Nation" is a real eye-opener! If you've never read any books about food, this is one you should start with. It will definitely help change your opinion of comfort foods.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I find your post interesting. I didn't read all of the replies so forgive me if I am repeating what others have said. I have lost 56 lbs to date. I plan on losing more. Last night I had a cinnamon bun for dessert. Friday night, My guy and I had pizza. During christmas I went out with friends and had wings. Last summer I had ice cream at least once a week. What you're not realizing is that you can do all of those things an not be fat. I get the distinct impression that you're making excuses for yourself "everyone else has ice creammm..." Well that's not always true, but even if it is, nobody is stopping you from having some, just have a single scoop. I feel your pain, I used to buy a tub or 2 of ben and jerry;s and eat it all in one sitting.

    I think you can still do ALL of the things you're scared you can't, you just need to take control of yourself, and your emotional issues so that having a treat is having a treat and not a huge binge. I think you're doing really well so far, and thinking ahead like this iss probably more harmful than helpful. Take things one day at a time, deal with emotional issues 1 day at a time.

    You can absolutely lead a wonderful, fulfilling life as an overweight person. But you are not overweight, nor was I when I started out. Emotionally you can be very fulfilled as an obese person, but to feel truly fulfilled I want to have children, and run and play with them. I want to play sports and plan birthday parties and travel. I want to hike and horseback ride and swim in the ocean. I want to be healthy and not worry about diabetes and heart disease and cancer more than a healthy individual should. I think you need to do this for yourself. When I was obese I didn't feel happy doing much at all.... You may feel happy while you're eating, but do you feel happy when you do anything else?
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I find your post interesting. I didn't read all of the replies so forgive me if I am repeating what others have said. I have lost 56 lbs to date. I plan on losing more. Last night I had a cinnamon bun for dessert. Friday night, My guy and I had pizza. During christmas I went out with friends and had wings. Last summer I had ice cream at least once a week. What you're not realizing is that you can do all of those things an not be fat.

    I agree with Kerrilucko. You can eat anything you want, just in moderation. My husband and I have Friday night pizza nights - and I haven't skipped one of them while losing weight. I'm the one throwing back the Michelob Ultras at the bar. I've been given the nickname "Cookie Monster" at work b/c I eat cookies. a lot of cookies! In fact, I've already eaten 2 today, and have another 2 planned for dinner later. But I've also eaten 3 pieces of fruit, oatmeal, fiber english muffin, healthy cheese, and some vegetables. And I spent some time working my butt off on an elliptical machine.

    I don't feel like a different person since I've lost 55 pounds. I'm the same ol' sarcastic, fun, intelligent, adventurous girl I've always been. But there's less of me, I do wear smaller jeans, and I feel so much better about myself. This is something I can do! I'm not perfect. I'm not a vegetarian. And I'm not a boring "grey" kind of person who eats the same thing every day. And I don't always run. Sometimes I just go for a walk, other times I use the elliptical machine, sometimes I play basketball, sometimes I go hiking, and sometimes I do workout videos or group classes. Life is full of exciting things, and I feel like I can be a part of them now. I don't feel like everyone is staring at my chub, I don't feel winded after going up one flight of stairs, I don't feel awkward at dinner with friends thinking they're all judging me for the amount of food I'm eating, I don't feel like the "fat girl" at the club that everyone's staring at, I still see lots of room for improvement in my body (losing the weight has left me with some flappy skin and I still need to shed probably about 20 pounds), but I can see all of the hard work and sweat I have put into myself. And I love it.

    I don't live with those fears and self-image issues anymore. Yes, in my opinion, it's worth it.
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Is it food that really makes life fulfulling? If it is, maybe you should start asking yourself what you are really hungry for...

    Have your ice cream on the beach, your beer when you are out with friends, and whatever else is you want... but have less of it! Nothing should be off limits. Also, when you learn to start loving healthier food, some of the old stuff loses its appeal and you will wonder why three plates at the buffet was ever a good idea!

    It isn't about food. Whatever it is that you are looking for won't be found in a pint of ice cream. Figure out what it is that you are really worried about giving up or why you need to focus on food in the first place. Find things you love other than food and fill your life with those things. Pretty soon, it won't be a battle to avoid food, it will be finding the time to fit a healthy meal in when you are so busy with so many other fabulous things.

    Hang in there! Message me any time if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Is is possible to lead a fulfilling life when you are fat. Absolutely, there are a lot of people who do it every day. The real question is, can you? Will you go to a resort, put on a bathing suit and boldly take to the beach callling over cabana boys and ordering drinks? Will you go to a superbowl party and gleefully dive into the all the food, enjoying every bite with gusto and no guilt while you're joking and laughing with everyone else at the party? Will you and do you do all of the things mentioned in your post and never feel guilty about your weight or self-conscious? Will you be adventurous and leap into doing new things with new people or will you hang back or stay home because you're embarrased about how you look or because you are afraid that you can not physically keep up? If you stopped dieting today would you go back to your life and really enjoy it? If you can lead a fulfilling life at your current weight, and you don't care if your life is a little shorter as long as it is filled with quality then that's what you should do.

    I've been following your posts for a year now and I can tell that you have become more stressed, more unhappy, and more emotional the longer you've tried to stay on this diet' For some reason, this is not getting easier for you and you seem to struggle more and more every day. My question for you is, why are you doing this? Really. As someone else said earlier, if you don't really want to do this then now is not the time.

    Perhaps you should back off on "dieting". Figure out how many calories a day you need to feel full, satisfied and to eliminate stress and then cut those calories by a really small amount, like 200 calories a day. At the same time, start walking 30 minutes a day, even if you only do 5 minutes at a time. Once that becomes easier for you and is not a source of stress then cut another 100 calories out. Just make tiny, insignificant changes that you will barely notice. Don't try to change a lot more than that. Maybe see a counselor to try to understand more of your relationship to food and to get some professional advice on some steps to take.

    You might want to explore rather or not your emotional stress is tied, not to fear of failure but to fear of success. If you are successful, what does that mean to you and to your life. There are a lot of people who truely fear what will happen when they lose weight and what impact it will have on their lives.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.
  • I think the answer is simple... you should totally enjoy everything that you do no matter what. However, if your concern is that endulging in certain foods that "come with the territory" of certain activities, and your goal is to lose weight and be healthy then I think the answer is simple: You just need to work as hard as you play, plain and simple. What I mean is that if you say go to mexico and go to a buffet, first off dont just sti there and stuff your face (this is what I would want to do hehe) eat what you need of what you want, add up the calories and then at least burn 3/4 of them off with excercise. Dont forget that places like all inclusive resorts (and I know this was just an example) ALWAYS include a workout facility, and if they dont... put on the running shoes and sweat. It sounds like you're getting really flustered over this like you cant enjoy food anymore which just isn't the case. You just have to work harder if you do endulge.... so really that's the problem not the eating. Can you go through the rest of your life working harder when these situations do arise, and they will. You know it and I know it, that's just life.
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I heard somewhere that changing your eating habits are like changing any other habit. For some, food is an addiction. I don't smoke, but I did hear this in reference to smoking, as well.

    Before you can give something up, you need to really appreciate it. Don't do it out of habit, do it out of love. If you only eat food you really love, take the time to enjoy it! enjoy every bite, every flavor, every texture. Don't just eat because it's there. If you see some doritos don't just throw a handful in your mouth. Go ahead, eat the doritos, but ENJOY THEM. you'll eat less and you'll feel more satisfied if you hit your craving. If you don't love it, don't eat it.

    I really love this answer and totally second it! :flowerforyou:
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    ive been there and let me tell you its not easy
    dont deprive your self
    save calories or work out extra to have what you want
    if you feel like that you will not stick to this
    treat your self every now and then

    i used to eat when i was sad or happy or upset
    now when i feel like that i hit the gym and i feel better than i did when i would eat
    but dont lock your self away! get out and everytime you pass up a tempation you are making your self a stronger person!

    hang in there
    it only gets better
    i promise
    i felt exacley the same way

    now when i eat "bad foods" i feel heavy and gross and i think man im glad i dont eat like that very often
    you will get to that point also trust me
    but stick with it
    you will be so happy in the end

  • DawnInOhio
    DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
    You said you liked to plan for what you were going to eat before when you weren't dieting, so why not enjoy planning now? See most us gained our weight because we 'didn't' plan. I throughly enjoy looking up new recipes, watching the cooking shows on FitTV now, instead of Food Network, I plan more now than I ever did, and love experimenting ways to have those foods that I enjoy only healthy versions, now. It's okay to still have food as your best friend, as long as it isn't your worst enemy in the process.

