New(ish) to MFP, and would like to make friends :-)

Hi everyone!

My name is brit and I keep thinking that if I add some friends, It might be more motivation for me to keep going. My biggest motivation is getting ready for my brothers wedding Jan 2012 and making a lifestyle change. If anyone would like a friend and might be in the same place as me, by all means, add me! Looking for extra motivation or anyone that can help. It is def. time for a change.


  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    That's great motivation so use it and set small goals all along the way up to the wedding. Depending on when in 2012 it is you seem to have more than enough time to make some dramatic changes! If you truly believe you can do it, then there's no doubt in my mind you'll make it happen. The mind is one powerful thing!
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP!! Feel free to add me as a friend!! Good luck :))
  • krystalgwen
    krystalgwen Posts: 39 Member
    im in quite the same boat as you except my brothers wedding is june 16th and I have to fit into this really pretty bridesmaids dress we have to order them in feb so im trying to get my butt in gear. Im here for any support if you need it. Ill add you as a friend right now :)
  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    Hey Brit, good nutrition, exercise and consistency will get you to where you want to be. You can do it!
  • missshadyshea
    missshadyshea Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Brittany, we're in the same boat. I'm also trying to lose weight for a wedding next year. I'll definitely add you as a friend. :)
  • xtanyx
    xtanyx Posts: 53
    My goodness! i was not expecting so many replies! Thanks guys! I can see how important having that extra support can really help!