Not enough carbs, too much protein?

Hey guys,

I've noticed that I'm tracking more than just my calories that I end up with a daily deficit of carbs (and sometimes fat) and I usually go over in protein (and sometimes sodium). This is often coupled with extra exercise calories on work-out days, even if I'm not very hungry.

Do you have some suggestions for foods that could help me bring this back closer to balance?



  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Going over on protein isn't a bad thing, that's just the minimum recommendation. I always try to go over on protein and have enough carbs to have the energy I need to work out but not go over.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    dont do anything...........lower carb and higher protein are good
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I found MFP suggestions a little off. I reset mine to 40/30/30 carbs, protein, fat
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've noticed that I'm tracking more than just my calories that I end up with a daily deficit of carbs (and sometimes fat) and I usually go over in protein (and sometimes sodium). This is often coupled with extra exercise calories on work-out days, even if I'm not very hungry.

    Do you have some suggestions for foods that could help me bring this back closer to balance?


    What are you trying to achieve? It's up to you to get the nutrients you need based on your needs and what you are trying to do health-wise. Everyone has different goals and needs.
  • madisonsteelex
    Going over on anything means it can be stored as fat because your body doesn't need it at the moment. As long as you're not going over your calories per day, your body is going to use up every bit of energy(fat, carbs, protein) you put into your body. As soon as you go over more calories than you burn, that's when your body starts storing.
    Both carbs and protein are 4 calories/gram. Fat is 9 calories/gram and is easier for the body to store.
    But as long as you're using more calories than you eat, you should be good.
    Carbs and protein are technically interchangeable when it comes to energy, because they both provide 4 calories/gram.
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Hey guys,

    I've noticed that I'm tracking more than just my calories that I end up with a daily deficit of carbs (and sometimes fat) and I usually go over in protein (and sometimes sodium). This is often coupled with extra exercise calories on work-out days, even if I'm not very hungry.

    Do you have some suggestions for foods that could help me bring this back closer to balance?


    i did the same. more proteins > good for me

    still never forget proteins ONLY is dangerous! if you ever feel weird, eat some sugar.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've noticed that I'm tracking more than just my calories that I end up with a daily deficit of carbs (and sometimes fat) and I usually go over in protein (and sometimes sodium). This is often coupled with extra exercise calories on work-out days, even if I'm not very hungry.

    Do you have some suggestions for foods that could help me bring this back closer to balance?


    i did the same. more proteins > good for me

    still never forget proteins ONLY is dangerous! if you ever feel weird, eat some sugar.

    To the OP: Going a little lower carb and a little higher protein is probably fine as long as you're in a deficit.

    To Uerzer: While I'm definitely not a low-carb person, you seem to be doing a little bit of scaremongering there.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Going over on protien isnt bad, watch the fats though. be carefull that you have some fiber and fresh produce.

    I know you probably dont want to hear this but add some veggies to your meals, if you already do, add some more. but avoid the naughty ones like corn, too much carrot and potatoes(yeah I know their not veggies) super veggies that absorb flavor are zucchini and cauliflower(cauli stinks when cooking it but doesnt have much taste when cooked) Peppers are good for you two, I avoid green ones they are harsher on my tummy. and mushrooms fresh white ones, full of vitemins. celery and lettuce are good too.

    Im always high on proteins too, but they keep you full longer and curb your hunger faster. if im having eggs, I have 2 whites and 1 yolk, i try to eat tuna often or low fat chicken or extra lean beef.

    if your proteins are coming from cheese, just cut your servings in half. remember one food guide serving of cheese is your thumb from the tip to the 2nd knuckle.

    if you want protien and carbs and good for you fats eat some peanut butter, my fave snack is 1tbsp of pb and 1/2 tbsp of nutella, it cuts the sweet craving and fills me up. Dont have it all the time but it is a good sub for that chocolate bar or icecream.

    good luck
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've noticed that I'm tracking more than just my calories that I end up with a daily deficit of carbs (and sometimes fat) and I usually go over in protein (and sometimes sodium). This is often coupled with extra exercise calories on work-out days, even if I'm not very hungry.

    Do you have some suggestions for foods that could help me bring this back closer to balance?


    i did the same. more proteins > good for me

    still never forget proteins ONLY is dangerous! if you ever feel weird, eat some sugar.

    I typically look at protien as a minimum goal and carbs and fat as a maximum goal. That being said calories in calories out is the most important. Being over on sodium can cause you to retain water but that's not real weight gain and on occasional days it's not going to hurt you or anyone else.

    Macros can make a difference in how you lose weight, but most importantly you want to get used to tracking and hitting the calorie goal before you worry about the macros. When I started on here I was only worried about calories. After a few weeks when I was comfortable with that I started worrying about adjusting the other stats based on my personal goals.