
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    Mini Challenge: 50 squats and 50 jumping jacks - I will do these tonight.
    I just try to pick up the exercise and eat right.

    Working on the challange
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    I just have to treat a gain like a do a setback in my business by simply putting it behind me and plunging ahead. Failure is no longer an option for me because my health is the big picture. I also know there are often lesson to be learned from setbacks so I try to discern what past action can be changed to avoid future gains.
  • QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    I use it to motivate me! Up a pound or two? Then it's time to kick my butt into high gear!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    I stayed glued to MFP. You guys help me. I HAVE to stay truthful and admit publicly that I'm in need of help. I think THAT is probably the hardest part. I tend to get a little quiet and it's one of you who always seem to pick up on that... Somehow I'll get a tiny nudge of concern from someone and I just BLURT IT OUT! In my own way, I'll scream for help and you guys are so quick to send those powerful words of support, encouragement and motivation.

    I look for someone who needs encouragement as well. Pretty much I LOOK around for help, wherever I can get it. But I STAY hooked up to ALL OF YOU to help me get back on track.

    And I'm not only in that week now, I've been here for TWO weeks... ~tears~ But I'm working on it.

    Oh and also, I like to take a little peak down memory lane and see where I use to be. It kind of helps me to think, do you REALLY want to go back there? But again, you all keep me sane. Cause I would be frantic right about now if you all didn't pat me on the shoulder and tell me to just calm down and breathe!

    xoxoxoxo to all of my MFP friends...

    GO PINK TEAM!!!!!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Okay........where's the QOTD and the challenge!?!?!?!? I look forward to them every morning and they aren't here :sad: are cracking me up. :laugh:

    All just as a friendly reminder that if it's your turn to do the QOTD, you also get to decide the mini-challenge for the day.


    Two more sleeps till I get to post my question and I plan on doing it first thing in the morning so you all have the WHOLE DAY to work on the mini-challenge! :tongue:

    Who morning? I have come to realize not all of us are sharing the same morning.... When I first started with this challenge I was floored that here I am waking up "late" at 9am and people are already done with their diaries and challenges... I was like WHAT THE HECK.... Yeah, I thought we were all in the US... Leave it to this American to think the world revolves around her!!!! giggle
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I need to catch up... Sorry...

    QOTD Wednesday 10/26: Lets make this a fun one.... If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

    ??? What do you mean where do I want to go in the world? I'm from New York... Is there a world outside of New York???? Just kidding... (I live in AZ. I know there is NY and AZ) :)

    1. Australia
    2. Italy
    3. Indonesia
    4. Dominican Republic
    5. Alaska
    6. Idaho (I know it sounds silly but for some strange reason, I have always wanted to live in Idaho. I have never even seen a picture of the place)
    7. Phillippines
    8. Japan
    9. Africa
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Thursday 10/27 - Lets say you have way too many calories and you need to burn a few before you can have dinner or before you can close your log. What's your go-to calorie burner?

    Hey, I heard you burn calories when you sleep.... I say HIT THE BED!!!! giggle or.... ~sigh~ hit the elliptical.... better to just not eat too many calories...

    Honestly, this question really has me thinking... I probably should be making up for those calories when I go over... I really do hit the bed at bedtime no matter what. I need to buckle down and hit my goals... hmmm
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD 2 or Friday's QOTD ( my bad I forgot, got busy today.) What are some of the best nonexcercising calorie burners you do?

    I almost missed this question. The best nonexecising calorie burner for me is mopping the floors and cleaning out the tub. This is a on my knees, get down and dirty job.
  • QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    Unfortunately, I am the queen of giving up. Joining this challenge and pairing up with Rebecca has kept me going! Losing weight is a decision...and everyday, I have to wake up and decide to make's not always easy though!

    My grandmother used to always say "this too shall pass" when there was something going wrong. Every day is a new day...a fresh's a beautiful thing!

