

  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Not sure I'll make 3500 as I'm burning about 450 per day. I do a 5k run one day and a Jillian DVD the next. I try to do something everyday. On the weekend I like to do a 10k cycle as well and a few lengths at the pool to up my burn. I might have to count walking and housework to make 3500!!! I'm in Christchurch NZ by the way
  • branflake5
    i'll try it, feeling extra energetic this week
  • miz_ppyn
    miz_ppyn Posts: 118 Member
    3048 burnt so far :wink:
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    2847 now done :)
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    at 1916 so far...need to up my game tomorrow
  • awil85
    awil85 Posts: 4 Member
    can we start next week??? Im so upset that I just seen this.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    We can definatley do it nxt week as well for any1 wanting to join.

    So did 747 today so I'm on 3373 so 127 left!! So happy I've almost done it!! :-) might see if I can make 4000!!
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 2188 now. Need to have a busy weekend!!! Am currently drinking my 3rd (and last) vod and sod.
  • xtinamarie22
    k im in 2 ! any ideas on how to burn this many calories tho lol
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    3360 now burned :)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I won't be able to complete it this week, but I'm in for trying again next week. Planning on doing a couple long bike rides next week that should burn about 800 calories each. :)
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    at 2463 not sure if i will make it to 3500 or not but im going to give it a shot if not i will push harder next week
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    I need to burn 730ish cal tomorrow to get to the target of 3500. I'm planning a 35min cycle (10k) 20min run (3k) and then a 10 min swim 200-300m. I'm training for a triathlon so this is my normal sunday blitz and it takes me over by about 30cals. Bonus!!!!!
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    3890 burned so met the challenge, im going to aim for 4000 by the end of the week
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    So close everyone!! 1 more day left :)

    Congratz Caroline! I'm with you Hun! Did another 720 today!! So I'm at 4093 got a 2hr wlk planned with a friend tommorrow morning then I'm gonna hit up the wii EA active again & see if I can make 5000! Will b super excited if I can!
    We will all hav to make this a weekly thing!! :-)
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    3556!!! Very pleased as I didn't think I would make it too 3500. I went for a cycle and run this morning and we will take the kids swimming in a few hours and I will go and do 10 or so laps to make up the last of my cals burned. Great challenge I'm up for it next week.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Well done Hun!!

    Welling done another 1156 today! 2hr walk, 30 min on EA active for wii game & 30 min cleaning! It's only midday here so I'm sure I'll do more so that makes me 5249! So proud of myself! Let's see if we can do another 3500 nxt week! :-)
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Anyone with me this week again??

    im going to set a goal of 5000 this week, seeing as i got to that last week! :-)
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Just off for a cycle!! I'll go 15k tonight if it doesn't get too dark too quick. Should be over 500 cals to start me off.
  • lisakatelaunspach
    Its monday morning so I'm starting today :D sounds like fun !! X