To Husky or Not to Husky?



  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    I had a husky before and the shedding was awful.. that's the 1st thing I think about them! ha

    Second, I don't think you have the time for a husky. They love to be active. Your work schedule sounds like you wouldn't be able to give them the time they need.

    Shedding is not as much of a problem, because I can raise an army of Roombas to tackle that.

    I can also deal with the exercise needs, as I can run a couple miles in the morning, and a go on a long walk after work. This is actually a good thing in my case, as I can use a running buddy. I am mostly concerned with leaving the poor dog (especially as a puppy, he was born 4 days ago) alone all day, knowing they are naturally against that. I know this would be a problem with any dog/puppy, but it seems Husky's needs are greater in this arena.

    I certainly understand the "It's not fair for the dog" argument, what I don't understand is, I couldn't be the only single person with a full time job (and then some) to also want a dog.

    I appreciate everyone's feedback. I will consider it in my decision making process. I want to do what's best for the dog, as its a long term decision and hence I am taking time to think about it. This pup will come from a friend's litter, I have to wait 8 weeks (which is normal), so there's still some time to think it over and over again (and make proper arrangements if I decide to get him).

    PS: As far as GPS collars go, there are some available online, and for the right price, I could build you one (Yes, most days I am Tony Stark :P )

    PSS: It seems Huskies really are "That much more" work, as the internet would make it sound.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    well in that case (since you don't care about shedding and husky will get plenty of exercise with you) get 2 huskies!! :laugh: Seriously, he won't be lonely!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    me and my boyfriend have a husky and she is VERY energetic, but the most goofy, lovable dog...very stubborn though. if you're a very busy person i'm not sure if a husky would be right for you because idk about everyone elses but mine HATES to be alone. she will whine all day and tear things up if we leave her out. make sure you have a way to burn that energy though, my bf takes her on runs
  • I've never had a Husky, but I do currently have a German Sheppard. She is a great, loyal dog. She used to go to work with my dad when he owned his own shop, but he sold it and now can't take her to work. She does look pretty upset when we leave her in the morning, but she is so happy to see you when you get home and she is great by herself at home all day.

    Good luck with your decision!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've had three malamutes, and while there are definitely differences, they are similar enough to huskies for the purpose of this discussion.

    Like you said, the biggest problem is that the dog will be left alone for hours on a daily basis. All dogs can be destructive when bored, but sledding breeds are particularly notorious for it, as they hate being alone. I thought I'd dog-proofed the house well enough, until mine chewed up the WALL and made multiple deep, large craters... Are you prepared for this!?

    And if the dog will be left alone for hours, how is he supposed to pee, especially when he's a puppy and has a smaller bladder? (this one will be less of a problem if you adopt an adult dog)

    Remember the dog needs to be walked even on the coldest day. Cold weather doesn't mean no pee... or no energy.

    GPS collars sound great, but I wouldn't rely on them. They won't prevent your dog from getting hit by a car before you find him. Plus, some dogs become experts at slipping their collar/ harness off... like mine...
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I have 4 Sibes - boy are they hard work...but so worth it!!

    Judging purely by reading what info you've given a Sibe is definitely NOT the dog for you.

    They are people loving animals who crave human attention - being away from them for 10 hours per day will not only leave you with half a house (they're very destructive) but your neighbours will be hacked off with the howling and your dog will likely start to suffer mentally.

    You have to be prepared to take them out every day, otherwise they get very hyperactive.

    They are stubborn and won't do anything unless they see it will benefit them in some way - plus they like to back-chat you lol!!

    Your garden is big enough so long as you're planning on getting them our for 3-4 hours everyday, however you'd need at least 6 foot fencing (I know a husky who can jump 8 foot), also because they like to dig you'd need to ensure the sides are undiggable (that's so not a word lol) otherwise they could dig their way out if unsupervised - they're very quick at this - our garden is fully paved, got bored of the craters!!

    Very few can be trusted off lead as they're stubborn and will chase (and probably eat) anything small and fluffy/feathered - potentially this could include small dogs as well although I haven't heard of this happening.

    My two boys are big softies and love hugs all the time, however, the girls tend to keep to themselves and will only walk over for a fuss when they feel like it.

    They can have very sensitive stomachs so need to be fed a high quality food - but eat surprisingly little!!

    If you want any more information on them feel free to message/friend me but I'd hold off getting a pooch until you can dedicate more of your time to them - after all they're referred to as mans best friend :-))
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I have 4 Sibes - boy are they hard work...but so worth it!!

    Judging purely by reading what info you've given a Sibe is definitely NOT the dog for you.

    They are people loving animals who crave human attention - being away from them for 10 hours per day will not only leave you with half a house (they're very destructive) but your neighbours will be hacked off with the howling and your dog will likely start to suffer mentally.

    You have to be prepared to take them out every day, otherwise they get very hyperactive.

    They are stubborn and won't do anything unless they see it will benefit them in some way - plus they like to back-chat you lol!!