    Last night DH wanted fast food burgers and wouldn't get them if "I wasn't", so guess what I ordered a cheap cheeseburger to appease him and came home and made the chicken dish I had planned on cooking all week, I fed the burger to the dog. I was looking so forward to my healthy version of Chicken Piccata because I had planned out how to make it, and bought the ingredients, and put it on my dairy, no yucky fast food burger that I've had a million times was going to get in my way.
    Food is still an obsession and passion of mine, but it doesn't have to be an unhealthy one.
    Just change up how you feel, it's like you have a love/hate relationship with it. You CAN have your best friend, you always need it to survive so you two need to start living in harmony or you will never be happy with the food or yourself. It's not like drugs or alcohol that you can stay away from after you beat an addiction, so some way you need to develop a healthier relationship.
    You can do it! At least you are still here, if you were ready to give up, you would have given up and we'd never see you, again. So, you are still in it!
    Hope tomorrow is better, it's a new day!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Folks-- you are wonderful people-- these are some loving, supportive wonderful, wonderful responses.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    Your success is highly related to how much you want it. If you feel like dieting is a punishment, you will fight yourself into overeating - the thing that makes you feel fulfilled. If you feel like working hard for a healthy lifestyle is actually a gift to yourself, then you will fight to make it work.

    I know it sounds simplistic, but I believe if you write a pro/con list to losing weight, you will find out whether you're ready. I've spent so many nights asking my husband if I look fat, so much time feeling fat and guilty for what I ate - telling myself that tomorrow would be different, just to eat the same old crap again... However, I wasn't ready to lose weight until I made that pro/con list and realized that I was more unhappy with my body and lack of willpower than I was with making portion changes and different food/exercise selections.

    I tried to quit smoking multiple times, but it wasn't until I was so disgusted with myself, my habit, the way I smelled, the deterioration of my health, the guilt, the hiding, the obsessing, etc., that I could finally quit. Fighting yourself is no way to spend your life. It's okay if you're not ready to lose weight now, but only if you are really okay with yourself as is - I hope you don't quit losing weight because it's hard - if you stop, you truly should be happy with yourself as is. It sounded like your post was rationalizing and trying to convince yourself otherwise.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I'm having a hard day, and i keep questioning if all of this is actually worth it in the end.

    i think about going out with friends, travelling, enjoying weekends and social gatherings, parties, movies, summers on the beach, barbeques, superbowl parties, etc. and can't imagine going through the rest of my life without indulging in all of the food that accompanies it.

    can i go to an all inclusive resort in mexico and not drink, not go to the buffet and not enjoy all of the delicious mexican food with abandon?

    Can i go to girls night and sit there like a veal staring at all of the cookies, brownies, ice cream, articoke dips and bowls full of chips and tell my self now, all the while having a miserable time because i can't indulge in my passion?

    can i spend my entire weekend in my apartment flipping the channel anytime food comes across the screen and salivating any time i think about food, and avoiding the putside world because everywhere you turn there is food staring me in the face?

    can i go to a movie theatre and walk past the concession while the smell of hot buttered popcorn wafts through the air and everyone around me is munching with delight, and the danicign hotdogs beg me to take one little bite?

    can i survive summer without walking down to the beach or the harbour and enjoying a giant wafflecone with ice cold choclate chip mint ice cream? can i walk, keeping my head down wheile everyone and their dog walks around with ice cream cones?

    can i satisfy myself with a veggie burger on whole wheat while everyone else is drinking beer after beer and mowing down on charbroiled burgers, steaks and ribs, baked potatoes with the works and a buffet of homemade desserts?

    i am having a horrible day, and it's everything i can do to stop myself.

    i used to have a preoccupation with food, and would plan out my next meal, but at least i was moderately happy and it gave me somethign to look forward to. now i dread weekends becasue i sit and try not to think about food, which impossible because you inevitable have to think about it in order to try to stop thiking about it, and i feel like my life is just sucking because my lover, my one thing i enjoyed, my passion is now forbidden.

    i feel empty, hungry, sad, lonley and dejected. at least when i eat i feel full, satisfied, lonely and comforted.

    it doesn't at all seem worth it. why, just so i can fit in smaller jeans?

    It's not about not indulging on a cruise or on girls night or during the superbowl. It's about not indulging on every day in between. Weight has a direct impact on your health. I am doing this because I not only want to live a fullfilling life....I want to live a long one. You can have a balance of both. It's not about not enjoying fact it's about being healthy enough to enjoy it more. I know you can do it. Don't deny yourself every special occasion just understand that if you take 5 steps forward and one step back...that's still four steps forward.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :heart: Lindsay:heart:'s my thoughts on the matter

    I find if I am putting my food before my friends, etc. it is now because of pre-planning of it for an activity or event. If I plan my life around food and then toss in a couple friends then I know for me that's not the life I want to live.:noway:

    Food will never be my best friend again, a :heart: best friend:heart: is there for you in ALL times, the happy, the sad, proud moments, achievements etc.

