stomach help!

I'm 5 foot 10 and 146 pounds. After I had my daughter 3 years ago I left the hospital at 200 pounds. Well...I'm trying to get back to 135 but I feel that even if I get to that I won't be happy with my stretch marked and wrinkled belly. I had a belly button piercing prior to my pregnancy which is now a strange wrinkled thing near my belly button. Kind of a weird situation but any kind advice or just thoughts would be helpful because sometimes I don't see the point in trying to lose weight if my stomach will always look like a wrinkly raisin.


  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    It will take time for the skin to readjust even after you lose weight. It may go back in a month, a year, or never return to how it was before. One thing is for certain, that not losing the weight certainly won't give you or I the flat stomachs we want!
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    I use to feel the same way about my stomach, but after eating healthy and working out on a regular basis my stomach is not as bad as it once was. Of course the stretch marks are still there, but it is not all wrinkly anymore. So just eat healthy and workout, it really has helped me. Good luck :happy:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    JUST KEEP TRYING TO TONE UP...strech marks will fade, but never completely go having the same problem..good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I'm sure that there are certain exercises that target your abs. I would try that first, and if all fails, there is always a tummy tuck. That's kind of drastic though, I would try the exercises first!!!!
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    I soooo understand how you feel! I am 5 7" and have fought the nasty stretch mark belly ever since I had my first child at 19. I could be tiny wearing a size 2 and would never put on a bikini! But the truth is the skin gets stretched out and in some instances the abdominal muscles get seperated, and truth be told there is no fix for it, unless your willing to go under the knife. If you would like more information about this add me send me a message
  • schmenly
    schmenly Posts: 57 Member
    I have the same problem (damn bad skin genetics...) I have one tip that is just a quick fix in case you are wearing a swim suit anytime soon. Now this will sound weird, but works (have done it about 3 times now before vacations). Put hemroid cream/ointment on your stomach, wrap cling wrap around your belly to cover the ointment (it is greasy), and go to bed. I did this for about 2 to 3 weeks prior a vacation a few nights a week and it tightens up the skin. Now of course it is not going to stay, but I was a bit less self-conscious in a bikini. Just a little trick if you need it. (I learned it from a friend that did a body building competition and had that problem with her stomach and it worked like a charm for her).
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    I have the same problem (damn bad skin genetics...) I have one tip that is just a quick fix in case you are wearing a swim suit anytime soon. Now this will sound weird, but works (have done it about 3 times now before vacations). Put hemroid cream/ointment on your stomach, wrap cling wrap around your belly to cover the ointment (it is greasy), and go to bed. I did this for about 2 to 3 weeks prior a vacation a few nights a week and it tightens up the skin. Now of course it is not going to stay, but I was a bit less self-conscious in a bikini. Just a little trick if you need it. (I learned it from a friend that did a body building competition and had that problem with her stomach and it worked like a charm for her).

    We used to do this in the Army if you knew you were going to bust the weight limit and they were going to measure your waist to calculate your body fat percentage :-)

    What it does is dehydrate your skin. Preparation H will pull the water right out, but it will start to return once you hydrate adequately.
  • borst13
    borst13 Posts: 1,826 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm going to do some core specific excercises on the Wii and if for some reason I ever get the guts to wear a bikini again I will try that quick fix. If only I could tell my teenager self that the cute belly peircing will turn into a strange alien looking stomach monster....oh well