Dream Team- Result Week One

Hi to all in the Dream Team

Week One Results and Tips- Reporting in to evajessee

Well I have lost 3lbs since I joined MFP over a week and a half ago.

Its 12pm in the UK so I have done my weigh in this morning before I ate anything :laugh:

I have lost one pound this week but my official weigh in day is Tuesday so hope I am on target for another pound lost. Fingers crossed.

My tips for the week are exercise even if its going for a walk to the shops. Eat sensibly but also enjoy food too. I had a Mcdonalds yes a Mcdonalds but I had a sensible option ie a chicken salad sandwich and an apple pie. Don't deprive yourself of your favourite foods just have in moderation or you'll feel deprived and end up eating more!

Hope everyone else has had a good week. :smile:

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    Hi to all in the Dream Team

    Week One Results and Tips- Reporting in to evajessee

    Well I have lost 3lbs since I joined MFP over a week and a half ago.

    Its 12pm in the UK so I have done my weigh in this morning before I ate anything :laugh:

    I have lost one pound this week but my official weigh in day is Tuesday so hope I am on target for another pound lost. Fingers crossed.

    My tips for the week are exercise even if its going for a walk to the shops. Eat sensibly but also enjoy food too. I had a Mcdonalds yes a Mcdonalds but I had a sensible option ie a chicken salad sandwich and an apple pie. Don't deprive yourself of your favourite foods just have in moderation or you'll feel deprived and end up eating more!

    Hope everyone else has had a good week. :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning Dream Team - just checking in for the Sunday roll call. I lost two pounds in the last two weeks (not an overwhelming weight loss - but it's better than gaining two pounds!!!) I, too, usually weigh myself on Tuesday because like Labamba, I usually have a cheat meal on Saturday. I did get on the scale this morning and still weighed the same, so I'm ok. I had a cheeseburger at TGI Friday's and it was really good, but unfortunatey did not stop there - I also had some ice cream for dessert. I was good all day before that and tried to save some calories, but I went over my calorie limit for the day. I did get on the treadmill first thing this morning and walked for 50 minutes, so today's a new day. Do any of you other team members ever have a cheat meal? I was told by a personal trainer that if I'm good all week, I should have a cheat meal.
    Well, everybody have a good week. GO DREAM TEAM!!!!
  • evajessee
    Ok ... reporting for duty! Today is my 2nd week lifestyle anniversary and I am currently weighing between 180 and 181. I started out at 187 so I've dropped about 6 to 7 pounds so far. I have to admit I am a reformed caffeine addict so I am still working on giving that up. For the moment I have 2 cans of Dr Pepper a day (mainly to avoid caffeine withdrawals). I am going to work this upcoming week to get down to 1 pop a day.

    I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet. When I do burn calories through chasing the kids, work and exercise I do eat those calories back too. I am eating Special K Blueberry Cereal each morning. I normally eat Turkey on wheat bread with fat free Lays chips (which are SUPER good) for lunch and then I eat a normal dinner but moderate my portions. I am trying to make sure that our dinner is healthy however so we might eat turkey breast with brown rice, beans and for a treat ... sugar free jello with a teaspoon of lite cool whip.

    My daughter's birthday was last night so I worked my butt off so I could burn another 400 calories in order to compensate for a small piece of cake with 3 tablespoons of chocolate ice cream. It was SOOOOOO worth it!

    I am going to share a recipe with everyone for this week. If you make these, let me know how you like them!

    Banana Nut Mini Muffins
    1 cup ripe bananas
    3/4 cup cugar
    1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
    3 Tbsp canola oil
    1 egg
    3/4 cup all purpose flour
    3/4 cup whole wheat flour
    1/2 cup quick oats
    1 1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/3 cup dates
    1/4 nuts (pecan or walnut)
    1 tsp grated lemon peel

    In a large bowl beat bananas, sugar, applesauce, oil and egg until blended. Combine the flours, oats, baking powder and baking soda. Gradually beat into banana mixture until blended. Stir in dates, nuts and lemon peel. Spoon mixture into muffin cups half full with the batter. Bake at 350* for 12-14 minutes. Cool 5 minutes then enjoy! Yields 4 dozen muffins.

