You have got to be kidding me...



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Probably you've hit a plateau... or you are just full of water right now.... try weighting again later

    fed up with gym? take it easier and eat less accordingly, at least for a few days....or change activity!!

    if you get bored, you will quit and that's not good!

    don't worry, you wont be losing 2 pounds... you will eventually speed up FOR SURE

    I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure a plateau is when the scale doesn't move. And to the last sentence...:huh:
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    Two pounds is a lot! I do not understand why it's a problem.

    You should never expect to lose more than that in one week. Weight loss is a slow steady process. You have to set your sights on months from now, not next week's weigh in or you'll totally psych yourself out. What would you have felt like if you had lost nothing? That happens to everyone at some point or other. I am in my third plateau since June at the moment. My sights are set on next Aug when I am planning to meet my goal weight.

    I agree with this! Slow and steady wins the weight loss race!
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Eat more protein, less processed carbs (sugar, boxed know) Protein helps with the muscle your building and also burns fat. So, try that and remember measure! get a piece of rope if you don't have a measuring tape (flexible kind--I know you have the regular cuz of your job LOL) but get the rope and mark with a marker your waist .hips..chest..biceps..forearms..calves..thighs..and compare the mark once a week. You may be losing inches and the lbs catch up later.

    do not give up..a loss is a loss!!!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Probably you've hit a plateau... or you are just full of water right now.... try weighting again later

    fed up with gym? take it easier and eat less accordingly, at least for a few days....or change activity!!

    if you get bored, you will quit and that's not good!

    don't worry, you wont be losing 2 pounds... you will eventually speed up FOR SURE

    :huh: If losing 2 lbs is a plateau then I wish I was in a plateau
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I am a bit disgusted as I weighed in this morning. 2 pounds is not a number I shoot for.... I kill my self in the gym and my shirts are always dripping with sweat. I eat right always less then it says I should. I burn 1400 cal or so at the gym 4-5 days a week. I am a carpenter so I am on my feet all day lifting bending ect. I am 293 pounds I should be able to pull a bigger number then 2.

    Can't say I feel much like going to the gym I would rather go back to bed.

    Sorry buddy no sympathy from lost 2 pounds you are on track and the gym, to be honest your sweating because you are so big and your doing the right thing! Please come closer and let me smack you upside your head and get you back to your senses! Keep working on it it will come off! (Stop *****ing, the women here hate that then they talk about you on the private pages, I know I had to ask for my balls back a couple of times!)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I should be able to pull a bigger number then 2.

    This isn't the Biggest Loser. In real life, two pounds is realistic.
  • Xtina_Beba
    I am a bit disgusted as I weighed in this morning. 2 pounds is not a number I shoot for.... I kill my self in the gym and my shirts are always dripping with sweat. I eat right always less then it says I should. I burn 1400 cal or so at the gym 4-5 days a week. I am a carpenter so I am on my feet all day lifting bending ect. I am 293 pounds I should be able to pull a bigger number then 2.

    Can't say I feel much like going to the gym I would rather go back to bed.

    2 pounds is great!!

    but where you say you eat less than it says? not good... if you are active through the day and work out a lot you need to be fueling your body properly, or the weight loss will stop!

    It's true...2 lbs a week is the maximum norm for weight loss. When you don't eat properly and enough your body goes into automatic panic and starts to store fat and you also begin to plateau. You should definitively try eating the "Minimum" calorie intake 1200-1500.
  • JennedyJLD
    JennedyJLD Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Jake!

    We all have weeks where the numbers on the scale just don't seem to match the effort we're putting out in the kitchen and gym. It sounds like you're doing a *lot* of working out which is wonderful, and one thing to keep in mind as you do all that hard work in the gym is you're likely building muscle mass. Have you tried using other units of measurement other than weight to track your success? I bet if you measure your chest, waist, hips, biceps, thighs, neck, etc. once every month or so, you'll be able to see hard core proof that even if you're not dropping as many pounds as you'd hoped, you're definitely losing inches, indicating you're trading fat mass for muscle mass.

    A few people upthread have suggested eating more protein. I second that advice. Also, try to limit the amount of sodium you're taking in. That's been a major breakthrough for me - by shooting for 3,000 potassium every day (hard to do!) and less than 2,000 sodium (even harder!) I naturally eat better foods. Processed foods have an ungodly amount of sodium, which is a recipe for retaining water weight that you'd otherwise be losing through all the sweating you're doing.

    Don't lose your motivation, though, this will DEFINITELY pay off and you'll be so happy you stuck with it!
  • mssygayle
    mssygayle Posts: 21 Member
    in order to lose fuel your engine three meals and at least three snacke 1-2 after each meal and exercise you should definitely start losing again cause your body will burnthose stored fats first