Desperate for help. When did losing weight start to click fo



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    even though I balooned up to nearly 500 lbs. I never cared till I finally developed diabetes back in 2009. It's been non stop for me. I reversed the diabetes when I lost a little over 100 lbs. I could have stopped. but I figured I came this far, lets see how far I can go!

    you need to find the reason for you. for me it was getting diabetes.
  • jezmarie89
    For me .. i learned how to make some yummmy but really healthy recipes.. and now that i eat healthier thats what my body craves instead of junk. Just find yummy meals and snacks to make that are good for you. and then the pounds started shedding. Its making me feel so good im automatically focused proud and determined
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sidesteal really? it has nothing to do with "wanting it badly" it has to do with self control....Plan your meals on friday night when u get home from work for the weekend i find that helps me though the weekend.....pre prepared meals help me alot :)

    I am not accusing, I am asking a question. It "may" have to do with wanting it badly enough. It may be an issue of self control, it may be a combination of both.

    arent self control and 'wanting it' essentially the same thing? if you want it badly enough you will have the self control to get what you want?
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    It has never "clicked" for me either... I have struggled all my life with my weight. When I would try to loose weight I would never have the support from my husband. He was my worst enemy because I would buy the healthier items for me but STILL HAD to buy the unhealthier things for him and my kids. They just never got how having that food in the house is such a temptation and made it difficult for to be true to myself. I have will power and I can resist lots of things but it makes it so much easier if those items were not ALWAYS around. We have a neighbor that has been doing MFP for a while now and he lost about 55 lbs. My husband took note of this and then HE WANTED TO JOIN. He did and then next week I did (I had to make sure he was commited to this too). So now I buy more healthy items and not all the high calories foods as before. We still have "junk food" in our pantry, with 2 growing boys you gotta have SOME things for them, but I have cut down or switched items they eat as well. Since I now have the support of my husband it is easier to stay on track, although he tends to use the weekends to "eat more". And it has now become a small compitition between me and him on "how much have you lost"? I just wish I could get him to exercise more, but a knee injury is making it difficult for him to do certain things, and also to drink more water. Is there anyone in your family or friends that can you compete against? Who worked out longer on any given day? Who lost more this week? Who drank more water...etc? I am very competitive so this helps me STAY ON TRACK ON WEEKENDS when I see him eating something that he shouldn't. It has helped me and right now I am in the lead with the most weight loss, but barely, but still I am in the lead- :tongue: Good luck!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    arent self control and 'wanting it' essentially the same thing? if you want it badly enough you will have the self control to get what you want?

    That's a good question.

    Here's my opinion on that matter:

    I think it depends. I think plenty of people want it bad enough but choose poor dietary methods and end up losing self control despite their best interest. For example, people who try and eliminate too many foods and create massive deficits.

    I think there are all kinds of reasons for failure when it comes to weightloss. As of now, I think a lot of them center around poor methodology, but certainly not all of them. "Wanting it" is definitely part of the equation and I absolutely believe it's a very important puzzle-piece.
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member
    Sidesteal really? it has nothing to do with "wanting it badly" it has to do with self control....Plan your meals on friday night when u get home from work for the weekend i find that helps me though the weekend.....pre prepared meals help me alot :)

    Exactly. This sounds like a good idea!
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I try and simply do more exercise at the weekend so that the extra food doesn't impact so much. Can you do that? Fit in an extra hour each day to exercise?

    I'll have to make myself do that. I'm vowing to workout 4 times this week, and both days on the weekends. I feel like i have to. Also, if I know I have to workout on the weekends I feel like I'm more likely not to drink heavily. No one wants to workout hungover or dehydrated :)

    Exactly. I plan a run every sunday and it at least stops me drinking on a saturday, so that's some damage limitation! x
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What if you decide to eat healthy on Sundays but you leave Saturday as your "whatever I want" day. Then if that is successful you could limit it to just half the day Saturday. And gradually you could eliminate it altogether.
  • dkueter94
    I think it also helps that I am doing my workouts and my food diary on here with a friend. I know that she is working as hard as I am at losing some weight before Christmas and I don't want to let her or myself down. We are trying to stay motivated for each other. So maybe find a good friend to help keep you on track during the weekends-to work out with or to plan your meals with. Also, going out on the weekends is when I wear my "fun" clothes. I HAVE to get back in those cute jeans and tight shirts! So that helps to motivate me not getting too crazy on the weekends. But I agree, you need to have one day a week where you "cheat" one or two meals so you don't crave it so bad during the week and are less likely to cheat then. Good luck and stay strong!