Does anyone feel like they aren't losing weight quickly enou



  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I average 6.75 lbs a month. Some months I throw a 10 lb loss and I am like w00t. Then there are months like August where i am doing most things right and throw a 2 lb loss. You just keep going. Every day i am closer to where i want to be :)
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I would be happy with 18lbs in 2 1/2 months. I have lost 15lbs and been doing this since the start of July. It isnt about the speed with whcih you loose the weight though it is about gettign there and keeping it off when you reach your goal so i figure the slower i am shifting it the better it will be.

    i see your point but the issue is when people who know i'm trying to lose weight ask how much i've lost and then ask again a few weeks later and its hardly changed.. i don't like it :(
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I've lost around 6 lbs those past 2 months, 44 since August 2010.
    I initially wanted to lose weight because I was looking forward to a beach holiday this summer, together with 7 slim persons. I didn't want to look like a beached whale next to them.
    I didn't change a lot, mainly reduced food intake. I guess I could have lost a lot more if I changed to healthier choices and really watched my calories, but I still wanted to live life with all its wonderful moments.
    As I notice so many changes due to this weight loss, I am really motivated to continue. I have another 45 lbs to lose until I'm in the normal BMI range and have some kind of goal weight. Though this number isn't really than important to me anymore since I am working out with a personal trainer. I've lost so much more than those 44 lbs (inches and clothing sizes..), and I gained so much more (confidence, strength...). I'm not really sure I still want to have that number on the scale. Maybe I stick with looks and feelings ...

  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    I've been 180 for over a week now and it's got me thoroughly annoyed!! I wanna be in the 170's!

    My body isn't helping me out and I'm trying to help it! Even 1 a week would be quick enough but it's not happening!

    Phew rant over :explode: :happy:
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    I would be happy with 18lbs in 2 1/2 months. I have lost 15lbs and been doing this since the start of July. It isnt about the speed with whcih you loose the weight though it is about gettign there and keeping it off when you reach your goal so i figure the slower i am shifting it the better it will be.

    i see your point but the issue is when people who know i'm trying to lose weight ask how much i've lost and then ask again a few weeks later and its hardly changed.. i don't like it :(

    Do you do your measurements as well? If you want something extra to say you could add that. One thing I can tell you is that when my weight loss was slower I did actually drop a clothes size, which I'd been dying to do for ages!
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    Everyone feels that they don't lose weight fast enough but if you are doing it right and healthy then it takes time to get the weight off and keep it off. Yes there are many diets that can let you lose up to 20 pounds in two weeks but those don't work, I know I have done them, yes the weight comes off but then you gain it right back because you haven't changed how you really look at yourself or what you eat.
    Don't worry it will happen slowly but it will happen.
    just keep your spirits up :flowerforyou:
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    I would be happy with 18lbs in 2 1/2 months. I have lost 15lbs and been doing this since the start of July. It isnt about the speed with whcih you loose the weight though it is about gettign there and keeping it off when you reach your goal so i figure the slower i am shifting it the better it will be.

    i see your point but the issue is when people who know i'm trying to lose weight ask how much i've lost and then ask again a few weeks later and its hardly changed.. i don't like it :(

    Its no-one else's business but yours how much you've lost. I know people are being nice when they ask this but it does get on my nerves too. I just smile and say "oh you know, slow but sure wins the race". Everyone expects us to be able to lose 5 stone in 3 weeks but it doesn't work like that. Its a long, arduous journey but you see the results all the way along. Don't look at where you want to end up. That can seem like too much of a mountain to climb. I set myself a goal of 7lbs at a time.

    I remember when I had hit 5 stone lost and I was so pleased. I told a friend and she said "how long has that taken you?" It took the wind right out if my sails. I just said "that's not important. I've done it that's what matters" and she agreed.
  • zionec
    zionec Posts: 2
    Thanks guys this has helped me alot, have been on MFP for over 2 weeks and scale wasnt moving. I started getting demotivated but i will stick with this until I lose the 20 pounds that i want.
  • zionec
    zionec Posts: 2
    Thanks guys this has helped me alot, have been on MFP for over 2 weeks and scale wasnt moving. I started getting demotivated but i will stick with this until I lose the 20 pounds that i want.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I've lost 18 pounds in approxiamtely 2 and a half months, whereas others I know have lost that much in a much shorter period of time.. I don't feel as though I've changed that much and really I just want a boost so I feel sexy again.

    I used to be full of confidence when I was slimmer then since I've put on weight I've lost my confidence and I'm worried it will never return, really what I want to know is why everyone is doing this weightloss.. and how much they've lost in the last 2 months.


    (and feel free to add me)

    Thats like a 1/4 lbs a day! that is amazing.....keep in mind that other who have large weight loss could be farther from their natural weight than you. I have slowed down a lot as well, but if we keep at it then it will keep coming off :)

    Best of luck to you :)
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I've lost 7lbs since Sept.15...I was hoping it would be a bit quicker but I have come to realize it took me 10 years to put the weight on, and I am in this for life sooo....I can be a little more patient with myself and this process. I think you are doing terrific, I truly believe slow and steady wins the race! :wink:
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    right! thanks everyone for your help.. i will keep winning this fight and i won't let the pace put me off.. it may take a while but i can't wait until i've got a holiday booked and i know i can step out on that beach and catch an eye or two :)

    motivation = back baby :D
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    right! thanks everyone for your help.. i will keep winning this fight and i won't let the pace put me off.. it may take a while but i can't wait until i've got a holiday booked and i know i can step out on that beach and catch an eye or two :)

    motivation = back baby :D

    Woohoo. That's the spirit. Keep on keeping on because the only alternative is to go back and you don't want that.

    I know how frustrating it is. I've been up and down the same half stone for over a year but I'm never going back to where I was so its head down and on we go :flowerforyou: