The walking dead...



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The zombies in this show look awesome. The show feels like it moves kinda slow sometimes. They have so much to work with with that plot, I think they should make it move a little faster.

    I bet they're trying to draw it out so that people will watch the show for longer. Also, they may be delaying the inevitable "jump the shark" episode/moment...
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    yeah, them sitting in the church threw me off a bit too...perhaps some of the zombies are 'evolving' so to speak?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It was the one that got in the camper van that got me, really getting clever, he was looking everywhere... Creepy.


    And I wondered who got clean-up duty on that one :tongue:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good show, but it needs more cowbell:

    I got a fever...
  • Cakepiebeer
    How funny.. I just discovered this show last night on Netflix. Stayed up till 2am watching the first 3 episodes. It's not bad.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386

    It was the one that got in the camper van that got me, really getting clever, he was looking everywhere... Creepy.

    Which brings up another point, why are they driving that old camper? . . I am sure it wouldn't take much to find a more reliable ride.
  • Cakepiebeer
    Walking Dead is a great show. Be sure to watch George Romero's trilogy of zombie movies. Land of the Dead (released in 2005) is his best because the zombies to start to evolve and think for themselves.

    Woah.. totally impressed! You just dropped Romero.. You must be my friend...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Walking Dead is a great show. Be sure to watch George Romero's trilogy of zombie movies. Land of the Dead (released in 2005) is his best because the zombies to start to evolve and think for themselves.

    Woah.. totally impressed! You just dropped Romero.. You must be my friend...
    Well yeah, cause Romero is the king of all things Zombie!
  • Cakepiebeer
    Walking Dead is a great show. Be sure to watch George Romero's trilogy of zombie movies. Land of the Dead (released in 2005) is his best because the zombies to start to evolve and think for themselves.

    Woah.. totally impressed! You just dropped Romero.. You must be my friend...
    Well yeah, cause Romero is the king of all things Zombie!

    I just assume most people dont know that
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    The camper belonged to that old guy who lost his wife, sentimental I guess, plus it carries loadsa people and has a shower and toilet. Pretty handy! :)
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    LOVE that show! If you enjoy it, I highly recommend checking out some back episodes of a podcast called Mail Order Zombie. They had a great summary of the last season and a great discussion on it.
    I don't think the zombies can become "smart". The whole point of zombies is that they are a social commentary on the brainlessness we find in group mentalities. You'll see zombies in life EVERYWHERE. Observe a group of people who are fanatical about any 1 subject, religion, politics, consumerism, work, etc, and you'll see zombisim at it's best. It also plays on our fears of becoming lost in the crowd as individuals. To give them the ability to think or have distinct personalities would defeat the purpose of them being zombies. They already retain more of their past life than most zombie portrayals - they can use door handles, and they have hightened senses that make them formitable.

    I think the church zombies were a light commentary on religion. I don't think they were seeking answers. (If you watch American Zombie, they'll tell you Jesus was the original zombie - interesting little documentary for the zombie fan.) I think it showed that they were there out of habit. Just like they'd turn a door handle out of habit.

    Let's just look at the first episode:
    The 1/2 a zombie death scene. The Zombie just wanted to act on instinct and eat. It was eeking out a survival and he put it out of it's misery (assuming it had emotions at all and was miserable - that may be just be personification). I felt that was an interesting moment to examine. Is this our mentality when something is suffering with a situation that is unlikely to improve - we feel we're doing it a favor by ending it's cycle of life? That begs the question regarding how we treat handicapped or senior citizens (the sr. citizen thing was also touched on in a later episode.)
    Consumerism is attacked all over the place, literally in the first episode. They could have been trapped ANYWHERE, but they were trapped in a department store. In a later episode, a hot car was seen as just for it's parts and taken apart. In a non-survival oriented world, that "status symbol" of a car wouldn't have been seen for what it could do, but for what it looked like. What better commentary on vanity need there be?
    Group vs single mentality - The kid who ran around ALONE getting stuff, was able to survive, was functional. He was doing it FOR the group, but he was also HINDERED in several situations by the group.

    UNFORTUNATELY for me, my guy just deployed and I promised I wouldn't watch and more episodes until he gets back, so I missed last night's too, but I can't WAIT to get back to it!

    Seriously considering starting a movie review blog after writing this... lol
  • Donna_T_B
    Donna_T_B Posts: 24 Member
    Really well-done show. We love it!

    I wonder how the non-zombies keep from becoming infected when they get zombie blood all over themselves. Like when Andrea (whom I also don't care for) stabbed the dude and got blood all over her face. Some of it HAD to go in her eyes and mouth!!

    This may be my nurse brain over thinking things. Hey! Before stabbing a zombie, please don gowns, gloves, and masks!!

    And Lori is getting on my nerves. She's all indignant about the doctor and I'm like, what the hell other choice do you have, you ungrateful wench? sheesh.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Walking Dead is a great show. Be sure to watch George Romero's trilogy of zombie movies. Land of the Dead (released in 2005) is his best because the zombies to start to evolve and think for themselves.

    I watched Diary of the Dead by Romero yesterday. Love his movies.

    The graphic novels for The Walking Dead are awesome. I love the live action of the tv series but I think the graphic novels are slightly more action packed. And, oddly, more gory. :smile:
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Walking Dead is a great show. Be sure to watch George Romero's trilogy of zombie movies. Land of the Dead (released in 2005) is his best because the zombies to start to evolve and think for themselves.

    I watched Diary of the Dead by Romero yesterday. Love his movies.

    The graphic novels for The Walking Dead are awesome. I love the live action of the tv series but I think the graphic novels are slightly more action packed. And, oddly, more gory. :smile:
    Red ink is cheaper than fake blood and guts. ;)
  • Cakepiebeer
    Walking Dead is a great show. Be sure to watch George Romero's trilogy of zombie movies. Land of the Dead (released in 2005) is his best because the zombies to start to evolve and think for themselves.

    I watched Diary of the Dead by Romero yesterday. Love his movies.

    The graphic novels for The Walking Dead are awesome. I love the live action of the tv series but I think the graphic novels are slightly more action packed. And, oddly, more gory. :smile:

    If you're into those , you might be interested in a series called "Crossed" . It's not for the squemish.. you've been warned
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Bumping the thread to let y'all know that there's a group now to discuss:

    It's open to anyone, no invite needed.