    Food has never made me happy, quite the opposite in fact, it's made me feel guilty, alone, sad, angry, afraid, (insert hundreds of more negatives here) ....I wouldn't want to spend time with a friend if that's what I got from being around them:noway: . Sure we have friends and get angry at them, sad with them, laugh with them but it's something I do WITH THEM (at them) not BECAUSE of them! Not sure if that is making sense to others, but it does in my head for myself.:heart::wink:

    For ME? Food is not worth dying young (and YES 48 is young:flowerforyou: :wink: ), being sick, being on meds, never being content with what's in the mirror or never even wanting to look in the's not worth losing years of good things that life can offer us (so much in the future we have that we don't even know how great it will be, each year keeps getting better than the next for me:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: TRULY!!), we are not only here for only ourselves but for others.:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    I don't want to cheat anyone out of me:flowerforyou: (all the good things that I'm finally allowing to surface) and what joy I gather from others in this world and what I can share with them!! With food as my friend in the past, I NEVER would have been able to say this.....I didn't know I had anything to offer others...:cry::heart: :flowerforyou: :wink: (Hey folks time to tell Mike we need an online MFP therapist...LOL, oh wait we have one another to boost us up and give us virtual hugs and encouragement along our journeys, never mind:blushing: :laugh: :flowerforyou: ) have SO MUCH TO GIVE THE WORLD!!! :flowerforyou::heart::flowerforyou: :heart: something you probably don't realize right now... it comes in time as we give up things in life that have gotten in the way of who we really are:flowerforyou:

    PLEASE PLEASE Don't give up on YOU!!:cry::cry: We simply cannot afford to lose people like you in this world!, you're a treasure, I've seen you write, you have SO MUCH to offer each of us!!!:heart::cry: :flowerforyou:

    You are so young, you have ALOT of years ahead of you to share your heart, your beautiful writings, your joy and so much you offer each of us.... don't cheat yourself or US:grumble: :noway: :wink: or any of your family and friends off the net!! Food IS NOT anything more than a fix, like a drug for covering feelings that overwhelm us... if we learn to see our bodies as moving vehicles, a car that needs to have everything running smoothly, pumping good fuel into it, not things that might destroy our vehicles and make them run sluggishly.

    I recall years ago feeling that way, thinking OMG I'll have to give up EVERYTHING:sad: because what can you really do without food (that was WAY WAY before I felt the 'click' go off..ah it's quite embarrassing:blushing: to realize I felt that way back then and to admit it now, but it shows me how far I've come!!:drinker: :bigsmile: )... it's true it's sometimes a center of a gathering if we allow it to be. But healthy ppl don't make food their god, as many others have shared if one is not ready for the flight/fight (not meant in a bad sense, but of conquering & flying freely) of becoming healthy there is not a thing any of our family or friends can do or give us to make it work. It sucks but it's true! IT HAS TO BE US that comes to the place that food is no longer more important than our own happiness, friends, family...FREEDOM!:drinker:

    It's something we have to draw from deep within, then we can move forward realizing the importance of food is simply for energy to run the bodies God gave us to nurture. Food has never nurtured me, I could pretend in my mind that it would but I never felt it after the binge was over.

    Food is not the comfort it tells us it is, it's a lie,:angry: food can tell us so many lies,:angry: it is no different than someone on drugs, alcohol, smoking etc... we bargain with it, we make promises we know we won't keep...yet we go back to it...our addiction, it try's to lure us back but the longer we stay away the more powerful we become:drinker: ...for then we can believe in ourselves and the longer we do that...the stronger we become.:drinker:

    When we are truly truly ready for a change in our lives, & we are so fed up with the way we've been living, only then can we move ahead and begin to feel the freedom!

    I've gotten zillions of wonderful PM's on here sharing how they too heard the click (my profile speaks of my turning point in life) and they knew.....they KNEW they were then ready for the challenge of taking back their life!:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :glasses:

    I don't think until a person hears that in whatever form will be successful.... oh heck I've had many false starts over the years got where I wanted to be, kept it off, gained it back, gained some more, lost some more. Until I came here and found all this support from all of you on MFP!:flowerforyou: :smooched:

    It's different this time, a feeling inside me keeps me going....seeing how life was in the past with all that extra burden (self hate, sadness, feeling alone even among friends etc., less mobility, isolation, depression, anxiety) is simply not worth it to me anymore.

