
I have started a C25K program last week. So far no problems keeping up.
I want to get input of people who are also on a C25K program. Do you guys use an app or just time yourselves?
Inputs are greatly appreciated.

I use 5K runner on the iPhone.


  • I found the C25K app for my Android last week. I also found a pushup and situp app. For those, you do as many as you can and record it in the app, then you get suggested sets to get you to your goal.

    Now I just need the motivation to start using all three of them. Nice job starting the C25K.
  • riacurtis
    riacurtis Posts: 37 Member
    i used the app. it is so much easier that keeping track myself. loved it!!! I also play pandora radio while running with the app
  • soniak78
    soniak78 Posts: 74 Member
    I started it yesterday - I use Endomondo on the iphone to track it and I listen to the podcast. Is there an iphone app?
  • Just look up C25K on the app store. I believe there are at least 6 of them available.
  • I started this yesterday, I will be repeating day one. I havent been in shape in 12 years or better and just getting through the warm up and first two run/walk intervals left me unable to move. So i just walked on the treadmill. So it may be a good tool. I just hope I can get there. I use it on y android by the way
  • Montco_cancel
    Montco_cancel Posts: 74 Member
    There are a couple things you can do...

    The apps on the phone are very easy to use.

    There are also podcasts you can download that play music to the timing, and switch up when you are supposed to run/walk. I think the guy's name is like Robert Ullrey or something.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    When I completed c25k I did it on a treadmill and I just timed myself...I like the program because I needed a PLAN and it was easy to follow (not easy to do, but the instructions are very clear)...GOOD LUCK and keep it up!
  • There is a great website for a playlist I put onto my MP3 player. It tells you when to walk and when to run with music that I like. www.c25kplaylist.com
  • I used an app on my iPhone called C25K - but when I really was going through it the first time I used the podcasts by Robert Ullrey - they were helpful and it had pretty upbeat music. I'm sure you can google them to find it - but it is also on iTunes. He structured the podcast so it felt like he was running along with you - which was kind of cool.
  • qkiley
    qkiley Posts: 65
    I haven't used the App.

    When I got into the final weeks of C25K, I wanted to carry less stuff with me, so I picked up a HRM. Really helped me to time my workout, as well as pushed me to be better and burn more cals.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I use C25K Pro for Android and I like it. It gives me an added boost when I can see how many weeks/days are filled in, so I get to feel like I've accomplished set goals, rather than just did some running a few times a week. I know it may just be psychological, but I like all the motivation I can get! I use the Buddy Runner app alongside it to keep track of my distance and speed.
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    I just started and will be finishing week 1 tonight. I use a treadmill and the timer on there for now. I'm sending my ipod off to be fixed so I can download the app and use that. It's a whole lot easier with music to distract you. I'm currently using my mp3 player while on the treadmill.
  • I use the C25K app... I love that you can play music while the app is running. I also really like the journal function that keeps track of when you ran/which level you ran. I'd say that it's worth it!
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    I just finished week 4 day 1 last night. I started the first few weeks just timing myself on the treadmill. During week 3 I ended up having to do one of my runs outside and timed myself using the stopwatch on my iPhone. It was WAY more of a pain, since I kept having to check my phone to make sure I was staying on track. That's what finally convinced me to break down and buy the C25K app. It makes it SO much easier to run outside. It is completely possible to do it without the app, but for only three bucks it really makes it dummy-proof, haha!

    I also found a free running app that keeps track of my distance, speed and approx. calories burned, so when I run outside I have some numbers to put back into MFP instead of just guessing. I REALLY like that app too, because left to my own devices, I would revert to slow-motion "running" for the faster sections, haha. The app tells me how fast I'm going, so I know when I need to pick up the pace. Good luck!!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I use C25K Pro for Android and I like it. It gives me an added boost when I can see how many weeks/days are filled in, so I get to feel like I've accomplished set goals, rather than just did some running a few times a week. I know it may just be psychological, but I like all the motivation I can get! I use the Buddy Runner app alongside it to keep track of my distance and speed.
    This is what I use, too, and I love it. I don't use Buddy Runner, but I'll look into it, I do like this Google My Tracks program I've been using-- it maps where I've gone and calculates my high speed, average speed, etc, etc.

    What I love about using the app is that I don't have to check my watch. I don't even read what the workout will consist of-- I just run when the voice tells me to run. I feel like I probably would have gotten a little intimidated and scared when, for instance, I had my first solid 5 minute run. But i didn't know about it ahead of time, I just ran until she said I could walk, then afterwards I saw that I had ran that whole 5 minutes, and it felt great.

    I'm going to have to find a way to use apps to continue my running journey, how ever it goes. LOL Forever.
  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    Im on week two and my second run is today. I dont really want to carry my iphone with me while running, so I usually run a track and then use google maps to figure out how far i have run.
  • NB_Eric
    NB_Eric Posts: 61
    I'm loving C25K ! I'm up to Week 4 Day 1 and personally I run C25K on my iPhone when I jog outside but I also load up "RunKeeper" which tracks your distance, speed, calories burned and time for each km ( you can get it in US or Metric ) . So at the end of my run I know exactly what I did and it even maps it out afterwards on google maps for you so you can see the route you took. The app is free by the way

    If anyone is using it and wants to team up I'd be happy to add you to my RunKeeper circle and motivate each other. Just friend me here and we'll message each other

    Good luck everyone!!