New Air Force Wife

Hi, all! :) I've done myfitnesspal on and off for the past year or so, but never dedicated. About 3 years ago, my sister and I started weight watchers together and I lost 60 pounds. I was 143 and a size 4 jean. It felt awesome! And then as soon as I went back to eating normal again, the weight slowly came back. I am about 190 now. =( I am newly married (6 months) and my husband is active duty US Air Force. He is currently serving his first deployment in Afghanistan. He has been gone for a month now, and my goal of losing weight while he is gone has been unsuccessful. I still have about 3 months left, so I want to get back on the train!! I get tired of weight watchers because it makes me feel like I'm in a food prison. So I really want to try myfitnesspal religiously and see how far it gets me. Looking for others who are needing motivation and who really want to change our lives!!! =) Excited to be here.


  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Good luck! :happy:
  • Granny1227
    Welcome back! I have only been using MFP for three weeks and can already tell a difference. You can do this!! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Make tracking your food and eating healthy your "normal" way of eating...
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome.....the encouragement on MFP is outstanding. You can add me as a friend if you wish.