Just a little bit about me

My name is Jody and I am new to this website. I have been keep a log of my food now fo about 2 weeks and I am dumbfound as to how much I eat. I am not surprised that I am over weight.

I have been struggling with my weight long before I had any really weight issues. When I was thin I just thought I was fat. How I am 115 pound over weight and on a doctor recommended diet.

I am getting a handle on the food issue. It's the exercising I could use some help with. Exercise is really a "four Letter" word to me. Any ideas as to get motivated to exercise.

I would love some insight.


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  • Phoenix69
    Phoenix69 Posts: 34 Member
    My name is Jody and I am new to this website. I have been keep a log of my food now fo about 2 weeks and I am dumbfound as to how much I eat. I am not surprised that I am over weight.

    I have been struggling with my weight long before I had any really weight issues. When I was thin I just thought I was fat. How I am 115 pound over weight and on a doctor recommended diet.

    I am getting a handle on the food issue. It's the exercising I could use some help with. Exercise is really a "four Letter" word to me. Any ideas as to get motivated to exercise.

    I would love some insight.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free
  • rosered51
    rosered51 Posts: 189
    Welcome to the community. The first step is the hardest. I recommend
    #1) you do something you like
    #2) find a workout buddy or buddies who can help keep you motivated
    #3) keep it interesting (vary your routine) - you can become bored with exercise also
    #4) remember to start with small goals
    #5) have your family be your cheerleaders (their encouragement is priceless)

    Remember, should you need a boost...the members here are always willing to give a helping hand! Good luck!
  • MattySparky
    I hate excercising! But I do it because I've been sick and tired of feeling unhealthy and overweight for the past 5 years. I do it for me and I do it for my wife and daughter because they deserve to have a husband and a daddy for as long as they're around. Being overweight leads to many other health problems as Im sure you've been told. If you're serious and you're pissed off at being overweight like I am then you can do it. I run for 25 minutes a night (I worked up to this so dont stress) and I do ab crunches and push ups as well. I also added some weight training this past week to build some lean muscle (muscle burns fat!!). You just need to decide how serious you are and go for it, and you came to the right place. You really need to be honest when you enter your food in and if you're not sure how much get a food scale (cheap at Canadian Tire or Walmart, etc...) and some measuring cups and be HONEST. Cheating on entering your food only cheats you in the end. I think you can do it, because I can do it.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    "Cheating on entering your food only cheats you in the end."
    "Cheating on entering your food only cheats you in the end."
    "Cheating on entering your food only cheats you in the end."
    "Cheating on entering your food only cheats you in the end."

    Ya I thought that was an important enough statement to repeat a few times. :wink:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Welcome! I've been on here just over a week and I know it's not difficult to see how I gained too much weight, even the "healthy" stuff adds up quick! :laugh: I too thought I was fat when I wasn't so I agree that it makes it even tougher, but this place is so motivational. I have really gotten into trying to be creative with recipes so I don't always feel like I'm watching what I eat, just modifying the recipes. I also recomment Hungrygirl.com - great place for more motivation. Good luck!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love it here, I do. I just wanted to tell you good luck with your weigth loss journey. You can do this. I don't really think about the exercise, I just do it. It is almost like it is second nature. I have an stationary bike and I put music on and get on it and just ride, yesterday I rode it for 60 minutes before I even knew it.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I know alot of the other members run, jog, and join gyms and sweat to death while they exercise, but, that's not what I do.
    I'm like you, I also hate exercise! So, what I do is take walks (when the weather cooperates, which it ISN'T these days, here in the sticks of NH!) and also dance to a CD my husband made for me of all my favorite fast "oldies" songs, such as: Footloose, Love Shack, Gloria, Wild, Wild West, Mony, Mony, etc.
    It's free, fun, and isn't dependent on the weather. Plus, I watch tv at the same time too, so I'm never bored!
    Maybe if you're doing something fun like that for exercise, you won't hate it so much! :smile: