day 1 - cautiously optomistic

Giving it a try. Along with a set of Zumba fitness discs, I want to get the weight down and the fitness level up. Want to feel good about myself and actually DOING SOMETHING to move me toward those goals. Wish me luck!


  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Welcome, this is a great place to accomplish that goal.
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    Well this is the place to be. Keep counting calories, and keep to your goals. I've lost just over a stone using this site. Be honest as you fill in the diary and it will certainly help. Good luck. I hope you reach your target. If you have a lot to lose set yourself monthly targets, it's more manageable that way. Keep going.
  • amymaria91
    Welcome! This a great site to keep you on goal. I tried losing wieght loads of times before but this site seems to be making it stick this time.

    Good luck
  • VinniF
    VinniF Posts: 51
  • VinniF
    VinniF Posts: 51
  • doenitin52
    Welcome there is a lot of support here you will do great if you are truly ready to make a change. Good luck!!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome, Same age as you with more to lose. Have sent you a friend request if you'd like some company and support along the way.