    Have a great weekend!! Tessa
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD 2 or Friday's QOTD ( my bad I forgot, got busy today.) What are some of the best nonexcercising calorie burners you do?

    Ummmm ......nothing. >_> I never clean so at best I maybe just wander around the house or kind of wiggle/dance in line or while i'm waiting. I'm fidgety.

    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    I don't consider week to week weighins valid - there are SO many fluctuations that can happen. I only worry about the 2-3 week timeline - and so far I haven't had a gain over 3 weeks.
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    I let myself have a few minutes of "feeling bad", but then I look at all the positive things here on some success stories...look at some old pics of myself to see how far I come so far...and then I get all pysched up...kick it into high gear and focus, focus, focus....!!!!!! :)

    Oh...and mini challenge........DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    ...night all .....zzzzzzzzzzz......
  • kissmesailor
    kissmesailor Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP, and I'd like to join your group for the mini-challenges! I am working hard on the C25k program, and have been counting my caloric intake with the MFP iPhone app. I am paying a LOT more attention to what and WHY I eat what I eat! I think that having daily mini-challenges to complete would be really good for me.
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    Lately, weight gain is my motivation to work harder. If I see a gain, I try to dig deep and find a way to see a change. I do an extra 20min workout, evaluate my meals for the week, or talk to my MFP and try to see were I went wrong.

    QOTD 2 or Friday's QOTD ( my bad I forgot, got busy today.) What are some of the best nonexcercising calorie burners you do?

    Chasing my kids around, or just simply going to work burns quit a few calories for me.
  • QOTD: Saturday, October 29 (my daughter's 22nd birthday :flowerforyou: )

    Hi all! I'm posting this a little early because when I wake up in the morning I'm leaving for a night away with my wonderful hubby. So here is the QOTD for Saturday:

    We all have a "bucket list", what are the top 5 things on yours?

    1. Learn to ballroom dance with my husband
    2. Watch my kids marry and have grand babies for me!!! (not any time soon though!)
    3. Go on a cruise to Alaska
    4. Be debt free
    5. Fit into a pair of single digit jeans!

    Mini-challenge of the day: Do something nice for someone (stranger or not) WITHOUT them knowing it was you! Then post what it was that you did :)

    Have a great weekend everyone and good luck tomorrow to all for your weigh-in!
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    I feel like such a fraud doing this challenge. I've been counting calories for the most part but I'm just not losing. Anyway, I know I've said that every time I answer a question but I really do feel like a fraud.

    In the past when I have been successful, and I have a gain, I would work extra hard that next week to have a loss.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    QOTD: Saturday Oct. 29th.
    We all have a "bucket list", what are the top 5 things on yours?

    1. Scuba dive with a whale shark
    2. Go to St. Lucia
    3. Run a marathon
    4. Go to Argentina
    5. Write a book
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD: Saturday Oct. 29th.
    We all have a "bucket list", what are the top 5 things on yours?
    1. Reach my goal weight!
    2. go to Hawaii
    3. run/walk a 5K on the beach
    4. Learn a foreign language
    5. Have my entire house spotless clean ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD Friday 10/28: In a week where you gain, how do you stay focused and not let it draw you back into giving up?

    This has been a struggle for me considering I have gained weight since the challenge and today when I weighed in I lost weight. I haven't been working out at all, but just by me logging in everyday and logging my food keeps me focused and accountable. My partner keeps me on track too.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD: Saturday Oct. 29th.
    We all have a "bucket list", what are the top 5 things on yours?

    There are a lot of things I would like to do. As I have gotten older I have realized that I have more fear than I used to, so I will have to add something adventurist to my list.

    1. Try Botox
    2. Reach my goal weight
    3. Travel the world
    4. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
    5. Sky dive
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD: Saturday, October 29: We all have a "bucket list", what are the top 5 things on yours?

    1. Speak Spanish Fluently
    2. Visit every continent
    3. Own a Home
    4. Have Children
    5. Be financially stable and prepared so we can take care of our parents when they can no longer care for themselves.