Don't you hate when you hit that eff-you weight?

It's so reassuring to lose weight quickly at first then it steadily slows down and you're lucky if you lost a pound a month, that's what it seems like for me anyway. I feel like if I just stopped eating now I would lose 1 pound by christmas lol. It's just frustrating. I have had the same deficit of 500 calories or more per day for at least two weeks, should have lost 2lbs right? Nope. I admit, maybe two days I had 1500 calories, but the rest were 1200, or 1000. No I wasn't aiming for 1000 those days, it just so happened to stop at that.


  • jweidner33
    jweidner33 Posts: 83 Member
    I always tell myself, It took me 35 years to get fat.. It is going to take time to fix it. Be patient, Stick with it and work out harder. You will get to your goal.
  • RangerSteve
    You're probably not in a 500 calorie deficit. You're probably more around 250 or so if you're losing the amount of weight you're saying you're losing. In terms of general health it's probably better this way as your metabolism and muscle won't take a hit from fast weight loss. Is there a rush? With modern medicine, you have another solid 80+ years to live so take it slow.

    You could also try lifting weights if you're not doing so already. That'll get the metabolism going.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Yes. I DO hate that. Your body never plateaus going UP -- even when you are eating less and less, but it happily comes to a screeching halt going DOWN and FIGHTS you to keep unhealthy fat hanging all over the place -- and killing you. It's ENRAGING. However, instead of having such profoundly low calorie counts, I would actually suggest taking a turn at raising them for a little while. If your body is fighting you, try maintenance for a (LITTLE!!) while, and then re-start. I don't mean to stop exercising or watching what you eat. I'd just suggest raising your calories for a while. Convince your body that you don't intend to starve it. It might cooperate, better, after that. Also, you might, as someone else suggested, want to aim for a slower rate of loss.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I think I will try and bring my calories up again. They aren't low intentionally at this point. I recently got on a new medication which has reduced my appetite. I'll try and stay up around 1300-1400 like I was before and see if that has any difference and continue with my working out.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    mfp says my bmr is 1396