    Nutrition facts: 1 muffin is equal to 49 calories, 1 gram of fat, 4 mg cholestrol, 27 mg sodium, 9 grams of carbohydrate, 1 gram fiber, 1 gram protein.

    So you can enjoy TWO of these muffins for a 100 calorie snack and not feel guilty at all!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hi Dream Teamers!!! This is my third week of my lifestyle change and about my third week on My Fitness Pal. I lost one pound this week for a total of 5. I weigh 165 down from my second highest weight in my life, 170.

    I lost 4 pounds my first week, nothing the second and one pound this week. I'm terrible at counting calories and always have been. I have a sensitive digestive system after being given antibiotics that were too strong for me 5 yrs ago. They killed all the good bacteria in my intestines and I haven't seen the same since or at least my digestive track hasn't been the same. Since then I find I'm very sensitive to wheat (one of my sisters is allergic to gluten), fat and sometimes dairy. I used to eat these foods anyway & just put up with the discomfort but I want to get control over this.

    I've really been watching what I eat since January: no wheat, dairy,sugar, fried foods, alcohol, red meat. I wonder if my body is in shock mode as I was very over indulgent over the Christmas holidays. My intestines feel so much better, I was so gassy at the end of the holidays I was literally burping all day long

    I am determined to get fit and healthy this year and am in this for the long haul. Go Dream Team Go!!!
  • keennash
    Good morning everyone.. I just weight in I lost 1pound now Im 171. Lost 3 pounds in one week.

    To all Dream Team:
    I will be posting daily motivation quote to keep us going. I was wondering should I start a new thread with a topic of The Dream Team-Daily Quote..... or should i post under this one. Let me know what you think?

    Today Daily Qoute:
    "Your body doesn't lie. If you listen to it carefully, it will tell you everything you need to know to keep healthy". (Sara Hernderson).
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Nice quote Keennash - and how true it is. I would suggest that you keep the quotes here so we don't have to look all over the message board to find them. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you'll have to say. By the way, keep up the good work.
  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    I wonder once everyone has joined the 'Dream Team' we see which day is best for everyone as you suggested for weigh in for the group evajessee?

    I'm happy to do on Sunday and on my official weigh in day too on a Tuesday. Just back from a 4mile walk around a lovely Loch. So away to eat as have many cals to use up now, :laugh:

    Take care everyone

  • evajessee
    I wanted to make you all aware of a very special momma of our group on a very special mission. Her story is heartbreaking and a mom's worst fear. Please welcome her, check out her website and if you feel a desire to be a part of her dream ... please do!

  • evajessee
    Yeah! Look at us all dropping the pounds! We are doing so good. I am amazed at how the weight seems to be coming off at a rate of 3 pounds per week for me. I hear of some dropping 6 or 7 pounds a week and I must say ... I"M JEALOUS! LOL! My weight is coming off at a decent speed so I guess I can't have it all. I was thinking today when I grabbed a bag of sugar out of the cabinet .... I have lost more than that thing weighed! When you really begin to look at your weight lost in terms of the weight of "things" around you, it is nothing short of amazing!
  • meloui
    meloui Posts: 7
    Good morning everyone.
    I weighed in at 149 lbs this morning and my goal is 145 lbs. I am having a bugger of a time with the last 5 lbs that will not come off. We are heading to Mexico on Feb 16th, so I need the accountability. It may not seem like alot of weight to get off, but I find if I let the 5 lbs go, it quickly turns to 10, which turns to 15 and so on....
    Good luck to all of you with your goals :)
  • barbaralee
    Hello everyone, When I started the beginning of January I weighed 250 pounds. My goal is 140 pounds. I lost one pound today when I weighed in. This morning it was 239. I was disappointed, because my goal is 2 pounds a week. However when I measured I lost 2 inches in my waist and1 in my hips, so that really did encourage me.

    Good Luck to everyone!!!!!!
  • crosstitcher0563
    Hi Everyone! :drinker:

    I started exercising December 27, 2007 this time around. I started dieting when I found MFP on January 3, 2008. I weigh in the morning on Saturdays for MFP and in the evenings(Right after dinner--ugh!) on Tuesdays for the YMCA. I am working out with a group of people on Weeknights.

