HELP!!! I've hit a wall!!!

OK, so I've been going GREAT for 5 months now and I've lost 50 pounds!!! But idk if it's the weather (I'm in the midwest US), or the changes in daylight, the yummy foods all over tv, or what, but I've hit a MAJOR motivational wall. It's as if I have completely forgotten what losing 50 pounds feels like and I just want to go back to my old lazy self. I am TERRIFIED of the slippery slope!!

I have a date with the gym tonight and I'm dreading it!! This is NOT normal for me anymore.

What do some of you do to get some extra motivation when you're feeling depressed, lethargic, or just plain lazy???


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I read the reasons I hate about being overweight that are on my profile page. It always causes me to remember what I don't want my life to be like anymore.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I try on some of the clothes I can now wear that I couldn't wear before.

    I think about all the things I can do now that couldn't do before.

    I seek advice/counsel/encouragement from someone who is helping me along the way. Sometimes they encourage; sometimes they kick my rear into gear.

    I think about dying young because of my weight.

    I look at pictures of fat people online and remind myself that I don't want to be like that anymore. (I'm not making fun of anyone; I"m just saying that looking at others and KNOWING that I look that way too motivates me to want to be different.)

    I try on some of the clothes I can't wear and think about how much I WANT to wear them!!!

    I read all the success stories here and know that if someone else can do it then surely I can, too!!!!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    you may need to seriously consider if you have seasonal affective disorder. Depends if this is a typical pattern for you and how moody/ depressed are you- enough to see a dr. I had to go to a tanning booth for very short exposure just to help with mine when I discovered this pattern. Do what helps you. Don't let your mind control your actions though. Just do it! Go to the gym, you will be happy when you did it and its done. You may even lift your spirits:) Take care of yourself!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    can you try switching up your workouts? add some variety...and try to make as fun as possible.

    I always find working out (outdoors) much better than inside. not sure the weather in your area, but maybe try to get fresh air working out. I find it REALLY boosts my mood.

    PS. AWESOME job on the 50 lbs...that's fantastic!! be proud of that!
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Your post has really struck a cord with me.. I have been feeling very lazy over the last week or so and although I have lost 27lb and i am thrilled to be in my skinniest jeans, I too have felt myself slipping into old habits!! I even ate a half a big bag of chocolate buttons tonight - just two weeks ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing that!!

    I am determined to get re-focused and from tomorrow I am going to write myself a meal planner for the week so that I have no excuses from lack of kitchen inspiration! Good luck - find your desire to keep thin, wish me luck too!! xxx :noway:
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Your post has really struck a cord with me.. I have been feeling very lazy over the last week or so and although I have lost 27lb and i am thrilled to be in my skinniest jeans, I too have felt myself slipping into old habits!! I even ate a half a big bag of chocolate buttons tonight - just two weeks ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing that!!

    I am determined to get re-focused and from tomorrow I am going to write myself a meal planner for the week so that I have no excuses from lack of kitchen inspiration! Good luck - find your desire to keep thin, wish me luck too!! xxx :noway:
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    the first step to get over that is to just do something. got for a short walk or play wii or anything t hat will get you moving!! but if you keep feeling that way, this may sound backwards but maybe you should just take a day to yourself and be lazy... then once you see how it feels to go back to that self hopefuly you will decide youdon't want to be there again and that will get you motivated again! Good luck and if you want a new friend you can feel free to add me! :)
  • MyCoachNYLA
    MyCoachNYLA Posts: 158 Member
    Ummm...the holidays are approaching....sometimes that triggers emotions. I am thinking that could be part of it for you and the commercials/ads don't help.

    I make sure that I make my special apple oat bran pie and my protein chocolate pie which totally helps me stay on my food plan and at the same time not feel so out of place with the food during the holidays.

    Planning and being prepared for me is key around this time of year.

    Also, sometimes there can be burn out and we are looking for a break. This is usually the time where most get into a "sticking point" and the bargaining with the food and fitness program.

    Maybe you might need a training buddy if you don't have one - to share with and be accountable to for extra support.
  • Selsich
    TheJuicegirl I have the same problem. We live in WY and we only get maybe 10 hours of daylight during the fall and winter months and it's not always good quality. I have been on a vitamin d supplement and I love it. Just something to consider if tanning isn't your thing or isn't in your budget.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    You are not alone! I've been the exact same way and like you I am scared to death of letting myself go again. But, with that said, I REFUSE to give up. Like some other posts said, read your profile and reasons why you want to lose the weight...try on some of your old clothes that are huge on you... and lok at pics of you 50lbs heavier.

    I blame it on the change of seasons too and lack of daylight for my change. Hang in there! You CAN do this!!
  • mdboyanowski
    mdboyanowski Posts: 4 Member
    I find what has helped me the most is keeping a list of the reasons I started living a healthier life style. Whenever I feel myself losing motivation, I pull out the list and read it. A lot of the reasons are people I have worked with who have passed or had major health issues due at a young age caused by their weight. Remembering what their families had to go through reminds me that I don't want to ever be the cause of my loved ones going through the same thing.
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    This might not be a popular option but I don't watch TV any more for that, and other, reasons. Ads are evil and just make me want whatever food I see. If I really want to watch a show I usually get a DVD box set or watch for free online. I also don't fall into the TV coma that I used to anymore where I would almost become hypnotised and realised I'd watched like four hours of TV instead of doing anything!
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    WOW!!! Thanks, everyone for the support!!! It really helped me get through my hump. Although I hadn't abandoned the gym, I had been slacking! Trying for four days this week - two down, two more to go! It gets a little rough because I've got some major heel spurs and that makes it really painful to do long workouts, but I'm powering through. Thanks again for the motivation and support! I really needed it!!