How much do you lift in Bodypump?

I did Bodypump today and the instructor seemed well impressed with my weights, especially on the squat track! I often look around and notice i'm lifting quite a bit more than other women, considering i'm only about 5ft!

Just wondered what other people lift? i've put mine down below, it'll be interesting to see what responses i get!

Squats- 18kg
Chest- 14kg
Back- 12-14kg
Triceps- 10kg
Biceps- 7kg
Lunges- 7kg (hurts my knees!)
Shoulders- 2 1/2 with DB and 7kg on the bar.
Abs- use a 5kg weight.


  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    You know it must be short people that do OK with the heavy weights because we're closer to the ground!! Mine are very similar Squats 40lbs+ bar
    Chest 30lbs + bar
    Back 30lbs + bar
    Tri's 25+ bar
    Bi's 25+ bar (and this about kills me)
    Lunges 30lbs + bar
    Shoulders 6 w/dumbbells and 15+bar
    Abs - I usually just grab the 7.5lb plate
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Wish i could figure out lbs to kg's!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member

    Only done bodypump a couple of times, still getting used to the way it works before I add on to much, but every time I put on a bit more, my 4th time today, I also went yesterday morning. Love it, slowly getting used to what to do... Give me a month and I will double these weights.

    Also using weights in the gym... Very new but loving it... I get confused as to when to add and take away

    Squats- 15kg
    Chest- 10kg
    Back- 10kg
    Triceps- 10kg
    Biceps- 5kg
    Lunges- 15kg
    Skull crushers - 5kg on the bar.
    Abs- use a 5kg weight.

    Think I have that right, but very new so still getting used to the way it works xx

    Any tips??? xxxxxxxxxx I think in a months time I will be lifting so much more in the gym... xxx
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Wish i could figure out lbs to kg's!

    Anything I dont know I google or youtube.. LOL xx
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    I have only done bodybpump once...but I am going tomorrow with a coworker that I promised I would go with...the first time I had 5 lbs on each side of the dumbell(totaling 4.5 kg) never adjusting it since it was my first time...tomorrow I think I will alternate 5-8 lbs on each side...and thats it...depending on the focus!!!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Wish i could figure out lbs to kg's!

    kgs to lbs..multipy by 2.2!!!
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I recently stopped taking BodyPump and started the New Rules of Lifting for Women program. But when I stopped Body Pump, I was using:

    Squats: 25kg (4 large & 2 medium)
    Chest: 15 kg (2 large & 2 medium)
    Back: 15 kg (2 large & 2 medium)
    Triceps: 14 kg (2 large & 4 small)
    Biceps: 12 kg (2 large & 2 small)
    Lunges: 15kg (2 large & 2 medium)
    Shoulders: 7kg on bar (2 medium & 2 small) or a pair of 7 pound DBs
    Abs - when used, 5kg (1 large)
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I find this so interesting!!!

    I'd say the main tip for any bodypumper is to make sure technique is spot on especially if you increase weights. I'm very aware of technique and often look at others and think 'oh no!'
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I'd say the main tip for any bodypumper is to make sure technique is spot on especially if you increase weights.

    I agree - but not just for BodyPump! Form/technique in ANY weight training program is THE most important thing! :smile:
  • madisonsteelex
    Wish i could figure out lbs to kg's!
    2.2 lbs=1 kg
  • dropofhope
    Wish i could figure out lbs to kg's!
    2.2 lbs=1 kg

    You look AMAZING! Congratulations!!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    we do pounds (the weight of the bar is negligible so I don't include it):

    warm up: 25
    Squat: 60
    glutes/back/hamis: 35
    Chest: 30
    Tris: 25
    Bi: 25
    Lunges: 30 - 40
    shoulders: 7.5 free weights and just upped to 25 bar
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Before I got pregnant for the second time I was doing:

    Warmup: 20
    Squats: 40
    Back track: 40
    Chest: 20 ( i had done too much one time and injured myself so I took it slow)
    Tris: 20
    Bi: 10 (could never get higher, sometimes 15)
    Lunges: 20 - hate lunges
    Shoulders: 20

    I'm back to taking it slow since i've been out over a year from pregnancy. I still love it!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I realise I am dragging up an old thread but... I am totally blown away by the weights the ladies are lifting during pump! None of the ladies in my class lift anywhere near that and in fact for the warm up we are not allowed more than 10kg total on the bar (5 each side!)

    this is what I lift and although I know its not heavy heavy its pushing me. These are totals not each side of the bar.

    Squats - 15kg
    warm up, Chest, biceps and triceps - 7.5kg
    back - 10kg although i want to up this to 12.5
    Lunges 12.5kg
    shoulders 2.5kg hand weight for each hand lol and 7.5kg on bar
    Abs we dont use dics for at the moment but when we do I use a 5kg
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Mmmm, interesting!

    Squats - been at 20kg for a while, I should try to up that a bit.
    Chest and back - 10 kg
    Biceps and triceps - I struggle with these. so usually around warm-up weight of 7.5 kg
  • msgill40
    msgill40 Posts: 5 Member
    I love Body Pump......done it since it was first launched in the UK years ago...not back to pre preganancy weights on all tracks yet, but I don't get to go as often as I once did.....currently lifting:

    Warm up: 10kg
    Squats: 25kg
    Chest: 14kg
    Back: 16kg
    Triceps: 12kg
    Biceps: 10kg
    Lunges: 10kg (my knees are shot!!!)
    Shoulders: 4.5 kg dumbells each side or 10kg bar
    Abs: Use a 5kg weight
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I love Body Pump......done it since it was first launched in the UK years ago...not back to pre preganancy weights on all tracks yet, but I don't get to go as often as I once did.....currently lifting:

    Warm up: 10kg
    Squats: 25kg
    Chest: 14kg
    Back: 16kg
    Triceps: 12kg
    Biceps: 10kg
    Lunges: 10kg (my knees are shot!!!)
    Shoulders: 4.5 kg dumbells each side or 10kg bar
    Abs: Use a 5kg weight

    Is it just a case of keep pushing and steadily increasing my weights? I am aiming for the day when I can do 20kg squats for a whole track and when I can increase triceps and biceps!! I swear I have no tricep muscle - I shake uncontrollably about half way through but I keep going!
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Yeah, just increase as and when you can, don't feel any pressure to increase because of what other people have on their bars. I'd love to go heavier than I can currently but just have to accept that it will only happen slowly :(

    Like you my triceps are VERY VERY weak. I have just increased from 5kg (total!) to 8kg and they shake all the way through. The one thing I will say is that in release 80 you could maybe try increasing tricep weight by as small an increment as possible to see how it feels - because there is very little time spent using the bar in that track so it is a good time to experiment. Mind you, I just can't do the tricep dips so I suppose I *should* be working harder on the bar :)

    I'd love to do 20kg on the squats, I think that is probably my target for now for track 2, don't worry, we will get there - just keep going to pump and perfecting form and it will come!!!
  • lorainekc
    I'm so happy to find other bodypumpers!! Here's what I'm lifting:

    Warm up - 20 lbs
    Squats - 55 lbs
    Chest - 30 lbs
    Back - 25 to 30 lbs (those wide rows KILL me!!)
    Triceps - 25 to 30 lbs
    Biceps - 20 lbs
    Lunges - 20 lbs for as long as I can, then nothing
    Shoulders - 5 lbs plates and 20 lbs on the bar
    Abs - 10 lb plate

    Lunges is the hardest track for me. It sets my shins on fire so sometimes I don't even use any weights at all.

    I'm definitely more concerned with form than moving up in weight, but I will celebrate the day that I can finally clean & press 60 pounds for squats!!
  • ryanherbert
    ryanherbert Posts: 79 Member
    My weights are in kg plus the bar (will try and convert to lbs)

    Warm up: 12.5kg (27.5lb)
    Squats: 35kg (77lb)
    Chest: 22.5kg (50lb)
    Back: 22:5kg (50lb)
    Tris: 12.5kg (27.5lb)
    Bis: 10kg (22lb)
    Lunges: 10kg (22lb, focusing more on range and timing here)
    Shoulders: 12.5kg (27.5lb)