How to Start Running



  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I know people who just started without a program, and are great runners now... For me, though, I do need to follow a program. Running isn't ONLY conditioning your heart, it also can be really hard on your joints, and the rest of your body has to adapt. I've done the C25K before this time, and both times I jumped ahead in the program, and ended up having to quit because of knee injuries. The thing about the program (now that I'm forcing myself to FOLLOW it, and not jump ahead because my heart is in good shape and I CAN run farther than it tells me to), is that it is slower to protect those things.
    So for me, without a program I can say for sure that I'd be giving myself more injuries-- and if you've been running for 4 weeks and get an injury that you have to rest for 2 weeks, well you're pretty much going to have to start over at square one when you're healed, so you've shot yourself in the foot.

    BUT-- those of you who didn't follow a program probably made it to your goals quicker than I am, making myself stay to the program. So people have to just figure out what works for them. :)
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    In case no one has mentioned it, C25K!


    It really does work. I started it in July, finished in September, and I run/jog 5K a few times a week, and I've lost almost 15 pounds.

    Good luck!!!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    Definitely try the Couch to 5K program.

    It's amazing how you can go from barely being able to run for 1 min to running 30 min straight. Good luck!

    ^^ This. I did my own version by running and stopping occasionaly to now i can run almost and hour straight (probably longer) Just remember by trying you are doing better than most people!
  • buster_77
    buster_77 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know if you have any run clubs in your area, but I joined the Running Room "Learn to Run" program. Similar in concept to the C25K program (which I've never done) you start with walking 1 min. then running 1 min., and over 6-8 weeks gradually increase your running time until by the end you are running 10 mins and walking 1 for up to 3 or 4 repetitions, which is usually about enough to finish a 5K run.

    What I loved about the Running Room clinics is that it's a club - you see the same people there, and they look for you which helps motivate you to get there, they are very supportive and you are encouraged to do what works for you. The clinic leaders and sales staff at the store are all experienced runners (most of them are also marathon runners and many of them have a story of starting from zero) and are SO helpful. They teach you proper stretches, footwear, gait, nutrition, attire, injury prevention, etc.

    They have free club runs twice/week so even if you don't want to pay for the clinic you can still take advantage of the group runs and get help from the experienced runners with anything you have questions about.

    I have never been a runner. Last year I completed RR's Learn to Run program and ran a 5K on my 30th birthday - now I run 5K three times/week and have just started the 10K clinic to see if I can do that.

    Good luck with your goal!