Put on weight

magitha_71 Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I know it hasn't been long at all yet, but I've been going to the gym everyday for the last week, exercising my butt off, eating right and paying attention to everything that goes in my face. I track fat, calories, sodium, cholesterol, you name it I track it. So tell me, how is it that I put on 3lbs in a week, Had I known that this was going to happen I would've eaten that chocolate cake the other night that I wanted so badly. Somebody just please tell me, is this normal to put on weight?


  • I know it hasn't been long at all yet, but I've been going to the gym everyday for the last week, exercising my butt off, eating right and paying attention to everything that goes in my face. I track fat, calories, sodium, cholesterol, you name it I track it. So tell me, how is it that I put on 3lbs in a week, Had I known that this was going to happen I would've eaten that chocolate cake the other night that I wanted so badly. Somebody just please tell me, is this normal to put on weight?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I am struggling with the exact same thing right now, I did everything right for the 1st month and lost 10lbs (I think this was partly due to a scale change mid-month). Then the second month and a half, I have GAINED 2.8lbs. I'm not sure how this happened.

    I have made an appointment with my doctor, and I plan on bringing my MFP info to show him that I've been doing everything by the book and no results.

    Give it time, if you still don't see weight dropping then something else could be wrong. Also - remember not to give up just because the scale won't budge. Our ultimate goal is to be HEALTHY, and you can do that without dropping poundage. :flowerforyou:
  • totally normal, you're probably putting on muscle... heck it could even be water retention. It's totally normal to put on weight when you start working out and such. Dont get discouraged. It also depends on what your diet was like before.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I agree with the water retention - but if you put on 3lbs of muscle in a week, then you would be the virgin mary of muscle building. Our MFP fitness trainer gurus would be able to explain better, but gaining 3lbs of muscle in MONTHS would be extraordinary, and thats if you were serious about weight training. :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am guessing. But I agree with the diet change myself. Depends on how you ate before..I have been eating 900 calories a day or so for a long time and all at once.....I am expecting this first week to be a gain, because my body is gonna store every calorie I put in it, until it figures out that I am gonna feed it all day so no worries......

    I would hang in there and do what you have been doing.....

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I agree with the water retention - but if you put on 3lbs of muscle in a week, then you would be the virgin mary of muscle building. Our MFP fitness trainer gurus would be able to explain better, but gaining 3lbs of muscle in MONTHS would be extraordinary, and thats if you were serious about weight training. :flowerforyou:

    This is true, it does take a very long time for women to build muscle. However... If you just started weight training, your muscles get temporarily bulky from added fluid retention. Working out requires more blood flow to your muscles and it can take a couple of weeks for your body to readjust to the regular activity.

    Two other questions I would ask: 1) How are you doing on your water intake? Although 8 cups a day is the general recommendation, those that work out require more. If you're not compensating for your water loss from exercise on top of your 8 cups per day, you could be retaining water. 2) When are you weighing yourself? You should only step on the scale when you first wake up in the morning, after you use the bathroom and before you eat or drink. Try to only wear light clothing or nothing at all and keep it consistent. Everything you put in your body after your day starts will affect your weight for the rest of the day.

    Don't get discouraged. It can take some people 2-3 weeks to start seeing results because your body doesn't know what's going on yet! And remember to take your measurements, because you may lose inches without losing pounds for a while.

    Good luck and you can do this!
  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    i have been at 139 now for almost 4 weeks.......not...one...friggin pound has come off!!!!....i was a 900 calories or so a day too...usually just a dinner binge...no breakfast or lunch.....REALLY BAD!! but in these last 4 weeks......i've been doing everything perfect......i wouldn't pay attention to the scale right now if i were you......4 weeks after i started...i have not lost a single pound but i just roll my eyes now like, "gee 139.....shocking:grumble: " and not worry about it.....BUT! i have lost 3-4 inches already!!!!!!....most likey more if i addi it up from all my measurements....

    don't give up.....inches r funner to lose.... u'll get there....:flowerforyou:
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