    I would gladly give up the garbage foods I was eating for the contentment I now feel inside,:love: the feeling of success & :love: self love:love: I will never get eating junk ....only by making healthy choices for myself have I been able to move forward in so many other aspects of my life. :drinker:

    This isn't simply about food, I think many of us know that or are now in the process of's about quality of LIFE, living one of fulfillment, one where we know we no longer have to worry if we look fat when we go out, we get to go out and have fun, not worry so much about those voices inside our head telling us we aren't good enough, we shouldn't be having fun, we're losers etc., we all have our own versions.

    Lindsay.......some have brought up that it's possible you're not ready, some call it hitting 'rock bottom' when a person is ready for change, they have nowhere left to go but up... even if you might not be, there are many small changes (actually they're huge!) you can incorporate into your life that will bring you joy and help you realize you CAN be successful at creating new habits.

    OK so everyone on the sight by now knows the first thing out of my mouth will be increase your water:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :laugh: :tongue:

    Drinking none now? Try drinking a glass first thing tomorrow morning, perhaps you drink some but perhaps not as much as you wish you did?. Increase it by one'll see the results by sticking to ONE SMALL CHANGE that you feel better about yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Eat fast food 5 times a week (:tongue: delivery counts) try eating one less fast food meal per week. No veggies? Try adding one in to a meal each day, no fruit? Perhaps begin with one piece.

    See what I mean, you don't have to literally throw yourself into a complete life change if you are not completely ready to do so (no wonder you're overwhelmed!... but making small changes I think will make you feel you are on your way. Progression NOT perfection... perfection will only make one fail and then what happens? We beat ourselves up over it.:noway:

    Keep your chin up girl, if you don't chart anything else on your food diary tomorrow, think on the water, the fruit, the veggies, take a walk. Don't try and do it all in one day, making a complete turn around, it's tough to do that and sometimes we fail, but the difference is we get back up, and start at that point & don't look back, baby steps to the water glass(:laugh: ), baby steps to the apple, baby steps to stepping outside into fresh air for your Vitamin D (yes I know it's COLD..brr..but fresh sunshine is healthy for our minds so we can make good decisions)

    Ok, so those are my thoughts........ ah one more...:wink:

    Lindsay I want to say THANK YOU:flowerforyou: .... you have given me much to think about reading your post here ...many tears fell (used all my tissues even:laugh: ), of sadness & joy and HOPE for a better future for us both... you have no idea how much more committed to the process you have gotten me!! I thank you for that...and for taking time to read this post:blushing: ....I haven't seen it yet on the thread but am quite sure it's probably my longest one yet:tongue::blushing: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    But that's OK, I got so much out of it, you really got me thinking about my own journey and how far I've come, sometimes it's easy to forget, and I am sure there is something here for you to grab hold of, I hope that others realize all the healthy things we each do for ourselves is not just for ourselves only but our families, our future!!:heart::heart:

    Cheers:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Holy Cow, Fitness_Chick... I think that's the most inspiring post I've read on here! Very well said! ::flowerforyou:: :heart::
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Fitness Chick, I love you!

    And one thing I've realized--once I cleared away all the gunk and junk...I realized that real food is AWESOME. I almost never ate, I'd flip over the idea of a SALAD for lunch. Then I realized that a vegetable tastes even better without butter, and that a salad can be a cornucopia of flavors and textures--and it's waaaay better without a big swath of creamy dressing.

    If you love Halloween and move to Germany, you might find you also love Oktoberfest. Change does not equal a wrong turn.

    I enjoy food so much more now. Yeah, I probably get a little hung up over food, but I LOVE to try new things and combinations.

    There are times when I DO miss a bigass bowl of cookie dough ice cream. But usually I'm missing what I associate a big bowl of ice cream with--a bunch of friends hanging out at the ice cream parlor, or my family and I just chilling with ice cream and the boob tube. Translation? I'm lonely and bored. Now, I go bang on my dormmate's doors and chill. I might have a bit of FroYo, but I don't need a big gloppy bowl of ice cream.
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    thanks for all of the replies. there are many great points, and i'm going to take all of them to heart. i feel alot better today and look forward to tomorrow as well.
  • msvallon
    msvallon Posts: 35 Member
    This post is awesome. I absolutely needed all of the responses in this post. I had not been eating so healthy over the last week and this is exactly what I needed to remember my goals and reasons for wanting to be healthy. Thanks to everyone who responded!!!
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