3 weeks off from running to 5k in 4 weeks

I just signed up with my boyfriend to do a 5k on Thanksgiving--4 weeks. I haven't ran in a few weeks because I have been focused on circuit training, and even when I was running, I was only up to 2 miles. What is the best way to boost my endurance? Should I just get back into running, doing 3 miles at a slow pace, so I don't overdo myself and work to get faster over the 4 weeks?

I've never done a 5k, and I don't want to disappoint my boyfriend who just did one in 21 minutes Saturday....


  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    I was told to do one week of a slow continuous pace, then the next week do intervals of sprints to light jog or walk. The first week builds up enderance the next builds strength. Should get you up to par. Remember to rest before the 5k! And good luck!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    If you can run 2, you can run 3. My first 5k is this Saturday and until yesterday I had never run 3...only 2. The only thing I've been doing is C25K...and I haven't even finished it yet (I'm on week 6).

    You can do it!!
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    Btw, do not train on a treadmill unless you add an incline because outside is a completely different ball game!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I just signed up with my boyfriend to do a 5k on Thanksgiving--4 weeks. I haven't ran in a few weeks because I have been focused on circuit training, and even when I was running, I was only up to 2 miles. What is the best way to boost my endurance? Should I just get back into running, doing 3 miles at a slow pace, so I don't overdo myself and work to get faster over the 4 weeks?

    I've never done a 5k, and I don't want to disappoint my boyfriend who just did one in 21 minutes Saturday....

    your bf did a crazy 7 min mile. awesome. i do a 10 minute mile, and i'm running my first 5k on thanksgiving. no harm in doing it at you pace. your bf will run faster then you, no big deal.

    just get out there and run. go for some distance running to build some endurance (further then 3 miles) and at least do one short run a week were you lightly job for 3 minutes and do a one minute run at 80% strength. thats just an example. google interval training for runners.

    oh, you can also join my november challenge! its to prepare for zombies! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/375070-november-zombie-apocalypse-challange
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    oh, you can also join my november challenge! its to prepare for zombies! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/375070-november-zombie-apocalypse-challange

    I've seen this Zombie Apocalypse thing mentioned a lot in the forums...and have yet to figure it out??
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    oh, you can also join my november challenge! its to prepare for zombies! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/375070-november-zombie-apocalypse-challange

    I've seen this Zombie Apocalypse thing mentioned a lot in the forums...and have yet to figure it out??

    i don't understand your question? do you not understand the challenge, or the whole concept of the zombie apocalypse?
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    If you can run 2, you can run 3. My first 5k is this Saturday and until yesterday I had never run 3...only 2. The only thing I've been doing is C25K...and I haven't even finished it yet (I'm on week 6).

    You can do it!!

    You have NO idea how much better this makes me feel! I was doing C25K too! I got to week 4 or so then realized I could just run it. So, I stopped with the build up, and I would just run 2 miles everyday. I'm quite slow though...around 23 miles for 2 miles. My boyfriend did 3 in less than that! :( The kicker is I haven't ran in a few weeks, I have only ever done it on the treadmill WITH NO INCLINE and the cold weather kills my lungs. I think I'm in over my bed.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    i don't understand your question? do you not understand the challenge, or the whole concept of the zombie apocalypse?

    The concept.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    You have NO idea how much better this makes me feel! I was doing C25K too! I got to week 4 or so then realized I could just run it. So, I stopped with the build up, and I would just run 2 miles everyday. I'm quite slow though...around 23 miles for 2 miles. My boyfriend did 3 in less than that! :( The kicker is I haven't ran in a few weeks, I have only ever done it on the treadmill WITH NO INCLINE and the cold weather kills my lungs. I think I'm in over my bed.

    I didn't time myself yesterday, but I'm probably around 10-11 min/mile. I'm not concerned about my time right now, just getting it done! Don't worry about what your BF can do either - that has nothing to do with you. Get some runs in over the coming weeks and you'll be fine!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    You have NO idea how much better this makes me feel! I was doing C25K too! I got to week 4 or so then realized I could just run it. So, I stopped with the build up, and I would just run 2 miles everyday. I'm quite slow though...around 23 miles for 2 miles. My boyfriend did 3 in less than that! :( The kicker is I haven't ran in a few weeks, I have only ever done it on the treadmill WITH NO INCLINE and the cold weather kills my lungs. I think I'm in over my bed.

    I didn't time myself yesterday, but I'm probably around 10-11 min/mile. I'm not concerned about my time right now, just getting it done! Don't worry about what your BF can do either - that has nothing to do with you. Get some runs in over the coming weeks and you'll be fine!

    Thanks! I see you did 30DS too! I just finished in August! I loved it. I've been focusing on Ripped in 30 the past few weeks instead of C25K because I figured out I could just run if I wanted....didn't need the build up. Good luck!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Thanks! I see you did 30DS too! I just finished in August! I loved it. I've been focusing on Ripped in 30 the past few weeks instead of C25K because I figured out I could just run if I wanted....didn't need the build up. Good luck!

    I have Ripped too...but I haven't been motivated enough lately to start it!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks! I see you did 30DS too! I just finished in August! I loved it. I've been focusing on Ripped in 30 the past few weeks instead of C25K because I figured out I could just run if I wanted....didn't need the build up. Good luck!

    I have Ripped too...but I haven't been motivated enough lately to start it!

    haha I bought it, and it took me a few weeks to start it, and I haven't been doing it like I should. Just here or there to supplement not going to the gym, but I started the Special K 2 week challenge, so I did Ripped all last week with eating Special K. I took the weekend off form Ripped, though, so I feel a little slack. I'm going running tonight and doing Ripped. What do you do for shin stretches? I find that no matter what I do, I get shin splints. HOWEVER, if I do something like Ripped before I run, I'm sufficiently stretched. I just can't imagine that I need that much movement and stretching to warm up my shins, so they don't hurt when I run.
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    More then likely your shins hurt because of your shoes. Mine hurt me so bad when I started that I thought I would never be able to run, but after getting fitted and buying a good pair of shoe I'm doing ok. I need to do more strength related thing like 30DS again or trying Ripped in 30. I have taken about a month off from it and did No More Trouble Zone the other day and almost didn't make it. I was sore for 2 days.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks everyone! I went out last night, and I got in 2.7 before it started raining. I think I can do the distance. Just need to get some speed. I was at 4.6-5.2 for average speed depending on if I was going downhill or uphill. Around an average 12 minute mile. I use myrunkeeper app for my phone that tells me every two minutes (you can set for when it tells you) how fast I am going, how far I have gone and my average pace aka time per mile and average speed. It is a really neat app. I noticed I was extending myself too much going downhill, and I would get up to like 7+ mph...be exhausted then go into an uphill and feel like I couldn't make it. Once I noticed was doing that, I kept a steady 4.6 to 5ish and ran fine!!!! I wasn't exhausted on uphills after that. Good luck everyone!