Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (Level 1, Day 1)



  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    You did great! If you feel beat down, that means you gave it your all. Good for you!

    The next 3 days will test your resolve, tho. That jello-feeling is going to turn into some seriously sore muscles, especially your thighs. Stairs will make you want to cry...squatting to sit on the pot is even worse! (I actually asked Hubs to install a handicapped handrail next to ours!)
    I am only on day 2 and I was hobbling around my house today wondering if I could even do it today. I pushed myself though and about half way through the warm up my soreness was much better just from the stretching and movement. I am feeling it though and can PROMISE I will have to force myself to do it tomorrow since I know it will be worse then today. Can't wait till I get past the soreness lol
  • Beberni
    Beberni Posts: 25
    I've never done the video but may be able to help with the upper body strength without lifting weights or doing girly push-ups.

    I had a trainer for about 6 mos several years ago and he had me stand about 2 to 3 feet away from the wall (depending how tall you are) with my feet slightly apart then lean toward the wall (your body must be erect so don't bend at the waist) with your hands flat on the wall. Like you see people do when they get arrested....lol Then lean toward and push away until your arms extend full length. Just keep leaning in and pushing away......

    They are push ups agains the wall while standing up. Sounds really easy until you do about 15 reps. Its using your own body weight. If you get tired you don't feel like you're going to bust your face as I feel when I'm doing push ups. When you lean into the wall, its sometimes easier to turn your head so that your cheek almost touches the wall but doesn't. Also don't try it in socks or your feet will push away from you and you'll slip.

    Hope its a good description. Let me know if it helps.
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    I know it's tough! I have the same DVD! I have had some knee problems that have kept me from doing it for several months. Just keep on doing it...she's great! You are doing the right thing by walking in place...the soreness will be just about unbearable for the next 2-3 days but DON'T QUIT! Don't worry about the weights until you aren't so winded during the workout. You'll know when you're ready..it won't seem so hard. Hang in there! You have me inspired to start it again. Hope my knee will allow me!
  • spuleri
    spuleri Posts: 29 Member
    I did Level 1 two days in a row last week and felt like I was going to die! It makes me feel better that I'm not the only one that felt that way. I think it's going to take me a month to be able to all of Level 1 without taking a break!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    LMAO! I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because I did shed a few tears in level two! I was down on my knees and was thinking, 'what the fu*k is wrong with the psycho b*tch

    Ok I laughed of loud for this! I seriously couldn't sleep the first night after I tried this video! Every muscle in my body hurt and I swear even breathing moved a muscle in pain and woke me up!

    BUT with that said I did it again for day 2... And I actually think it helped a little to stretch the aching muscles out! Push ups... F them! (and I'm doing the girly ones, cussing every time) I have had to take breaks... The first day lots... Second day I paced myself better and today was day 3 and I only had to stop for one 5 second break. But I did have to modify some of the other moves so I could keep moving! Hang in there cause I'm not giving up and neither should you! We can do this!!!
  • CityOnAHill
    CityOnAHill Posts: 136 Member
    I feel like I've just met about 15-20 new sisters! <3