"Obsessed" with working out?

Anyone get up super early to go workout? I'm a teacher, and I'm at work by 7. It takes me 36 minutes to drive to work. 45 min to shower/get ready. So even with showering at the gym, I'd have to be up at 4:30 or 4:45 to get a good workout in. Is this nuts? Does anyone else get up this early? I want to start doing this on days I can't go in the evening, but someone recently made a comment to me that I was "obsessed" with working out. Does this make me nuts?


  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Doesn't make you nuts at all. We all work it in when we can. I get up at 5 to hit the gym for an hour before work. Some of my friends don't get it either. I'm really hard-core or something. I'm not, I'm just committed to working out and that's the only time I can squeeze it in. If you went after work, you'd be "normal". A lot of people just don't understand how we can get up early to work out.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Thank you! It just really hurt my feelings, because it was my mom that said that :/ Got me second-guessing myself.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Nuts, no I would say driven or dedicated toward your goal. Well done!
  • LittleFootHafner
    In my opinion, anything that is healthy for you can only be a "good" obsession! Besides, I personally feel that I will eventually lose my motivation to go to the gym so often (especially with the winter coming!), so why not stay commited while I feel like it?!?

    And to answer your question, I do not have the energy to go to the gym in the mornings, as I at already up at 5:00am, leave for work at 5:30, and start work at 6:00am...

    Good Luck to you! ;)
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    This does not make you obsessed or nuts. It makes you committed to your new healthly life syle. I thought about getting up early to work out but I am already up at 4:45 am.
  • worldgirl28
    I was just watching The Biggest Loser and there was a challenge where each team could only workout within a specific time frame. I believe it was 4 a - 6 a, 12 p - 2 p, and 8 p - 10 p (something similar to that). All of the trainers said that working out is a part of your life and you shouldn't have any excuses for not getting it done. If early morning workouts are what fits your schedule then more power to you! If i had the strength of will to get myself out of bed that early, I'd be at the gym at 4:30 a.m. everyday. Just need to fight that alarm lol
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    It is someone that envies your dedication. Go with what works for you and ignore those that don't get their workouts in regularly and want to complain about it.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    It is someone that envies your dedication. Go with what works for you and ignore those that don't get their workouts in regularly and want to complain about it.
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    Nope! ive wanted to get up at 4 am for a while to get my workout in...but my mum said that im crazy. Well im not, and neither are you. Youre just dedicated and youre good at managing your time!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Anyone get up super early to go workout? I'm a teacher, and I'm at work by 7. It takes me 36 minutes to drive to work. 45 min to shower/get ready. So even with showering at the gym, I'd have to be up at 4:30 or 4:45 to get a good workout in. Is this nuts? Does anyone else get up this early? I want to start doing this on days I can't go in the evening, but someone recently made a comment to me that I was "obsessed" with working out. Does this make me nuts?

    who cares what anyone else thinks? if u wanna do it like that, then do it like that!
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I have learned that the word obsessed is actually dedication and the people who are not working out and eating right will call it obsession where we call dedication! I actually had my mom say the same thing to me and I do think a lot of it can be the big green jealous monster!
  • afigueroa_pr
    Obsessed? I don't think so!
    I get up at 5:30 am have a quick bite to eat, get my daughter ready for day care. Leave the house at 6 am, get to the gym at 6:30 am work out till 7:30 and go to work at 8 am.
    If that makes me obsessed so be it!

    Shedding pounds like crazy!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    I also get up at 5 and go to the gym before work. Ive noticed that I can actually shower and get ready quicker at the gym than I can at home. :smile: I used to go in the evenings but that is time taken away from my family, so when I go in the mornings they are all usually still asleep. It works out better for me. No, Im not a morning person...I never have been but Ive decided that this is something that I need to do for me....and Im loving it. I feel so much better! When I get to work now im not sleepy or tired, im alert, awake and ready to go! :bigsmile:

    You do what you gotta do girl! Dont let anyone discourage you. Maybe you will even inspire others around you.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    No, it definitely doesn't make you obsessed... it means you're committed and determined. There's a big difference.

    I do agree with what someone said earlier about it being hard to stay motivated to go to the gym that early during the winter, so what if you went to the gym in the evenings when you can, but got a really good workout video to do at home on days you need to work out in the mornings? That would at least cut some travel time off for you so maybe you could sleep a little bit extra. Just a thought. :)
  • barbbeekman
    barbbeekman Posts: 20 Member
    You have to do what you have to do. It takes me 55 minutes to get to work and if I want to get a good workout I have to be up by 445 - 5 am also. Then get walk in a breaks and possibly get a little in the evening. I have slacked some lately and was more dedicated before I had a child, who is now 3 :-)

    I agree you are just DEDICATED!!
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    No way at all obsessed! Sometimes the people closest to us can be the BIGGEST sabotagers! I trained for a full marathon, waking up at 0430 and finishing by 0530-0600, 6 days a week. It was the only time to fit it in. I've learned to be selective in sharing your goals/lifestyle with people who are treat you that way. Great work and keep it up!
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 170
    You're not nuts!! It's just good planning in my opinion. I used to start my workouts at 4:30am so I could fit it in before work especially on days when I couldn't in the evening. If you're able to wake up that early, I say do it.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Anyone get up super early to go workout? I'm a teacher, and I'm at work by 7. It takes me 36 minutes to drive to work. 45 min to shower/get ready. So even with showering at the gym, I'd have to be up at 4:30 or 4:45 to get a good workout in. Is this nuts? Does anyone else get up this early? I want to start doing this on days I can't go in the evening, but someone recently made a comment to me that I was "obsessed" with working out. Does this make me nuts?
    Absolutely not..I'm up almost every morning at 4:15 to head to the gym to workout before I got to work (incidentally, there are a number of teachers in the 'morning group' at my gym who have been on that schedule for years).

    Whatever works for you is best...and its certainly not obsessive! Another huge benefit to going to the gym in the mornings is fewer crowds = no waiting time to use equipment, and there is zero 'pickup scene' going on, Plus, it sure feels nice to be done with your workout by the time most people are still rolling over and hitting the snooze button!

    Good luck to you!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    No way! I love my exercise. And I was an exercise hater before. The rush it gives you and how it makes you feel in general is wonderful. If that's the best time for you to fit it in, I say go for it! Ugh, mothers are great, but sometimes they don't think before they speak! My mom is a wonderful person, but sometimes she says things that upset me too and she doesn't realize it.

    You are doing awesome!
  • Meggo3
    Meggo3 Posts: 3 Member
    Haha this sounds just like me! The people that work at my gym were even like, why are we not surprised you are here everyday. Some days I go twice. =] You're not crazy. And I honestly think "obsession" is just wanting it bad enough. I'm training for a half marathon so I like to do two a day workouts when I can and I don't think that I am a looney toon or anything. People joke around with me about being obsessed with it. But honestly it's because of that "weird obsession" that I am finally starting to get the body I want and I'm becoming stronger.

    So you go girl. =] Show them what your made of, you're not crazy or obsessed. You're just dedicated!