    Is it alright to use my Saturday weight for the weigh in on Sunday? Please?:flowerforyou:

    It's a life change and I need all the support I can get to keep going especially at the beginning.

    According to my scales on Saturday, I have lost 15lbs, but according to the YMCA scales I have only lost 7 lbs. Today, I weigh 213 on my scales because I went to a wedding yesterday and had a good time! So, I'm going to work out today even though I don't usually work out on Sundays.

    Best wishes to everyone!:drinker:
  • Freshandhealthystart
    Hello there from the u.k. I have been at work since yesterday and have been home now for 3 hours. Time here is just gone 6.45pm and I am hungry so thought I would weigh in now before my tea! Have been using MFP for about 2 weeks and have lost 3 lbs. I am quite pleased with that as have tried to lose weight but had been struggling to get myself motivated and thinking positively. Hoping that we can gain strength from each other. So far, so good!
  • evajessee
    Absolutely crossticher! Use your Saturday weight for today! And for the others until we get a day set for us to report or a good weigh in date for the bulk of us, use the date you are weighing now whether that be Saturday or Tuesday's.

    I started weighing once a week on Sunday's but gosh it sure is hard to cut back and stay focused on the weekends when I have four kids and hubby to cook for and we've had a birthday party this weekend and friend over to grill out! UGH! Everyone knows that previous to healthy eating I was a HUGE cook so I battle the anxiety of feeling like I need to cook good when company arrives. I make myself accountable though by mentioning that I'm restricting my sweet treats and working to drop weight. They've understood so far.

    I am thinking about getting the Wii Fit this next weekend to try it out. We're getting a super nice tax return so I am gonna splurge on a pilates ball and mat, possibly a cable type weight set, and a Wii Fit so I can do a little bit of weight training, body sculpting and playing around on the Wii with my kids. Anyone have any luck with the Wii Fit or tried it.

    Also ... my problem area is my tummy (since I just had a baby). Any ideas on how to get it flattened somewhat and toned would be SUPER!
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    This is sort of my second week of MFP, though I've only been actively tracking my food and exercise for about a week. I started at 132kg and weighing this morning was 130kg, so yay! A loss of about 4.5lb. Just tucking into a piece of multigrain bread with PB and a banana smoothie. This is my new morning ritual. It's delicious and full of good grains and protein. My body feels awesome!

    Go the Dream Team! Oh, and I think the quotes are a great idea. Let's keep them in this thread so it's all together.

    Lisa xx
  • lamykins
    I wanted to make you all aware of a very special momma of our group on a very special mission. Her story is heartbreaking and a mom's worst fear. Please welcome her, check out her website and if you feel a desire to be a part of her dream ... please do!


    thanks for the mention there hun, so nice of you. i feel i have a goal to keep me going. feeling a bit down today, after losing 5lbs on my first week last week, and half an inch off my waist and neck, this week i have remained the same weight, but i have lost another half inch from my waist, so thats not too bad.

    anyone who can please spare five minutes to check out the website that evajessee mentioned for me, i would be really appreciative. it is raising awareness for other mothers, as well as raising money for them in my sons name. so please five mins out of your daily routine is all i ask. thanks guys, and keep up the good work.
  • keennash
    Good Morning All:
    Daily Quote Today 1/26

    "Believe in the best, think of your best, study your best, have a goal for your best, never be satisfied with less than your, try your best and in the long run things will turn out the best." by Henry Ford.

    Hope everyone have a wonderfull day....

  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Hello Fellow Dream Team Members - I'm just writing to say hello and keep up the good work this week.
  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    Woo hoo thought would share with the members of the group I hit my proposed weight loss of 2lbs this week. My 'official' weigh in day today. Hope you are all doing well this week too?


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • evajessee
    Thanks for the words of wisdom! I am aiming for my best this week. That means NO powerdered donuts! LOL!

    Everyone is doing SUPER in meeting their goals and seeing their waistlines dropping! I was so excited when I took my measurements yesterday and saw that I lost almost 3 inches from my waist and my hips came down 2 inches too!

    Ok ... I'm going to spend my quiet time in the Word this evening and I'll talk to the big guy about us all and ask for some strength, stamina, and stick-to-it-ness for us!

    Keep up the good work! We are rocking!