    Your garden is big enough so long as you're planning on getting them our for 3-4 hours everyday, however you'd need at least 6 foot fencing (I know a husky who can jump 8 foot), also because they like to dig you'd need to ensure the sides are undiggable (that's so not a word lol) otherwise they could dig their way out if unsupervised - they're very quick at this - our garden is fully paved, got bored of the craters!!

    Very few can be trusted off lead as they're stubborn and will chase (and probably eat) anything small and fluffy/feathered - potentially this could include small dogs as well although I haven't heard of this happening.

    My two boys are big softies and love hugs all the time, however, the girls tend to keep to themselves and will only walk over for a fuss when they feel like it.

    They can have very sensitive stomachs so need to be fed a high quality food - but eat surprisingly little!!

    If you want any more information on them feel free to message/friend me but I'd hold off getting a pooch until you can dedicate more of your time to them - after all they're referred to as mans best friend :-))

    you pretty much summed it up flawlessly lol
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member

    - instinct to run and possibly get lost
    - may not come when called and usually not willing to cuddle
    - territorial

    PS: I am looking for folks who have experience with huskies to chime in.

    I have a husky and she doesn't do either of the 2 things I quoted from you. She is a big baby who can be lazy and cuddle all day. She does love to run but never ever gets lost and we never worry about her running through the park woods by herself. She always finds her way back, however she can be stubborn about this sometimes if she is tracking in interesting scent.

    A side note: she loves the cold weather.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    We had a beautiful Alaskan huskie for 10 years. He was really a wonderful pet. We had him from about 5 weeks until he died from cancer. We did a lot of leash training when he was young so that he wouldn't be so stubborn.

    Enjoy him and love him well. I miss ours all the time.
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks everyone for chiming in. Your input has definitely played a major role in the decision making process. However, I must have some Husky in me, because I can be just as stubborn. I know all of you said I wasn't ready, and while this has merit, I am taking steps to make sure I will be able to change some of that.

    I am going to bring my beautiful Siberian on Saturday. He has been named Enzo (Yes, after the founder of Ferrari motorcars). Before you jump to conclusions, here are the steps I am taking to make sure he remains happy,

    - Work from home more often (at least once a week)
    - Reduce my office hours to 8, even if that means I have to come home and work after walks.
    - Bought a once a week membership to a doggie day care (Central Bark Milwaukee, google it), they have play times / nap times, grooming etc.
    - paying a friend to let him out and take him for walks mid-morning on the 3 work days he will be let alone for long periods.
    - using a concierge service to take him on a longer walk mid-afternoon (30 minute walk)
    - setting up my workout schedule to include morning and evening runs, probably will be a short run (1 - 1.5 miles) in the AM, and a longer (2-3 miles) in the PM.
    - Also, I took 2 weeks off from work starting Saturday (the day I get him) so I can make sure he has enough time to get settled in , and doesn't miss his siblings too much.

    Well, I hope this is a start of a long, fun relationship. I am super excited.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I've seen a lot of replies, and sorry, but im much too lazy to read them all! So ill probably be restating what's already been said.

    I had a husky and LOVED her. Id love to have another, bit Florida is not the place and I don't want to try and replace her. That being said, she could also be a pain.

    1) they will run. Its a pain to keep them penned up. I can't tell you how many times I had to jump fences and chase her down.

    2) they shed, but obviously you know that!

    3) sometimes they eat cats. Mine was fine with our two cats, but anything outside running around was in her sights.

    4) they have a LOT of energy. If you can take them out and exercise them, it would probably be fine.

    Good luck in your decision. Hope you enjoy whatever you get!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Why sign up for a dog that's bred and already adding to the problem of animal overpopulation? There are hundreds of thousands of dogs stuck in shelters and being euthanized every day. Rescue one and it will know what you did for it and it will snuggle you FOREVER.

    Look how happy Margo was that I adopted her!

  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thanks everyone for chiming in. Your input has definitely played a major role in the decision making process. However, I must have some Husky in me, because I can be just as stubborn. I know all of you said I wasn't ready, and while this has merit, I am taking steps to make sure I will be able to change some of that.

    Or you're a Taurus like me.. I'm just as stubborn.

    He's a beautiful pup and I approve!
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Why sign up for a dog that's bred and already adding to the problem of animal overpopulation? There are hundreds of thousands of dogs stuck in shelters and being euthanized every day. Rescue one and it will know what you did for it and it will snuggle you FOREVER.

    Look how happy Margo was that I adopted her!


    I am rescuing one. It comes to me from my friends who rescued a pair of abandoned Huskies. They weren't ready for them, but did it because otherwise those dogs would either die or end up in a rescue. They weren't ready for 2 dogs. They certainly aren't ready for 7. They'd like to see the pups go to some place where they'd be taken care of and loved.

    I thought I posted the back story on one of my previous posts, but maybe I didn't.

    I love dogs and yes, I frequent my local humane society, and do whatever I can to help out.
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Or you're a Taurus like me.. I'm just as stubborn.

    He's a beautiful pup and I approve!

    Nope... I am a Sag ;) ... If that means anything. But stubborn nonetheless.

    Once I get him, I will take a pic and post it on this thread :)