kick in the butt needed

Hey guys! I have never made a post or blog before but I have hit a brick wall & need some help. I was doing really well with eating & keeping below my calories but it seems like just all of a sudden I am hungry 24/7 and nothing staisfies my cravings. I have tried snacking, lots of small meals, tons of water, but I am still hungry all of the time. I have a very labor intensive job so finding the motivation to workout is difficult. I go to the gym & run & do some classes along with yoga but what I really love to do is Zumba on dvds in my living. I know that the Zumba works & I have seen some incredible results with it, I just need a kick in the butt to make me do it & do it often. How insane is that I not only know what works, I have what works I'm just so damn exhausted after work to use it? I need help, does anyone have suggestions to get me kick started again or give me more energy without energy drinks or those energy shots? Thanks so much


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am not a morning person at all. Seriously, I am terribly groggy in the morning, I am a night owl by nature. However, I end up doing my cardio in the morning because then I can't get lazy and skip it, which I am prone to do as the day goes on. It is out of the way before I shower and get ready for work. This has been the only thing that has kept me on track. I miss more sleep in the morning but I'd rather be a little more tired when I wake up than overweight!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I know this might sound like common sense but sometimes you just have to force yourself to do it until you are in habit again. I had several weeks were I didn't workout at all except for my toning group, but I got to the point where I had to do it. So, at night after work and the babies are in bed, I forced myself to do a workout dvd - then it got me back in the habit again. Just take it one day at a time and make sure it is something you enjoy otherwise it is harder to do.